Chapter 17

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Tamara POV:

This morning, I have physical therapy. I'm regaining the strength in my arm and I really enjoy going. There's just one thing bothering me though. I'm starting to see that my therapist is umm coming on to me. I try to ignore it but she blatantly ignores the fact that my girlfriend comes with me to every appointment. I'd hate to see what happens if Nikki wasn't there.

When I come out of the bathroom after showering, I notice my baby frantically running around looking crazy. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask. "I'm going to be so late. So very very late." she replies. "Late? Late for what?" I ask as I grab her to slow her down. "I have an exam this morning and I completely forgot. I have 30 minutes to get there." "Exam? But I thought you were going to my appointment with me like you always do?" "Babe I'm sorry. I know I always go and I feel bad for missing it. I promise I'll make it up to you later." She kissed my cheek and then ran down the stairs and out the door. Looks like I'm going solo today. I hope this girl can do her job and just keep it professional.

When I pull up to my facility, I take a deep breath and then walk in. "I'm here for Serena." I told the receptionist. She nodded her head and picked up the phone. Then I saw my therapist come down the hall smiling. She waves her hand, telling me to come on back. I walked into the training room and sat my stuff down. She started off testing my strength improvement for the week. Well, that's what she was supposed to be doing but she really was just rubbing on my arm. "Your friend didn't come with you today?" she asked sarcastically. "No, my GIRLFRIEND had class this morning so it's just me. Why?" I responded. "No reason. Just never seen you here alone before." I just rolled my eyes and continued my stretches. After that, she had me lay on my back on the mat. I've never done this one before but I did it anyways. Next thing I know, she's on top of me. "Excuse me, what the fuck are...." Then she put her finger over my lips. "Shhh. You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this but she was always around." She leaned down and kissed me passionately. I haven't been kissed like this since before my accident. It took me a minute but I came to my senses and pushed her off of me and gathered my things and walked out. When I got to the receptionist desk, I waved to her so she could get off the phone. "Umm excuse me, I want all my future appointments to be covered by another therapist. If I come back in here and that thing is still handling my appointments, I will not hesitate to hit this whole place with a lawsuit. Think I'm playing!" After that, I walked out and got in my car and drove off.

I needed to go somewhere to clear my head and just think about some things. I didn't want to talk to anybody. I just wanted to act like this never happened. I decided to drive to my favorite pond and just sit there. I really love Nikki but lately, the level of romance has dropped tremendously. I'm not saying I'll cheat but something needs to happen. She's scared that she'll hurt me but I've told her countless times that I'll be fine. Tonight, something will be done about this. I promise you that.

Chanel POV:

When I left for work last night, Gia's ass was still on my couch. When I got home this morning, I see her asleep in my bed. She was hugging my favorite bear because she says it smells like me. She looks so cute and innocent. I walk over to the bed and kiss her cheek before I start undressing for my shower. I go turn on the water and pin my hair up before stepping into the shower. I felt hands slip around my waist. I shook my head and turned around and her lips met mine. "Gia what are..." She interrupted me. "Baby listen. I know you're probably upset about my comments the other day but I'm here to show you that I'm sorry. I haven't left your side even though you were mad. I asked you to be my wife and I meant it. I mean everything I say to you. I'm sorry if what I said came off as disrespectful but I just don't want to lose you. I saw you with him and the only thing on my mind was losing you to him or some other man." "Baby, I'd never leave you. I accepted your proposal because I want to spend my life with you. If I wanted to be with a man or any other person, I would've said no. I never would've moved in with you and I wouldn't have given you another chance. Understand me when I tell you, I'm here to stay Gianna. I love you." I kissed her just so she could feel the love that I feel. We didn't have sex, yet, but we just stood there under the water, holding each other and enjoying each other.

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