26. Fight

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Original Published Date: 24 November 2015



Calvin and I accidentally went to sleep, not until there was a giant banging on the door.

I quickly got up to answer the door with Calvin right behind me. "Ian? Wassup?" He looked like he was panicked and happy at the same time.

"We got a lead of Jonathon, Timothy, and Eugene. Come with me, both of you." I've been waiting forever and they finally got lead on the guy that tricked me.

Ian led me directly to the computer room, with all the pack hackers work, play, and... hack. "Victoria picked up a feed of Timothy and Eugene going into a donut shop. Then another with Jonathon going into a motel with some girl." My eyes flicked up at his.

"What motel?" I ask innocently.

"Your father told me not to tell you what motel an-and that he'll handle it."

"But my daddy doesn't control me," I say sweetly. I then tripped him on the ground holding his face to the floor. "Now Ian, you have two options. You can tell me and not be punished, or I could find out on my own and you get punished." I smile.

"Motel six, free WiFi, and room fifty-four." Ian tells me.

"Thank you." I then helped him off the floor and started for my room.

"Are you really going after him?" Cav asked.

"Well, duh, I have no choice."

"You do have a choice... you always have a choice."

"Well, Cav, my choices are, find him and kill him. Or let him go and look again."

"The second one."

I glared. "There's only two options, Cav, it's either you're with me or against me."

"I'm obviously with you, but think about it Cass. Those guys have been doing good for three weeks without any lead, then they automatically appear at a donut shop and a motel, it's more like a trap than a victory."

"Cav, I know what I'm doing. Trust me," I grab his hands, "come with me."

He shut his eyes really tight. "I'm going to get in so much trouble." He says before blowing out a deep breath. "Okay."

I go in my closet and Calvin suggest I wear my black leather. "What you'll look hot." He smiles.

"I'm trying to kill someone not be a biker babe."

"What's wrong with being a biker babe? They're hot." I raise a eyebrow at him, and he looks over his should.

"I'm looking at you, not behind you."

"I know you are, I'm gorgeous." He flaunts. I roll my eyes grabbing my white v-neck, shorts.

"Now this is a kick ass outfit." I smile.

There was a loud banging on the door and a angry person yelling my name. Only one name came to my mind, Debra. "Yes Debby." I say sweetly.

"You're going without me?" She pouts.

"Well duh, this is my fight, it has nothing to do with you." I shrug.

"It has nothing to do with Bozo, but it seems to be he's going too."

"He's stronger than you."

"I'm smarter than him."

"He's my boyfriend."

"I'm your best friend."

"That I haven't hung out with in two weeks."

"Well... that's because... it isn't... I'm sorry?" Debby says with a half smile.

"I'm not pinning you to that, you have a ma- you have your life companion. Jonathon took away the feeling I wanted, that one reaction I wish I could only have once in a life time, he took that away from me. I can't let him get away with that. He's won several battles, but I will win the war. This is my fight, let me fight it."

"No. Eugene was your best guy friend and he stabbed you in the back. Right now you're Jonathon, Bozo is Timothy, and I'm Eugene. We together will win this war. I'm not letting you go into combat by yourself. Jonathon has allies, and we're your allies. I'm going whether you like it or not." Deb growled.

"Where's Reynold?" I ask.

"H-he had to go to his other pack house and run a couple errands he'll be there for a couple days."

"So he approves of you going on this mission?"

"N-no, but I don't need his say in everything."

"We leave in a hour." I say.

"Yay! I'll be ready." She then ran down the hall. So I closed the door.

"Two days, Cassandra, I don't think that'll be a smart move." Calvin says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"What if she goes into heat? They've mated, it's very likely."

"Then we'll handle it-"

"How?" I didn't know how.

"I guess we have to cross that bridge if it comes."

"Don't say I didn't try."

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