Chapter 7

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  Alyssa's POV

    After me and Donald finish lunch we head to work. Today I'm just restocking some shelves. This place is half music and electronics and part radio station. Donald is by the music department and I'm restocking clearance movies. This is pointless. It's never crowded here. Like ever. "So who do you think you'll get partnered with? You know for the riff off?" Donald asks me while helping me restock the movies. "I don't know I bet it's random." I say. "Yeah, so... Uh... Yeah I got nothing." He says. I laugh and say, "Yeah, me neither. Except I'm finally out of movies." I just can't believe how close we seem to be considering how much I hated him at one time. "So when do you think the boss will promote you to cashier?" He asks. "I hope never. I have social anxiety when it comes to people." I say. He looks at me and says "Really, you're great with people." I look at him" Not really and even though I may act cool I'm a wreck inside." I say, " The movie premiere I almost passed out." He looks at me and says. "Well, there's a lot about you I didn't know." I nod my head "Guess so." We tell the boss we've finished and he tells us we can just go ahead and go. It's 8:45 so it's not too late. The rig off starts at 9:30 so we were gonna have to hurry anyways. We get in his car and I think about what I'm gonna wear. I decide I will wear some faux leather leggings, green crop top, pink hoodie, black combat boots, and put my hair in a ponytail. We get back to the Bella and treble house and I say. "You know I wasn't so sure about this, but it turns out to be incredibly handy." He laughs and I head inside to get dressed.

Wow, my outfit is super cute and kinda cold. I slip on a silver jacket and meet up with the girls in the living room. Once we are all ready we head to the drained pool.

The bigger guy explains this years new rules and pairs us up. Somehow i end up against Donald. We got lucky that we both had the same amount of people in each group.

First up is Clhoe and some treble I don't know. Clhoe wins and she gets back into the group. Next goes Becca and Benji. Benji wins and Becca goes to sit with the treble that's already out.

   Sorry for typing it all in it would be too much.

   Right now we're 10-10 people. Jessica goes and wins then Cali goes she wins too. Emma goes and loses. So now we're 9-8 people per team. We have 9. Next up is Lily she's going against Blake. Blake wins now we are tied again. After a lot more people we're tied again. 6-6. I'm the last to go before it starts again.

  I walk up face to face with Donald. The category is latest pop music.

I sing first " If you could feel my pulse right now. It would feel just like a sledgehammer." I keep singing for a minute, but I'm cut off with singing from Donald. He's singing Locked out of heaven. That's a cool song. I cut him off by singing Royals. He smirks and steps forward. I'm cut off by Donald singing stay with me. We go on for a few minutes before I'm cut off with Donald singing Talk dirty to me. I laugh and he finishes. I couldn't think of one more song.

  "Wow that took forever, well you win. Okay next round." The dude says. I nod my head "Nice work." I say.

  After a few more rounds we end up winning. "Woo yeah!" I say. We almost never win this stuff. Jessie comes over to me and I start gloating like he did last year. He flips me off then pulls me over to an area with no people. "What?" I ask. "You and Donald, have been more close lately. I'm not going to be as bad as last year, but don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." He says. " What, he doesn't even like me anymore." I say and walk away annoyed with him. I hang around for a little while before leaving with Becca.

  3 days before Regionals.

  I wake up and get ready for Bella's practice. This is the last one before Regionals. Our set is amazing. We are going to start by singing SledgeHammer, then we'll go into singing Stronger, While some of the other girls sing shake it off I'll be doing some cartwheels and backflips. After I finish that I'll have time to catch my breath then I'll start soloing to All the single ladies. After practice we go to the  Trebles pool. Donald was right I got promoted and I don't want to tell him, but he will be too next week. I don't like dealing with so many people, but it's not too bad. We've gotten closer we are like how we were before we started dating last year. I put on a bright pink bikini. Over the past few months. I've work some pretty revealing clothing. Mainly tube tops though and some shorts. We walk to the trebles and I take off my cover up revealing my awesome tattoo. It looks awesome with the touch ups I got when we were all in Hollywood. They did pretty freaking good. Me and Becca lay on lawn chairs. I've been trying to get tan forever. It almost never happens. I lay I the lawn chair bored. I get up and walk by the pool before being pushed into the pool. "Oh my god, who did that? They'll die!" I yell getting out of the pool. I look at Donald trying to stifle a laugh. I smirk and walk towards him. "So, I'm going to get my revenge. Not sure when, but it'll come." I say nonchalantly. He laughs. "I'd like to see you try." I grin. "Oh really?" I say. "Yeah, what could you do?" He says. " I could hide your hair gel for one. I could embarrass you publicly. I could-" I am cut off with him saying "Got it." In reality I probably will forget about it in an hour. We spend some more time outside, but get bored and walk inside to watch tv. "I decide on the movie!" I yell hurrying inside. "No, we'll end up watching something girly!" Greg yells. "Were you even here the last time she picked a movie?" Donald asks. I pick the first transformers movie. It's the best one. I put it in and press play. I lay on the chair stool thing with my head hanging off. Everyone seems pretty absorbed in the movie. I take that as my chance to call my mom. I haven't talked to her I while. The last time we talked was when I told her about Donald and I breaking up. She was mad and said she told me so. We haven't spoken since then. "Hello?" She says. "Hey mom it's me." I say. "Oh, the little trader." She snaps. "Oh come on, it wasn't that big a deal. I was just blowing off steam." I say then I mutter "for like two months..." She snaps at me "You're kidding yourself if you think I care about my children who don't care about a word I say."  I look down for a second then hang up. I'm sitting on a barstool. Why would she say that? I don't care about her anymore. Just forget it. I close my eyes and walk back to the living room. Everyone's looking at me. Dang it. "Was I that loud?" I ask. "Eh..."  I look around the room. My eyes connect with Stacie's I haven't really talked to her since the incident. She shouldn't have done that to me. "I'm gonna go back to the Bella house. I'm just not in the movie mood." I say grabbing my bag and leaving. Instead of going back to the Bella house I go to my dorm. Donald is already at the Treblemakers house he won't come up here I lay in bed thinking of how exciting two more days will be. Regionals.

Okay there you go chapter 7!!! It was skipping a lot I know I'm sorry, but it skipped that time anyways in the movie. I had nothing to write plus I'm about to start chapter 8 which is regionals. Guess what I've got some tricks up my sleeve for chapter 9. You'll love me!!!  Okay bye my awesome nerds!!!

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