16. Catching Up

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Original Published Date: 16 October 2015



No matter what, Timothy would not speak, he would only laugh and joke, but not a word about Nadia or Cassandra.

"This isn't working," Eugene says. "If he knew something, wouldn't he have spoken?" He asked. He was going to help us yesterday, but he said he was going to meet up with a old friend and that he'll see how things are going tomorrow. Here he is.

"Timothy is a liar. I do blame me though."

"Why? What would you blame yourself for?" He asked.

"Nothing. Its just, I never liked him so when I was angry he was my punching bag. Now we can't get answers from him is because he's a immune to hits, that's why I blame me." I simply shrug my shoulders.

"So you don't want to blame yourself for anything else?" He asked lifting a eyebrow.

"No, I don't thinks so."

"That's peculiar." He whispers.

"I'm going to kill him." A deep voice erupted from behind. I turned around and saw Alpha Dove using a wet towel to wipe the blood off his fists.

"He won't speak." He muttered. "There's only one thing to do-"

"Kill him." I whispered.

"What if I talked to him?" Eugene interfered.

"If I can't make him speak, what makes you think you can?" Alpha growled.

"I don't think, sir, I know. I've had a way of convincing, how else would your daughter date me." Eugene shrugged, and Alpha Dove growled a threatening growl.

Eugene opened the door and the room was mute, well that was until Alpha Dove flipped the switch and the room was audible.

"Lie to them." Eugene said to him.

"Lie? He's a Alpha they'd know I'm lying." Timothy spat.

"Well that Alpha is planning on killing you so what choice do you have. Say you're holding her at in a false floor in the woods." Eugene whispered.

"I'd rather die than to be beaten again." Timothy growled.

"C'mon, you're being selfish. If you die Nadias going to kill me."

"So? Am I supposed to care?" He muttered.

"Please. She loves you."

"Nadia doesn't love me, I'm just a fling to her, she's head over heels for Calvin... I can say this though. She'd let Cassandra go the minute Calvin loves her." Those words were music to my ear, but to think my mat- Cassandra would save the life of a demon.

I heard the echo of a medal door slammed closed then one strike to the face, and Eugene was knocked out. That's what happens when you become a trader.

'I know.' A voice whispers in my head. 'I know you fooled me and I'm not so happy... and when I leave you will be in pain if you aren't gone.' Then she closed the link.


I closed the link that faded from my mind. My wolf howled at the pain. I couldn't get the simple fact that I don't have a mate, and I can't do anything about it.

Let me put it like this. How would you feel if you went over your boyfriend/girlfriend house and he/she was boning someone else. Its not the same scenario, but it's the same heart ache, and it hurts like hell. 

"Are you done?" Nadia asked.

"Done with what?" I growled.

"Ya, know. Moping, about not having a mate?"

"I was never moping." I utter.

"Mhm... right." She smirked. "Where is Eugene, he said he was going to check up on things but he hadn't been here for half a hour."

"Maybe somebody told somebody else that someone was coming, and could find me?" I smile.

"What did you do?" Nadia growled.

"You started it. I'm only doing what needs to be done." I've been using my wolf nails for a moment, scratching at the rope to untie myself.

"Like what?" I yanked at the rope and heard the snap and charged at Nadia. She elbowed in my throat before I could even nip her face with my fist. Then a chorus of shocks and tazz electrified my body. "You really thought it'll be that easy... no, not this time." Everything faded into a unbearable black. Although my eyelids were heavy and closed I was not sleep.


"Something's up." Menus says.

"With?" I ask.

"Jonathon. He's been acting different, and gittery lately."

"Well his mate was kidnapped." I point out.

"Ya, but don't you think he'd be searching non-stop for her?" Balfer says.

"I don't think this is our place to be in." Grant says backing up.

"But Menus has a point." Reynold says. "I would go to the end of the Earth for Debra, but he's waiting on her garners next move." I tell them, and Menus carelessly shrugs.

"Menus would go to the ends of the Earth to find Debra, and he's not her mate."

"Then wassup with Jonathon?" Grant asked.

I growl, "I dunno, but I don't like it."

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