Chapter 8

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Alyssa's POV

Today is regionals. Yay!!!! I wake up at 4:45 in the morning way too early, but oh well. I got today off work thank god. I plug up my hair straightener and pull on my black crop top, gold sparkly blazer, blue leggings, and black converses. That is , Becca, Clhoe, and My outfit. Fat Amy, Synthia Rose, Cali and Ryley are wearing black high waisted pants, a blue shirt, cute black flats, and the sparkly gold blazer. Jessica, Lily, Stacie, And Emma are wearing black high waisted shorts with a blue shirt and the gold blazer with some strappy high heels. I love our outfits. I straighten my hair and put it in a bun so it doesn't get in my way when I'm trying to do flips. I walk downstairs and see Becca walking in with a bunch of McDonalds bags. She walks into the kitchen and pulls out all kinds of breakfasts. I walk farther down and she says. "Take your pick." I push and take a sausage mc griddle. Yum. I eat it then walk back to me and Beccas room so I can pack some extra stuff. I put my hairbrush, deodorant, makeup, and some extra clothes into my bag along with the shoes for my performance in there I slip on some uggs and head outside to help load our bus. I put my bag inside the bus and help the girls load there's inside too. I else off the bus and go to talk to Donald. "Hey, how goes it?" I ask. He turns around and laughs. "Good, you?" I say " Good, kinda nervous." I say. He smiles and says. "Well, you shouldn't be. By the way I love your outfit." I laugh "Well, I needed something Felxible." I say. He looks at me confused and I say "You'll see." I smirk and load the bus.

We finally get there and I get out of there bus handing Lily my bag. I get off the bus and do an Ariel, and a back hand spring. I smile to myself remembering how awesome last year was. We get inside and I turn on the acappela podcast. A few minutes before our turn Gail says, " Yes, the Barden Bella's. Two time National Champions. Over the summer one of their stars Alyssa Swanson was lead in the movie Dream Girl. Amazingly talented girl, she slouched pretty low though to have swooped Rayleighns boyfriend though." Wait I'm confused. "Huh?" I ask. Everyone looks around avoiding my gaze. "Someone is going to tell me after we perform. Got it?" I say. "Next up the Barden Bella's." We walk out and start singing Sledgehammer, we then start singing Stronger and fade out into singing Shake it Off. I take off my blazer and start doing some flips across the stage, they begin to wrap it up giving me enough time to catch my breath. They stop and start singing back up to Single ladies

  "Up I the club, just broke up
I'm doing my own little thing.
You decided to dip but now you wanna trip. Cause another brother noticed me. I'm up on him. He up on me
Don't pay him any attention
Cause I cried my tears for 3 good years
Ya can't be mad at me." I sing. Me and Becca sing the chorus while Clhoe and Lily sing the chorus is Stonger while everyone else backs us up. At the end we are all singing Sledgehammer. I finish it off and the spotlight ends on me. We get plenty of cheers and I head backstage ready for an explanation for what Gail said. "Okay, explain. Now!" I say as the treblemakers go up. "Okay, so you and Jerry were good friends. Some people took advantage of that and paparazzi told the press you stole Rayleighns boyfriend." Stacie says. Oh my god. The whole world hates me and I'm just now hearing about this. "But we know it's not true. Plus most of it has blown over now." Stacie says. I all I've to her and hug her. " I'm sorry I've been ignoring you." I say "You were drunk you didn't mean too." I say. She hugs me back and thanks me. I sit down waiting for winners to be announced. We ended up with second place. I don't know how, maybe I messed up my cartwheel. Boo. Oh well we still qualify for semifinals.

   "Oh my god! I forgot the masquerade party is next week yay!!!!" Clhoe says breaking the silence on the bus. "Yeah, guys I'm super excited! Thank you so much!" I say. We talk about it for a while and soon it's time to get off the bus. I get off the bus and head toward the door of the Bella house. I walk inside and go to my room ready for bed. Ready for sleep.

    Day before the masquerade

I walk out of the mall with my dress and mask. Clhoe took me to the mall to pick out our outfits for the party. I have to say I love it. Clhoe takes me to the radio shack and drops me off for work. I thank her and leave my outfit with her to put up. I walk inside to see Donald working the counter. "Ah... You got that promotion." I say laughing. "Yeah, so cool." He says sarcastically. We laugh and I ask him if he's going to the dance tomorrow. He tells me yes and we get back to work.

  It's 10 o'clock and we finally get to leave. Donald and I get back and we head to our own acappela houses. I lay in bed that night excited about tomorrow. Clhoe said the party started and 2 o'clock in the afternoon not was going to be a long party. All the school could come. Clhoe said that at midnight everyone would take off their mask revealing themselves. I'm super excited. Maybe I'll meet a cute guy. Maybe.

Okay I think that was good but maybe not. Idk

Next chapter will rock. Yay go awesome nerds!!!!

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