Chapter 6

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Alyssa's POV

   I get to the dorm and see Donald sitting on his bed. "So would you like to attempt to explain what happened or nah?" I ask. "Listen, two weeks before we broke up I got a call. It was a California number. I never knew who it was though. I picked it up and they told me that Jerry Rain and Alyssa Swanson were dating. I don't know who they were or why they said it. I guess I was just so stressed out with you not being there and being nervous that you actually were cheating. I believed it. I went to a party a week later and got drunk. I never meant to hurt you. I don't even know how I was so stupid. A week after the party I hadn't even talked to you and I just got mad about everything that had happened. I called you and we broke up. I'm so so so sorry. Alyssa." He says. I look down. I feel awful, but I can't date him. "I'm sorry you're forgiven but I just can't think of you as anything more." I say. With that we go to bed in silence.

    I wake up and put on a blue and white dress, little white heels, my watch from yesterday, and a blue jean jacket. Donald leaves after a while as well. I'm just so upset. I guess I just... I don't know.

   I'm not running the booth today, but after lunch I will be singing.

   I spend the day walking around the activities fair looking for job openings. I see one its at this old radio station. I grab the flyer and decide I'll just try to get a job thee. After that it's time to sing.
  We've been here forever in so tired right now. Today is the last day of my working the booth and in a month it's auditions. Yay!!!

   One month later

"Let's go with...." Becca and I are deciding on a song. The rest of the girls came too, but they're letting us pick the song. " Scream by usher." She says. I love that song. Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to sing. I remember jut last year I was sitting up there. Oh the days

The auditions go by pretty fast. We've decided on 4 people.

   "Sopranos, Emma, Riley, and Jessica. And our alto is Cali" Becca says. We just finished our initiation. I hated initiation. It messed up my hair.

  We walk to aca- initiation night. I see Donald and Jessie talking to each other. Me and Donald have gotten a little close recently. Not like friends, but we don't dislike each other so much. We don't even sit by each other during class. "Hey what's up nerds?" I say walking over to them and putting my hand on Jessie's shoulder. "He looks over at me. "You are not allowed to drink tonight." Jessie says. I groan. "Really, one time and I'm never allowed drunk again. "I won't be in college forever."  I say. "Yeah, I'd like you to remember some of it." He says. I take his cup. "What is this?" I ask swishing it around. "Beer. Maybe?" He says unsure. I smirk and take a drink. "Oh shut up." He says walking away with his cup. I laugh and turn to Donald. "So did you know the masquerade party Clhoe threw together isn't until a week after Regionals?" He asks me. "Oh really?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. "Yeah, guess I'm kinda forced to go."  I say. "You don't want to?" He asks puzzled. "No I do it's just weird I've never been to that kinda party. You going?" I ask. "Probably." He says. We talk for a little while before I leave back to the Bella's house bored out of my mind. I didn't have work today. I normally get back at 10:00. I don't work very long, but that's about all my free time. Actually my job is pretty fun. I start it everyday at 6:00 so it's about 3 and a half hours. I go to bed and lie down bored.

I wake up in the morning a put on a graphic t-shirt. It's a dog wearing nerdy glasses and has a mustache. I slip on a black mini skirt and blue high heel boots. I laugh at my terrible style. I grab my backpack and walk across campus to my first class. I hate morning classes.

I walk inside my literacy class and sit down pulling out my essay about the history of air hockey. That was a very stupid essay. I look up and see that Donald is sitting beside me. "Hey." He says. "Umm... Hey." I say confused that he sat by me. " So did you here the riff off is gonna be different this year?" He asks me. "No, what are they doing this year?" I ask. "Well, the BU harmonics and the High Notes aren't coming because they always lose anyways. So, what they're going to do is take one person from each of our groups and we will sing songs from the category until someone runs out of songs or doesn't match the word. Whoever fails that round is eliminated from they're group whoever loses all they're people first loses. The other people left in your group can sing back up for you though." He explains. "Cool, that sounds complicated though." I say. He nods in agreement.

After class is over he walks up to me and says. "See you at the riff off." He says and smirks. I nod and go to my last class.

It was pretty boring today just reading over some acting tips. I walk back to my dorm. I sometimes do my homework there just cause it's closer. I get my key to unlock the door and walk inside. Doanld is in there working on his homework. I flip on my bed and pull mine out too. I finish in an hour and look at my phone. It's only 1:00. I need lunch. "Hey wanna get lunch I'm starving." I say looking over at Donald on his bed playing his phone. I guess he finished his homework already. "Yeah sure, where do you want to go?" He asks. "Umm... I don't care somewhere fast. I have work at 4:00." I say. Today I have work early today. "Where do you work I just got a job." He says. "Umm its this old radio shack down town. I'm saving up for a car. By the end of the year I should be able to afford something cheap." I say. He smiles. "I just got a job a the radio shack. Shift starts at 4 till 10 today. Some days it won't start till 6 though." He says. I laugh. "Really? Wow, we get off early tonight though. I told the boss I had the riff off tonight." I say. "Yeah, looks like you got a ride to work now." He says. "Thanks I appreciate that." I smile and say. We decide on McDonalds and then we'll head to work.

I hate this chapter so much. It is so very very boring. Anyways it will get better and won't skip so much when i get to regionals. I Might skip to regionals after a few Important events. Sorry I have too though.

Okay bye I'm not gonna do the thing. Sorry it takes too much time. Okay bye.

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