Chapter 9

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Okay 2 things before I start.
1- I might have a Donald's POV in here for you so yay!!!
2- Logic might not be very good here. But let me write. I'm trying to be mushy and romantic so just shut up of you don't like sorry.

Alyssa's POV

   I wake up around 9:30 and slip on some shorts and a t-shirt. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen outing some honey combs and milk into a bowl. I eat and finish up some left over homework. When I finish its 11:00 the thing doesn't start till 2:00, but everyone's gone prepping for it and I'm not allowed to see it. I lay on the couch and watch The Breakfast Club.  Once I'm done almost all the girls are back getting dressed and doing their hair. One awesome thing is that I don't have to do anything but lip gloss and hair. And clothes of course. I go upstairs and pull out my dress it's black with some kind of peacock decoration on it. It's short and it poofs out around my waist. I have strappy black heels and peacock feather earrings. I grab my mask which is the colors of my dress and it swirls out covering most of my facial features. I put on some pink lip gloss and curl my hair. Putting a little braid on the side. I pull my mask on. Tonight I am someone new. Nobody has seen my outfit except Clhoe. She promised not to show anyone or tell anyone. I walk to where the quad is and see some people other than just the treblemakers and Bella's there. I don't know who's who really.

   After an hour of dancing and nobody but Clhoe knowing who I am. Almost everyone in the school is. I'm walking around when I bump into someone. "Oh sorry," I say. He's wearing some maroon high tops blue jeans a blue button up shirt and a blue full face mask. We talk for a minute and soon a slow song comes on. "Care to dance?" He asks. I nod and we dance for a few minutes. We talk and laugh about random things. After a while we sit down and eat some of the food the trebles and Bella's made. I have to say the place looks amazing. It's just so pretty. I can't believe they did this for me. When we're done eating it's 10:59 we've been here for a while. A long long time. We talk for a while and sit down too because In a few minutes we can reveal our selves.

  "Okay twelve o'clock everyone! Reveal yourselves!" Clhoe says taking off her mask. I did do a little makeup over my eyes so I didn't look hideous when I took off my mask. Me and mystery guy face each other before taking off our mask. I look up at him shocked.

Scroll to see who it is.

Keep going


Almost there

Work those finger muscles

Okay here.

"Donald?" I ask shocked. He looks at me and says. "Alyssa... I'm not over you. In any way. I really really like you and I made a huge mistake." He says. Clhoe must have told him my costume and... And... Everyone was In on this. Awe that's so sweet. "I-I don't know." I say. He gently takes my chin In his hand. "Kiss me and tell me you don't feel anything." He says. "Okay."  I say. We both lean in and out lips touch. Sparks fly through my body. Of course I feel something. We both pull away. I can't lie. I really like him and I want to get back together with him. He just makes me feel so happy. To show him I felt something I else in again and kiss him. He seems surprised at first,but then leans in as well.
Holy crap I've been wanting to be all mushy since I started the first freaking book so yay!!!! Anyways continue reading.

   "I still like you too." I say smiling once we pull away. He smiles back at me. I look away and realize everyone watching. I hear awes and 'they're so cute' everywhere Clhoe runs over to me. "Yes, finally!" She says hugging me. I smile while Donald take my hand In his. " I missed this Baby Bubble." He says. I laugh at the old nickname. "Me too." I say.

As said before
Donald's POV

    I feel someone bump into me its Alyssa she apologizes. Me and all the Bella's and some Trebles have a plan. Ever since I found out that Alyssa was never cheating on me I knew that I still loved her. And tonight I would show her that. We talk for a while and we dance. I'm a little shocked she doesn't realize it's me. She seems happy I hope she stays happy and that she doesn't get mad when we reveal our faces. Clhoe helped Alyssa pick out her outfit and told me what it was so I could know what she looked like. Everyone helped me with this except Jessie. He pretty strongly dislikes me. After a while it's finally midnight.

  "Okay twelve o'clock everyone! Reveal yourselves!" Clhoe yells watching me and Alyssa. We stand face to face and reveal ourselves. Alyssa seems shocked. "Donald?" She finally says. I take this as my chance to explain "Alyssa... I'm not over you. In any way. I really really like you and I made a huge mistake." I say. "I-I don't know." She says. I take her chin in my hand. "Kiss me and tell me you don't feel anything." I say. It sounds cheesy, but I just want to win her back. She says "Okay." She says hesitantly. We both lean in and I feel sparks shoot through my body like I always did when I kissed her. We lean away and she doesn't say anything at first, but then pulls me in again and kisses me. She s telling me that she felt something too. I'm shocked at first, but melt into it. We pull away " I still like you too." She says. We smile at each other. I hear awes and 'They're so cute' Clhoe runs up to Alyssa and says " Yes, finally!" We smile and I take Alyssa's hand in mine. "I missed this Baby Bubble." I say using my nickname for her. She laughs at it and says,  " Me too."
   We talk for a while and while we're dancing to a slow song I say "So will you be my girlfriend again?" She looks up to me and smiles. "Of course." She says. We eventually get way too tired so we head back to the Treblemakers  and Bella's house. She and I sleep On the couch too tired to walk upstairs.  I fall asleep with Alyssa by my side.

Oh M Aca-gee!!!! I loved that cheesy chapter. How about you?! I thought it was so cute. Wether you liked it or not I loved it. I'm not sure what I'm doing for the next chapter usually I get random strikes of ideas During the day or while I'm writing. It's pretty dangerous when it's when I'm writing. Because I don't even think about it. I just type it. I be crazy. Anyways bye my awesome nerds.

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