Chapter 1

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   This is summarizing what happened over her summer and it will be kicking off the week of the movie premiere. Enjoy!!!

     Alyssa's POV

We recently finished shooting the summer blockbuster "dream girl". I personally loved the experience. Me and my co-star Jerry Rain who's a year older than me are good friends, but don't see each other as anything more. Something bad did happen over the summer though. After the week with Donald was up we texted some, but not much. About halfway through the summer there was a few romance scenes between me and Jerry, but we don't like each other like that. Anyways half way through the summer Donald thought I was cheating on him with Jerry and we broke up with a huge yelling fit over the phone. We didn't end up on good terms. Jessie doesn't bother him, but they aren't that great of friends. I love the fame. Not to sound self  entered its just amazing. People know my name. Over the last month of summer I kind of forgot about Donald though. The movie is great tomorrow all the Bella's and Treblemakers fly into Hollywood to see my movie premiere on Friday. On Saturday I will leave with them to go back to college at Barden. I will miss this, but I haven't seen my friends in forever.

That was the most painful thing I've ever typed!!!!

Right now I'm sitting at the airport waiting for all my friends to get here. I spot a big group of people come in and instantly recognize them as the Bella's and Treblemakers. I see them and run up to them and hug Jessie. "Oh my god! I miss you guys so much." I scream. They all turn to me and I get off of Jessie. They all group hug me. Except for one person. I forgot about. Donald. I glare at him after detaching myself from the hug. We head to get their luggage and I talk with them. "Oh my god tell us everything! How was shooting with stars?" They ask. "It was amazing definitely a career I want to go into!" I say "As for the stars, my best FRIEND Jerry Rain, my co-Star he is so sweet and surprisingly so is his girlfriend!" I say cheery.
Emphasizing Friend, and girlfriend. "Ooh, who is he dating?" Clhoe asks. " He's dating this younger singer, umm rayleighn I think her name is." I say.

We head to a rental bus me and Jerry had sent for them. Jerry is driving. "Oh, someone you should meet everyone, this is Jerry Rain." I say chirpy. Everyone greets him except for Donald he hasn't said a word. "Is that the ex-boyfriend?" He asks me quietly. I nod and sit by Becca and Lily unintentionally ending up across from Donald. Everyone knows about what happened, but they know they probably shouldn't talk about it.

   "Oh Alyssa we have a surprise for you too, We got permission from the school to use the quad for a welcome back the rising star Alyssa Swanson party. It's going to be a masquerade!" Chloe says breaking the silence. "Really that's so sweet you didn't have to do that!" I say hugging Clhoe. "You're right we didn't." Donald says grouchily. That's the first thing he said. I get up and sit by far may at the end of the seat.

   We arrive at this very fancy hotel we had rented out a few rooms for the week. Jerry will be staying at his house, but he will hang out sometimes.  "Wow, this is amazing!" Stacie says. "I know I found it when I was wondering around town, after a devastating heartbreak." I say. Becca puts her hand on my shoulder and I check us in. We have four suites two boys rooms and two girl rooms. "After everyone gets settled you can do whatever. I have to go to set to finish up a few things for the premiere, whoever wants to come meet me int he lobby in ten minutes. I put some clothes on my bed deciding on what to wear tomorrow I give up and put my clothes back up. "So, I take it you and Donald still aren't on speaking terms." Becca says. My eyes tear up a little "Nope, he's a jerk." I say. "Yeah, this probably won't help, but he went back to his ways too, not as much, but he still hooks up." She says. I sigh and say I'm going down to the lobby to wait for whoever is coming. After a few minutes Becca, Stacie, Clhoe, Lily, Fat Amy, Jessie, and Unicycle come with me. Bumper graduated and is singing backup on Ed Sheerhans latest album. I've talked to him a few times. Be never flirts and it's really nice just having him as a friend. We all walk outside its only a block or two away so we just walk there.

   Once we arrive I go straight to my mini recording studio. Me and Rayleighn worked together singing some of her songs for the soundtrack for the movie which was awesome. I lead everyone over to it and I go inside getting Becca to work it knowing she's awesome at it. I sing one of my favorite songs from the tracks and she makes it sound amazing!!!  "Nice work!" I say. I head over to where the director is. He is less of s director and more of a dad to me. He just acts like a dad and is super sweet. I go up to him and hug him. "I know the movie will look great. These some of my friends from Barden." I say. "Guys, this is the director, he's like a dad to me. I'm gonna miss him so much when I'm at Barden." I say. They greet him and I show them some of the sets. My favorite is my dorm room because I personally got to decorate it. When we're done we head back to our hotel I tell everyone we should go out to eat and leave them to vote.

    The highest vote ended up being a Mexican restaurant in walking distance. We walked there and ordered. I got a water not being hungry. After we finished I paid because they are my guest. Of course
   When we get back to the hotel I tell everyone that tomorrow we get to go to the mall and get our outfits for the premiere. After a while we all go to sleep about 2 to a bed per room with one on each couch. Me and Becca share a bed and we talk about how much we missed each other. I slowly fall asleep hoping this visit goes well.

Oh my Aca-gee!!! The first chapter to my book and I personally died a little inside writing it. Just died!!!! Anyways other than that it was pretty good if you ask me sorry, but I loved it!!!! Anyways please read my book. Review my book and tell your friends about my book!!!

To bring back a little something from my last book I will try to continue 1200

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