Chapter 10

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Alyssa's POV

I awake beside Donald. Last night was amazing. He said he still likes me. We kissed. I still like him. We're boyfriend and girlfriend. Oh my aca-gee. Yay. Donald stirs and wakes up. I turn to face him. Awe, he's so cute. I smile while we just sit there staring at each other. "Yeah, real cute. Now get off my couch." Greg says sleepily. I laugh and we get up. I'm still in my poofy dress. "Hey, I'm gonna go change. I'll be right back." I say. I walk back to the Bella house and slip on a blue long sleeve shirt. I pull on some black and white nike shorts. Grabbing my brown shoes and sunglasses so I can block out the sun I head to the treblemakers house. Nobody was at the Bella house. I don't know where they might have went. I walk inside to see Donald watching the news. "What's on?" I ask. "Uh... It's the news. You might not want to see this." He says. I look over to it. "Alyssa Swanson.
Boyfriend stealer and how low can she swoop?" It says. I sit down. "What the heck?" I say. "I just turned it on." He says. "Alyssa Swanson, star of the failing movie Dream Girl is now singing. In an acappela group a week ago. Yelling at other people there. Some say it was probably because she didn't win. Speaking of losing. The movie Dream Girl is a huge bust. Bad reviews leaving the movie with a 2 star rating." Donald turns the tv off and turns to me. "You know they're just trying to make a story." He says. I'm in shock. I feel so stupid. "Yeah, sure..." I say. He hugs me. "I got Bella's practice." I say leaving.

  "Okay, everyone don't mention the news when Alyssa gets here." Becca says before I walk inside. "It's okay I saw it." I say walking inside. They all tell me it's just garbage and we get to practice. The set is pretty cool. I guess, I'm probably not going. I would just cause them to lose. The set is everyone singing Timber, while Sythia Rose raps to it everyone else will sing wrecking ball. We will all end up singing Take me  Away. The last one is kind of old, but it's a pretty cool song. "Hey, so where do you want to solo?" Becca asks. "I uh don't think I'm gonna perform. I'm just bringing down the score." I say. "Um... Are you uh sure?" Becca asks. I tell her yeah and leave Bella practice to be bombarded by people and cameras. My fellow classmates. They're all taking pictures. "Oh... Alyssa's just gonna give up on the Bella's. How bad could she get?" People ask. I push past them and walk back to the treble house. The Bella's house will be empty because they're at practice. I walk inside and everyone is in a circle. "Hey guys what's up?" I say sadly the people outside the auditorium really bummed me out. "Oh uh hey... Just hanging out." Donald says lying. " Yeah, okay." I say sitting down beside him. "Why aren't you at practice?" Jessie asks. " I'm not performing.  I would just bring down their score." I say. They look at me. " The... Whole world hates me." I say. "Why?" I ask. They keep looking at me. " I don't know..."  Unicycle says. "Ugh.." I say. I get up and begin to walk out. I get a call from my mom on the way out. "Hello?" I say annoyed that she called. "Alyssa, you have put the Swanson name to shame!" She scolds. "You're kidding right?!" I say shocked. "No, I can't believe you would stoop so low." She says and hangs up Stoops so low. I seem to hear that a lot.  I look down and sit on the bottom step of the stairs. I'm so stressed out. "Hey, we got work in an hour, so just tell me when you're ready to go." Donald says. "Just let me get dressed." I say. We decide to meet at his car in fifteen minutes and then we'll stop for lunch on the way to work. I walk in the Bella house and go to my room. I look through my clothes before deciding on a plaid button up shirt with black leggings. I have a red beanie and black vans. Cute.
  I walk to Donald's car and we head to Dairy Queen. I get a burger and vanilla shake. Donald gets the same and we eat on our way to work. We walk in and I prepare for a long day of dealing with people. Bleh. "Hey, perfect. Listen I got someone working the register today. Today I'm gonna test you two for maybe getting a job in the back." He says. Off cash register duty hecka yeah. We walk to the back. It's pretty dirty. All it is, is some CDs and stuff and a booth. "Okay, Umm... Alyssa, I've uh noticed you don't seem to well at the register dealing with people. You seem to get nervous. So maybe you'd do good working the station. But I need to hear how you would set it up." He says. I nod and he leads me into the booth. We practice for a few minutes and he says "You're a natural. The promotions yours if you want it." I say "Of course." He smiles and says. "New hours though. From 8:00 pm till 11:00 pm on weekdays. On weekends you will work from 5:00 pm till 10:00. Unless you have something come up. How's that work?" Yes! "That sounds amazing!" I say. "Donald, you seem great with people, but I want you working back here. I've heard you're pretty good with music. You might be able to work with Alyssa." He says. They pretty much do the same thing I did while I wait. He says the same thing to Donald, and then he says, " Okay, you've got the day off, oh and wages will be uh 10.00 dollars an hour." He says as we walk away. "Well, that was an awesome work day!" I say as we get back to his car. He agrees and we drive back to campus.

  We arrive at the acappela houses and I see paparazzi swarming the houses. "Oh my god." I say as I get out of the car. Donald holds my hand for reassurance. We walk to the door and walk inside the Bella house. All the Bella's are huddling the TV. "Star Alyssa Swanson crashed and burned. After days of paparazzi and news reports. The poor girl has been run weak by all the bad publicity, but right now we have Rayleighn and Jerry here to explain. They will be with us after this short break." The news reporter says. Oh my god this is amazing. They know I would never do that and Jerry was there so this SHOULD make every thing go away. I sit and wait for the news to come back on.

Okay totally boring chapter I know. But Alyssa is probably thanking God that Rayleighn and Jerry are gonna clear it all up. Right?  Okay got to get to work on the next chapter. Bye bye awesome nerds.

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