Chapter 11

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Alyssa's POV

"Okay, everyone we are back with stars Jerry Rain and Rayleighn. They are here to clear up all this drama and help out their dear friend Alyssa Swanson." The reporter says. Donald hands are on my shoulders. "Hello, everyone. It's great to be here and get to clear everything up for our dear friend Alyssa, the poor girl has been pushed so hard lately. She is one of the sweetest people I know. She was just an amazing friend. And me and Alyssa never had anything going on. We were just friends." Jerry says. The reporter asks Rayleighn what she has to say. "Well, to start Alyssa is one of the kindest people I know. She would never cheat on someone. Or steal someone's boyfriend. I love her like a sister. She's one of my besties." Rayleighn says. Yay, I'm in the worlds good graces again. Everyone gives sighs of reliefs. "Well you heard from Rayleighn and Jerry Rain. The poor tortured Alyssa Swanson is not a boyfriend stealer. All false. A little note to Alyssa. We can't wait to here you perform at the Semifinals of Acappela." The reporter say. I get up and say, "This day gets better and better. First me and Donald get promoted. And now the world doesn't hate me!" I say excitedly. Donald stands up beside me. "I'm so happy." I say to him. "Me too." He says. We smile and kiss each other. Everyone awes, then they ew and ye to get a room. I laugh as we pull away.

A few hours later me and Donald are lying on my bed talking about random things. "So you're performing with the Bella's now right?" He asks me. "Yeah, let me go tell them." I say walking downstairs. I tell them and they cheer. I walk back upstairs and Donald says. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I laugh. "Yeah sure when?" I ask. H pulls me up. "Right now." He says pulling me to the door. "What? It's like ten o'clock and where?" I ask. " Umm... Bowling." He says. "I uh I'm not good at bowling. Like at all." I say "Okay, roller skating." He says. I nod. "But it's late." I say. "I know a guy." he says as we leave my room. "Bye guys." I say as Donald rushes me out the door. "Have fun. Not too much fun. I don't want any little Bella's in here yet!" Clhoe yells. I laugh and we leave.

Skating was a lot of fun. After we left we went to sonic and got ice cream. I laugh when Donald tells me about a time the treblemakers got into a fight with some old acappela group. We head back home and I smile when he kisses me by the door. We both smile as we try to decide which house to stay at. We decide the Bella's living room. We lay down and slowly fall asleep. I've fallen back in love with Donald.

I awake by Donald. He's just so...sweet. I get dressed into a black nike sports bra, black and white nike shoes, gray and black tank top, and yellow shorts. I go downstairs and wake up Donald. "Hey, I'm going to Bella's practice see you before work." I say kissing his forehead. I grab my practice bag and go to practice.

"Okay, since you're thankfully going to perform where do you want to solo?" Becca asks. I think about it. I decide on singing part of Take me Away. The way the set is going to go is we all start singing timber and while everyone else starts singing wrecking ball, me and Stacie are going to do some flips across the stage. After we finish our flips everyone will start singing Take me Away. They will just sing backup while I take on the lead. Then we'll finish wrecking ball. And boom it's over.

" Great practice everyone! See you tomorrow!" Becca says. As I hurry out. I don't want to be late for work. I Run into the Bella house and change into a pink crop top and a floral skirt. I put on black heels taking my hair down from its bun leaving it in waves. I put on some jewelry and head to the Donald's car. I get in his car and he gets in too tossing me something. It's cheese sticks. Awe he made me lunch. "Thanks I'm starved." I say eating them.

I brush any crumbs off my outfit and we walk inside for work. We head to the back and into the back. The boss man as I like to call him shows us everything we need to do then leaves.

We sit there bored... It's almost 9:30. Me and Donald start singing some random song. Me singing him beatboxing. The boss man walks in and says "So you guys CAN sing?" He says. I nod my head and he says "You know if you guys have any demos of you singing some famous songs I could take a look at them." He says. I nod my head and get ready to leave.

I lay in bed. 2 more days until Semifinals. I'm super excited.

I wake up and change into some practice clothes and head to practice.

Sorry short and boring I know. But next one will be better okay by my awesome nerds.

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