Chapter 15

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Zoei POV:

Last Friday was my baby's club grand opening and it was amazing. Everyday, me and her grow closer together. I want to take my time with her because she looks like the heartbreaker type.

Even though we spend a lot of time together, there's a huge secret I've been keeping from her. I'm not actually a lesbian. Well I am but it's hard to explain. I'm dating Taylor but I also have a boyfriend. It's been hard juggling the two of them but I manage. I'm just looking for a way to leave him so I can be totally committed to her. Taylor is the first girl I've slept with outside of a threesome with Jason. We've been together almost a year now but I'm just not feeling it anymore. I'm just not attracted to males anymore. I just hope when I tell her, she won't want to break things off.

Most of the time I sleep here at Taylor's house but Jason thinks I'm at my own house. When I ignore his calls, I just tell him I was talking to my mom or my phone was dead or I was in the other room. When I'm away from Taylor, I hook up with him but we don't have sex. She doesn't question me though. I don't know if it's because she doesn't care or because she trusts me. I'm absolutely terrified of telling her. When she introduced me to her friend Denae, I immediately remembered her face. She's a friend of Jason's. I'm glad she didn't spoil my secret but this just means I have to tell Taylor before she does.

Today, Taylor and I are going car shopping. She says the lease on hers is up so she has to pick something else. She's upstairs getting dressed or something and I'm just down here texting Jason. I hope when all of this is over, he leaves peacefully and doesn't cause any scenes.

"Zo, you ready?" Taylor says as she comes down the stairs. "Yes papi" I reply. As we drive to the dealership, I notice a glow about her. I don't know what caused it or who but I like it. She's so beautiful and she gives me butterflies every time she touches me. "Can I help you?" she asked jokingly. I guess I was staring at her while I was thinking to myself. "No. Just admiring beauty. That's all" I replied. She blushed and leaned over to kiss me. Her lips were so pink and soft. The way she licks them just makes me so wet.

We pulled up to the lot and got out. We walked in and she went up to the front desk. "Trade for Rivera" she told the lady behind the desk. I could tell she was trying to flirt but Taylor wasn't paying her any mind. She paid more attention to the surrounding cars than her. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her and the lady caught an attitude. I would've said something but I didn't want to draw attention to us. Shortly after, a guy walked over and introduced himself as Kalvin. He walked us outside where a freshly washed and detailed BMW pulled up. "There's my baby" Taylor said. "Ms. Rivera, I hope you enjoy your 750i." he said as he handed over the keys. "Wow. It's done that fast?" I asked curiously. "Yes. I was up here last week and I bought it but I left it here for detailing and a custom paint job." she replied. Taylor is so successful and I know she's earned everything she has. She deserves an honest women. I have to figure out how to tell her my secret and fast.

Chanel POV:

This weekend has been an absolute fairytale. I've never seen Gia cater to me like this. We stayed in and just enjoyed each other's company. We talked about our future and our life goals. We have such a deeper connection that I think I've fallen in love with her all over again. Wait, did I, Chanel Ava Zomara, just admit to loving a female? I did. That must mean I really am serious about this. I just want to build with her and help each other become better people. I want to sit down with her and see where her head is. I would hate to get all excited and our heads and hearts aren't in the same place.

Gia's at work right now. She got called in last minute so I'm just here by myself. I'm laying here and I hear the doorbell ring. Not many people know I live here so I don't know who it could be. I throw on some shorts and run down to see who it is. When I open the door, I see this tall, bearded man. His teeth are as white as pearls. "Hi. My name is Brendan. I'm your next door neighbor. I noticed y'all move in a few weeks ago so I decided to come introduce myself." he said charmingly. I'm not going to lie, I didn't hear a word he said past my name is. "Hi, I'm Chanel. Nice to meet you." I replied. He shook my hand and his skin is so smooth. I could tell he took good care of himself. "You must live there with your wife right? These houses are way too big to be lived in alone." I said curiously. "Nah. It's just me and my son. His mom is uhh... in jail" he said looking kind of embarrassed. "Well what happened, if you don't mind me asking? By the way, would you like to come in?" I offered. He nodded and we proceeded to walk to the kitchen where I got us some waters. "She got caught up in the drug life so she's doing 15 years upstate. It's been hard without her but a part of me is glad because I don't want that type of business around my son." He's such a good man and father from what he's told me. So polite and manner-able. As we continue our conversation, the back door opens and in walks Gia. I see her smile quickly turn into a scowl. "Hey baby. This is Brendan and he's our neighbor. He just came over to introduce himself." I said as I tried to kiss her but she rejected it. She rolled her eyes and then walked up the stairs. I stood there looking lost, forgetting that Brendan was still sitting there. "Um I should be going now. I have some errands to run before I head into work. Thanks for the water Chanel." he said as he got up and walked to the front door and left. I go upstairs to see what's up with Gia and this attitude. "Gia what is your problem? Why were you so rude to him?" I asked with an attitude. "Nothin man. Just drop it." she relied. "No, I won't drop it. Answer me!" I yelled as I turned her towards me. "Quit touching me Chanel. I told you about that. And ain't nothin wrong but why I gotta walk up in my house early to surprise my fiancé and I see her choppin it up wit some random nigga I don't know?" she answered. "I told you, he's a neighbor and he was coming to introduce himself. We would've had the same conversation rather you were here or not" I replied. "Man Chanel. Whatever. I know you're bisexual and you still find men attractive. I'm not slow." "Really Gianna?! I accept your marriage proposal and you think I still want to be with a man? Yes I'm bisexual but I'm with you. I love you. I live with you. I fuck you. What about that don't you understand?" This whole conversation was pissing me off. I can't believe how stupid she sounds right now. "Yea, I hear you." she replies. "Wow. Ok Gia. Since you want to be a fuckin ass, I guess I'll just go." I got dressed and grabbed my purse and keys and left.

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