Chapter 12

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     Alyssa's POV

  I wake up around 6 o'clock and get into my outfit for the semi finals. Since me and Stacie will be doing flips went with something easy to move around in. Me and Stacie are wearing blue short shorts, a white crop top, and yellow ballet flats so we can flip across the stage. I put my hair In a bun with some braids connecting to it and get together a bag for semifinals. I walk downstairs and see almost everyone down there getting ready. Or eating. Becca, Clhoe, Jessica, Lily, and Emma are wearing a blue and white shirt with a blue skirt, and a yellow blazer. They have on black high heels. That's cuter on them then I saw it on the rack at the store. Fat Amy, Synthia Rose, Ryley, and Cali are wearing cute yellow skinny jeans, blue button up blouse, and white heels. We all eat and then we leave to the bus. Someone puts their hands over my eyes and says "Guess who, Baby bubble." I Laugh. Donald. "Hey there, you ready for semi finals?" I ask turning around. "Yeah, we are so going to win." He says cockily. I laugh "As if" I say. "Alyssa, let's go." Lily says. She laughs at us. I kiss him on the cheek and we leave.

  The long ride was pretty boring. Except for when Clhoe attempted to rap. That was funny. She can not rap. We get off the bus and I yawn. I grab my bag and me and the girls check in and go backstage.

The trebles went before us. They did really good. The crowd loves them.

We walk on stage Becca, Lily, and Clhoe stand in the middle. Becca in the middl. Clhoe On the left and Lily on the right. The newbies as I like to call them stand in a diamond shape behind them. Fat Amy and Synthia Rose stand about 3 feet away to left and right of them. Me and Stacie stand at opposite ends of the stage facing each other. Everyone starts singing timber, then we like morph into wrecking ball as me and Stacie flip across the stage and to the middle where we dance with the others. Everyone stops for a minute then start singing Take me Away. the singing stops and it's just backup so I start to sing the chorus. I'm cut off with wrecking ball and me and Stacie do some last flips. At the end we get applauded too. But not as much as the trebles. The trebles won. Ugh... "Okay girls. We're missing something. Something we've never tried before what could it be?" Clhoe says frustrated. "Props." I say. They all nod in agreement. "Yeah, yeah props. I'll get to work on it!" She says. We all smile though we've just been defeated. We walk back to the bus while I imagine ideas for Finals. When we get on the bus we all star to brainstorm ideas. " I Say we let Alyssa and Becca make the set." Fat Amy says. They all agree and I smile. Yay! I brainstorm more and more ideas until my head em feels like I'm going to blow up. "Yeah, Bella practice tomorrow bring all kinds of props. I have some ideas." I say as we get off the bus. I walk to the trebles house to see most of them by the hot tub. Except Donald and some of the other guys. I walk to the living room and see them all looking at some papers. "Whatcha doing?" I ask. "Looking over some stuff for careers. About to graduate." Greg says. I look down. I completely forgot some of the trebles are graduating this year. "Who's graduating?" I ask. "Me, Unicycle, Blake, and Donald." He says. I look down dang it. I forgot about him graduating this year leaving me two years donaldless. Boo. "So what are some job offers?" I ask Donald. "A uh directing job in Hollywood. A music industry here I'm considering most. And some other things." He says. I nod. "Well, I gotta get going I have uh some stuff I need to get done..." I say lying. I don't want to think about what happens when he graduates. I walk out and head for my dorm. Nobody ever comes to my dorm. I know that this week is spring break, then the Finals, then... Donald graduates. He leaves. I sigh and play subway surfers till I fall asleep.

  "Wake up! We have practice." fat Amy says walking into my dorm room. "Okay,okay I'm up lets go." I say hurrying.

  The rest of the week is practice. Long practices. Tomorrow we're going to New York for the Finals. Then, the years over. I'm staying here for the summer. My family hates me. And I refused to audition for this years summer blockbuster. What makes everything worse is Lily is dropping out to go live with Blake in Florida. And all the other Bella's graduate next year. I inwardly sigh as we finish up practice.

  We get into our swimsuits and head towards the Trebles pool. We get there and I'm hugged by Donald. "So you decided on a job?" I ask. "Umm... Yeah. And I'll tell you at Graduation." He says. I laugh and we have a good time at the pool.

  I lay in bed knowing something is going to change tomorrow. Something big. The set went well. I really think that we have a chance at winning. I hope so much that Donald won't leave me. I love him too much to let him go. Too much to say goodbye.

   That stunk too. Sorry, this book will be over in a chapter or two. Well this part. I will have a few chapters of epilogue. Then I cry. Then I write another Donald fanfic. Differently. I hope you read it!!!! Bye awesome nerds.

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