Chapter 3

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    Alyssa's POV

I wake up at 9 o'clock. Today is the day! The premiere starts at 5:00 tonight and there is an after party that starts at 9:30.

   I go through my drawers and see a blue shirt. My favorite color, I see that it's a blue crop top that says fearless I it. I remember the last time I wore this it was the day I found out my dad had passed away. It was the day I started dating Donald. So much bad luck. I crumble it up throw it away in a trash can that is in our bathroom. It connects through all four rooms it's a hugs bathroom. I put on a blue ruffle tank top and some peachy pink shorts. I slip on some bracelets, necklace and sparkly sandals. I put on my fake glasses and wake up the girls. Jessie is in charge of getting to boys up.

   After getting up and getting dressed we went to the square. We shopped for a little while and everyone else got some kind of souvenir like t-shirts or magnets. We finish shopping and head back to the apartment. "Hey, we should stop for Starbucks." Clhoe said. "Yeah, go ahead I'm gonna stay here." Ever since the day me and Donald broke up I haven't went to Starbucks. Since we spent a lot of time there I didn't want anything to remind me of him. Donald sits outside too. Not speaking to each other. I hate him.

     After walking back, I tell everyone "Okay I have to tell my cast and crew goodbye, and get the rest of my stuff. So whoever wants to come just come." Becca and Lily come with me.

   Once we get there everyone tells me how much thy miss me and we hug and say goodbye. I grab some of the stuff I left and we go back to the hotel.

        It was super sweet and all. All the hugs and goodbyes. We get back to the hotel and I hear yelling. "You have to tell her what happened!" I hear someone yell. "No!" I hear another voice. "Fine, you have an hour of you don't, I will before the party." The first voice says. I'm guessing they agree because the yelling stops. I walk inside and they begin to act normal. Whatever it is I will find out by the end of the day.

   For lunch we went to In and Out burger a restaurant down the road. When we get back its 3:00 so I say "Well, I have a lot to do so I'm gonna get ready." We all get ready and lay some outfits out for the after party.

   When we're done it's 4:25. We get into a huge limo we had rented and head for the premiere.

   When I open the door of the limousine see cameras and microphones everywhere. I was taught to only answer a few questions and to smile. "How was it working with Jerry Rain?" I hear one person ask. "It was great he's an amazing friend." I say. "Who are all these people you've brought with you?" Another reporter asks. "These are my closest friends from Barden." I say. I answer a few more questions and we head to the area where they take pictures. I take some by myself. Some with me and Lily and some with Becca. I take a few with all the treblemakers. My favorite is the one with me and all the Bella's. They are my sisters. The last ones we take are all of us together. It's my second favorite picture.

    We are eventually ready to go inside to watch the movie. This is it!

   Me and the Bella's and Jessie because he's my brother are taking up the front row. The treblemakers are taking the second row. I never thought I would say this, but this is amazing. The movie turned out great. Until... We get to the couples romantic scenes between me and Jerry.   I feel a breeze behind me I turn around and see Donald leaving. My eyes tear up. He could've been a little supportive. I remember the day we broke up.


I look down to see my phone ringing. It's Donald. "Hey." I chirp happily. We just finished shooting a really fun scene. "Cut the crap." He snaps. I'm confused. "What?" I ask. "You and I both know that you've been cheating on me with Jerry." He says angrily. "What?!" I yell. "Come on you guys are always together." He yells. Now we're both yelling. "Wow, you are being so stupid. He's my co-star, he has a girlfriend." I say. "You know what don't admit it. We're through." He says. "Well, if you don't trust me then yeah we're through!" I say and hang up.

Flashback over.

My eyes fog a little, but then clear up.
     Becca grips my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. Once the movie is over they do recognitions and all. It's the most amazing feeling. Rayleighn, Jerry, and I get applauded some more and we walk back outside to do interviews. More pictures and interviews later and we get back into the limo so we can change into clothes for the after party.

   Once we get to the room I change into a miss me jacket, light pink dress, sparkly high heels, and grab my Michael Kors side purse. I curl my Hair a little more and darken the makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and see everyone sitting around in a semi circle around my bed. "What's going on? I ask. "We need to talk." Stacie says pulling me onto my bed. She sits beside me and says. "Alyssa, you may never forgive me for this, but I'm so sorry. A week before your and Donald's breakup   I was at a party. I was drunk and so was Donald. We ended up hooking up. Alyssa I'm so sorry. I don't like him and I don't know what happened." I sit there shocked. For a second I don't even move. My eyes almost tear up. But I decide I've spent enough tears on him. I get up and start to walk out the door. "I'm going downstairs. Whenever you're ready just meet me in the lobby." I say. "Wait." I hear Donald say. "No, for about 2 months I felt bad and thought I broke your heart when in all truth. It was you being a player! Breaking my heart! I'm down with stupid tears over you." I say and walk outside.

   I sit in the lobby almost in tears. But not quiet. I can't believe that. It just hurts to much. I sit and wait for them to come downstairs. Wait wait wait.

  Well that's all I would have done this earlier, but I had no battery last night. Well, I hope you liked it I personally did. There will be a pic of her outfit on the next chapter. I'm about to update the other chapter I'll do this one and work on another one hopefully publish it too. Some tonight too.

1200 words bye!!!

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