Chapter 13

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Tamara POV:

I've been out of the hospital for about two weeks now. I have pains every now and then but I'm cool. My baby has been by my side every step of the way and I'm so grateful for that. I keep trying to tell her that I'm not as handicapped as she thinks I am. I can still walk and I have 1 good arm to use. But she insists that I just sit and rest. I'm not the air and rest type of person. I have to be doing something.

I've decided to put together a surprise for her. Of course I can't work on it too much while she's around but I can do a little of it. While she's at work, I decided to have my bro over. I haven't seen her in a few days and I hear there's some drama in her paradise. While I'm in the kitchen getting a glass of water to take my pills, I hear the door open and close. "Honey I'm home" the voice said. I walk over to look through the doorway. "Dee cut that shit out." I said laughing. "See, now who on that gay shit?" I joked. "I'm just playin bro. Wassup? How you feeling?" she asked me. "I'm cool. Pain every now and then but nothing major. What's been up with you?" I answered. "Man everything. I haven't spoken to Chelsea in weeks. I see her at the office but I steer clear of her. I don't know how long that's going to last though." "What happened? You never told me the whole story." I replied. "Man she told me she was going to handle some business so I stop by her favorite restaurant to surprise her with lunch and I walk in and see her choppin it up and laughing with some other nigga. So I spazzed on her ass and walked out." she said slightly angry. "Well did you give her a chance to explain? You know how Chelsea feels about you. I don't think she'd step out on you like that." I could tell my words were starting to make sense to her. "I was so mad at the time that I cut her off every time she tried to speak. Then ol girl tried to step in and speak but I shut her down too." she replied. "Bro I just think you need to hear her out. Y'all have came too far to start this cheating shit. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding and you walked in at a bad time." I could see in her face that she was hurting and that she missed Chelsea. The only two people that know the truth are Chelsea and the girl. While we were sitting in the kitchen talking, I get a call from Nikki:

T: Yes baby?
N: Is everything alright? I'm on lunch, do you need me to bring you something?
T: Nah I'm good babygirl. I told you I'm fine. I can cook if I needed to. And plus bro came over to talk. So I'm fine. You go get you some food and I'll call you when you're off.
N: Ok daddy. I love you.
T: Better chill out before I come up there and give you something else for lunch.
N: You're so nasty
T: We know. And I love you too.
When I got off the phone, I saw Dee making a face at me. "What's that for?" I asked. "Yo nasty ass talkin about givin pussy for lunch" she said laughing. "Man shut up. Don't worry about my pussy" I replied. "See. That's that gay shit. I'm about to go bruh. You good?" she asked. "Yea fam I'm good. But I'm serious, go get your girl." I said seriously. She nodded her head and walked out the door.

Taylor POV:

I'm down at my club Vybz making sure things are in order for the grand opening next week. I'm still having furniture delivered and I'm having my assistant interview bartenders and DJ's and security. It's an LGBT club but any and everyone is welcome. Only thing I do not tolerate is violence and disrespect. That'll get you kicked the fuck out before you get a chance to throw the second punch.

While the club has been keeping me busy, I still find myself thinking about Chanel. I know what her girl says and that didn't phase me but I'm just worried things between us will change. No we never talked about a relationship but I guess I was kind of hoping for one in the future. Now Zoei is in the picture and she's a nice girl but I still feel like something isn't right with her. She hit me up earlier and asked if we could meet for drinks later on tonight to talk. I told her alright. I don't know how this is going to go or how it's going to end. We've hung out a few times and she's really cool to be around. I guess I'll focus on her until this Chanel situation is resolved.

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