Chapter Six

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MAY 15 2015 TIME- 7:37 A.M.

Dear diary,

So daddy and I left the hotel around five a.m. He had to carry me out to his car. I fell asleep automatically once we were on the road. I just woke up around five minutes ago. I asked Brett where we were going this time. He answered with basically my dream. We are going to Orlando. To be specific, Disney World.

I am so glad me and him got to know each other better. I feel less tense. I do still feel a little weird, not seeing my friends and all. Not seeing my family either. This is going to be tough. At least Brett isn't some slob. He is very.. clean cut. He always has a suit on and his car is sharp.

I am also a little worried about the law catching us. I am underage, technically Brett could be convicted of pedophilia. That is a very serious charge. That would also probably destroy his father's hard work. It could also destroy my family. It could destroy a lot. We're putting a lot on the line.

"What would happen if the law caught you? I mean, for pedophilia." I asked. "I know too good of lawyers that would make it to where I won't even have to appear in court. I know a lot of the higher title police too. Most of them are my drinking buddies. I also have a lot of blackmail on a lot of cops that could destroy America." he answered sharply as always.

"So you had a lot of this figured out before you became a daddy." I said. "I became a daddy when I was sixteen. I was nothing more than a horny teenager. Then, I started thinking 'Damn that would be a cool bond to have with someone'. That was when I was eighteen, and a little more mature. A couple of months later, I realized I could pull it off, and I did."

"I am not going to be like Christian Grey off of Fifty Shades of Grey either. He basically wanted to own his women. That's bullshit. I only want to care for you, and if you didn't want the rules or schedule you could've said not. You can still say no. I will always give you the choice of no." Brett finished his lecture.

I am just going to sit back in my seat. I am scared I am going to work up a wrong side of Brett. I know he is just probably passionate about being a daddy, but I rather be safe than sorry. I am so bored right now I don't even know what to do. I figure I am just going to read a book on Wattpad.


Dear diary,

We just arrived to the hotel. We do already have our hotel room though. Today was very quiet. Brett and I shared very few words. I think Brett is quite tired.. I will write to you after tomorrow's activities. Goodbye my only friend, diary.

MAY 16 2015 TIME- 8:55 P.M.

Dear diary,

Today was amazing! We went to the princess section and saw a play, watched the princesses hug children, and got our picture taken in front of the huge Disney sign. Brett also bought me chocolates, a stuffed animal that is designed to look like Nemo, and a snow-cone.

We rode a horror roller costar. I even think Brett got a little scared. There were many jump scares. We ate ice cream at a cafe nearby. Then, we went to a movie. The movie was Hotel Transylvania 2. I am in love with children movies. I can't get over how cute they are. After the movie, we went out to eat.

We are now back at the hotel. Brett is in the shower. I am watching Bambi on the huge television in the main room. Tonight, I think Brett and I are going to go ride some fair rides. I do not know for sure yet. He was right when he said he loves to spoil his littles.

Brett is out of the shower. I will write to you after we get back from doing whatever we are doing tonight. Love you, my dearest diary.


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