20. Cassandra

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Original Published Date: 31 October 2015



The room grew with fire as the heat began to suffocate me as it danced with the smoke that lingers the room, threatening my whole exsistance. I tried to yell, but it only made it easier for these deadly fumes to enter my lungs. Somehow with in the panic I managed to shriek a little, or loud enough for the Red Sky Pack to hear me. I no longer cared who found me as long as I was found. I scream again and my lungs basically tell me, "I'm giving up" that's not what I want to hear. But the words weren't a lie, I could hear my heartbeat faulter from the arising panic that urges me to move on.

I look around and all I could remember was that night. The night Lydia died, that's when I saw her standing in the fire. "Lydia?" I whisper.

She rushes over to me in perfect condition. "I'm not supposed to be here, but you need my help."

"You're dead." I say. I look at her again, she was wearing that same yellow sun dress she wore the day she died. I look at her again, She looked like she only grew a year or two, a younger delicate version of Nadia.

"Yes, but I reached heaven. I'm here to help you. To clean up my sister's mess." She smiles as she untie the chains.

I feel the chains loosen around my body. "I never meant to forget about you, Lydia, I wish you were still here."

"Oh, Cass, I see everything. You forgot about me for a period of time, but you never forgot my deeds and our friendship, and I'm forever thankful. Tell Grant I said hi." The chains fall off of my body and in a blink of a eye, she was gone and in a better place.

"I'll see you later, Lyd." I whisper hoarsely as the thick smoke invade my important organs.

I hop over the fire that laid in a circle and didn't rise high. In a breath my brain felt clouded and my body fell forward from a anonymous heartless beat of my heart was no longer a sound, and I fell to the ground, on the cold wet grass.


"Smoke." I point west, capturing Alpha Doves attention. Our troop head to the fire, and we can hear a small scream.

I dashed, I ran, and my feet wouldn't let me stop. I was so quick I was at least half a mile ahead of the Alpha and the rest of the pack members. I'd do anything for Cassandra, and that's the truth.

Then the glimpse of something in the woods grab my attention. I take a detour to follow the mysterious figure. Alpha caught up with me. "What did you see?" He asks.

"I dunno, I'm going to go check it out." I tell him.

"Herbert, Danny, follow Calvin, listen to him." Alpha Dove demanded.

We were running until a lively familiar girl in a bright sunny yellow dress made us come to a halt.

"Go back!" She yelled, " Get Cassandra, I must leave." She urged.

"Lydia?" I ask.

"Yes. Go, Cassandra needs you now more than ever, I'll handle my sister." I hesitated for a moment the started running in the opposite direction I came from, with Herbert and Danny right behind me.

I don't know how we managed, but we arrived to the burning cabin before Alpha and the rest. "Cass." I gasp.

She laid helplessly on the ground, this image eating me. Terrible memories flood my mind as I pick her up. She was limp, pale and kind of cold. "Cass, c'mon. Wake up." I pressed my two finger on the side if her neck, and her pulse was so faint, it was barely there. I lay her gently on the ground. I notice a pair of feet in my peripheral, I look up at Alpha Dove.

"Continue, there's no time to waste." I hold her nose and give her mouth to mouth.

When that didn't work I put my fists together and pumped her chest, and it wasn't working. I'd go back and forth between the two of the methods. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I wouldn't stop. Cass has to come back. I know she's still there, she just isn't trying. That's when I felt two and on each of my shoulders and I was being dragged backwards, the opposite direction from Cassandra.

Through the blurry vision of my tears I could see Alpha Dove pick up Cassandra bridal style, except all her limbs fell lousy and limp to her side and her head hung back.

It was real. It is real. Cassandras dead. Cass isn't coming back.

And it's all Jonathons fault.

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