Chapter 5

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   I wake up at seven and grab my stuff and my dorm key. I sleepily walk off to my dorm.

  Wow, I really need to invest in a car. I get to the dorm and use the key to unlock it. Yesterday I took the paper off the dorm so Donald would be forced to find out the hard way. I walk inside and see that he's in there putting stuff on the right side. "Dang- it." I mutter to myself. He looks at me wide eyed. "You have got to be kidding me." He says. "Guess not." I mutter I put some sheets and a bed spread on my bed. It's my extra one so its not my favorite. I put some of my movies in the storage spaces by my bed. I fill some of the spaces up with pictures. One is of me at high school graduation with my mom and dad. Another is of me and the Bella's at the finals last year. One picture is of me and the Bella's at the premiere. The last picture is of all of us. Bella's and treblemakers at the premiere. I smile to myself. I put a big bulletin board on the wall and put an extra copy of my schedule on it. I will put more stuff on it as I go, for right now it's okay though. "Don't worry I don't plan on being here often." I say grouchily. Right now I am wearing a white dress with a skinny brown belt. I have on blue high heels, a cute blue bow, and a blue watch. I curled my hair a little and pulled the top sides up and behind and into a mini ponytail. It's my outfit for the activities fair. The Bella's and I decided that it would be best if we wore blue and white colors. I put a few clothes I had bright and put them in the drawers of my dresser.  I pull out my extra brush and put it in the top drawer. I'm about to walk out the door, but I'm stipend by Donald. "Why didn't you try to argue with me about you cheating on me with Jerry?" He asks. I decide that I'll be here a while so I sit down on my bed. "What's the point? You are a very stubborn person." I say "Wether, I would have argued or not we would still be right here. But, maybe I would have known that at least I tried. Maybe I wouldn't have gone into s bad state of depression and cuts." I say getting up. "What?" He asks. Crap I said the cuts thing out loud. "Nothing." I say walking out of the room.

  I meet up with Becca at our Bella booth. This year we are across a stairway from the treblemakers. Not far at all. Way to close to Donald. Becca is wearing white skinny jeans and a blue tank top. She has on blue converses with a white star on them, and a star necklace. I feel too dressed up now. Oh well. I actually feel kinda cute. "Hey let's practice." Becca says. I agree and we start singing stronger by Kelly Clarkson. I asked Becca to let us sing this because I knew the Trebles would be close so Donald would here it.

"You know the bed feels warmer sleeping here alone. You know I dream in color and do the things I want." I sing by myself.
"You think you got the best of me. Think you've had the last laugh. Bet you think everything good is gone." Becca sings.
"Think you left me broken down. Think that I'd come running back." I sing.

"Baby you don't know me cause you're dead wrong" Becca sings.

    We both sing the chorus and switch back and forth like we were for the other parts. The treblemakers are quiet  I see Jessie whispering something to Donald and he nods. We finish singing and hand out flyers. We have Sythia Rose, Becca, Clhoe, Stacie (hate her), Lily, Fat Amy, and Me. Seven people. So we need at least 3 more people. After a while everyone else shows up. They're all wearing white and blue too.

  We start singing and we finish greatly. When we're the treblemakers start singing Magic. After hours of boringness we can finally go back to the  Bella house.

  I go to my room and grab the picture from the premiere that has all the treblemakers in it with me and all the treblemakers and Bella's. "Hey, I'm gonna take these pics to The Trebles. "Make good choices." I hear Clhoe tell as I walk out. I laugh and head out to the treble house. I never knock knowing everyone knows me. I walk inside and see Donald, Benji, and Greg sitting on the couch. "Hey. We need to talk." Donald says walking right up to me. "Yeah or not. Where's Jesse?" I ask. "No, we're not going to ignore this." He says. "No, there is no we anymore. You handle this on you're own. You ruined 'we' when you accused me of cheating after you cheated. So if you're not going to tell me where Jessie is then move." I yell. He steps back defeated. I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding. I go upstairs and go into Jessie's room. "Hey." He says. "Hey." I say. "What happened downstairs?" He asks.  "Nothing new." I say. "Oh... who's your roommate at your dorm or have you not checked it out yet?" He asks me. I sigh and say "Yeah, the gods did not look down at me. I'm in a co- Ed room with Donald." I say.  "Oh..." He says. He finally lost his major over protective brother side. He would only hurt some one if they physically hurt me. Which is fine by me. "Yeah I won't stay there much anyway." I say. "I need a car." I say. "Get a job." He says. I laugh. "Okay, keep an eye out for openings." I say. "Anyways I brought these pics from the premiere. So do whatever with them." I say and walk out of his room. I walk downstairs to be cornered by Donald again. "So, will you please just let me explain. We can go to Starbucks." He says. "No, I don't care what you have to say... You know what let me here it. But I'm not going to Starbucks." I say. I haven't been to Starbucks since we broke up. "Why not? You know what never mind. Just spend the night in our dorm please?" He says. "I'll come but probably won't spend the night." I say. "Fine see you there in ten minutes." He says. I nod and leave.

  I grab a duffel bag and put some overnight stuff in it. Knowing I'm not going to walk back over here.

   I walk back to my dorm preparing for a long long talk.

Okay so yeah I know it wasn't perfect. So I don't know hep the heck I'm supposed to explain why he did what he did cause there's like no reason for it. None. He's a super hot idiot. Lol. Anyways like is said this is impossible and I don't know what I'm gonna do. Yeah that's all If you want more chapters then I'm gonna end with 1250. Okay well don't forget to read. To comment. To tell your friends. Bye!!!!

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