Chapter 16

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Taylor POV:

This morning, I woke up to an empty house and an empty bed. I haven't talked to Zoei since I kicked her out last night. I wasn't really expecting her to call but I'd at least thought she'd try. Oh well. I won't put too much thought into it. I have too many things to do today.

Once I'm dressed, I head downstairs. I grab a bottle of water and my keys. On my way out, I get a text from an unsaved number:

Unknown: I hope she was worth it. You're going to get yours!

I have no idea who that could be. Some chick with too much time on her hands probably. Once I get to the club, I go back to my office to wait for these people coming to see about hosting an event. I need to have my assistant start looking for hot promoters in the city. I'm trying to make this club big and well known. I already have one of the hottest DJ's and the sexiest lesbian bartenders. I'm halfway there.

After my meeting, I head over to my moms house. I haven't seen her since her birthday when I first met Chanel at the hospital. Maybe my mom can help me make sense of all these woman troubles I'm having. When I pull up to the house, I see her car so I know she's home. "Ma! Where you at?" I yell as I walk through the door. "Quit all that hollering in my house Taylor." she replied as she kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry woman" I replied. "So what problems are you having now child?" she asked, even though I never said I was having problems. She must've just known. "Same shit. These females ma. I just can't get it right with them. They either crazy or fake gay or something I'm not going to tolerate." I reply. "Well baby, I don't know what to tell you besides learn how to pick them better. You can't just go for them because they're cute or they like throwing pussy at you." "What?! Throwing what at me?" I just couldn't help but to laugh when I heard my mother say that. "Oh girl hush. I know what y'all lil nasty asses be doing. You did use to live here you know. I hear all." Jesus, my mom heard me have sex. I've never known that. I just wonder how much she heard. "But on a serious note, just take your time. Get to know these girls. Find out if you're really interested before you start getting your feelings involved. Look at the person on the inside, not just the appearance on the outside. I know you can do it, just stop being impatient." My mom had a point. I did need to slow down. I know what I have to do, I just have to find the time.

Chanel POV:

Yesterday was crazy. First I get cussed out for being nice to the new neighbor then I had to hear Gia's mouth about me being bisexual then I kiss Taylor. I ended up staying at my condo last night. I was still pissed at Gia. She had no right to judge me like that. If she had a problem with my sexuality, she shouldn't have proposed to me.

She's been blowing up my phone all night saying she's sorry and just wants to talk. I didn't respond at all. I must admit, I miss sleeping next to her and laying on her chest with my hand in her boxers. I still love her and I do miss her but she's not going to continue to judge me and talk to me like she's lost her mind. After I shower, I go downstairs to get some cereal. There's a knock at my back door but I don't know who it could be because no one should know that I'm here. When I open the door, I see Gia's ass standing with a huge bouquet of pink roses. "What are you doing here Gianna?" I said with an attitude. "Gianna? Wow you must still be mad huh?" she replied. "You damn right I'm still mad. I'm beyond mad. Why are you even here? How'd you know I was here?" "I didn't come here to argue. I came to apologize. I know what I said was wrong. Baby I'm sorry." "Yea, you're always sorry Gia. I don't know what to say to you right now. You're in the wrong this time so you wait until I'm ready to talk. Do whatever you want with the flowers. Leave them or take them. Lock my door back when you leave." I grabbed my cereal and walked out of the kitchen back to my room. She thought some flowers and an apology would fix this? I don't think so. The things she said to me, a person should never say to someone they intend to spend their life with.

An hour later, I go to but my bowl in the kitchen and I see Gia sleep on my couch. I'm not going to lie, she looked so sexy but I couldn't let this go. When I get into the kitchen, I see she put the roses in a vase. I want to forgive her but I can't let her get off that easy. I'm going to make her work for it.

Tamara POV:

Therapy has been helping a lot. Nikki goes to each and every appointment with me. I've never met a girl who is more loyal than she is. She has nothing but my best interest at heart.

I know she wants to go back to school and get her business degree and I'm so proud of her. "Bae! Come here. I have something to show you!" I yell from the basement. "What? Why are you screaming?" When she walked in, her mouth dropped. "Omg! Is this for me? Aww babe you shouldn't have." I got her her own desk and computer just like mine. The "Hers & Hers" edition. While she's in school, she can use it for homework and things like that and then when she graduates, she can use it for her business. I want to be her biggest supporter like she is mine. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her.

Although it's been weeks since I was released from the hospital, Nikki hasn't given me any sex. Real sex. She won't let me strap up or nothing. Yeah she gives me head but she won't let me return the favor. I know she worried about hurting me but I'm fine. She has no idea how much I miss looking down and watching her pussy grip my strap. I miss her riding my face and talking to me in her sexy accent. I have to do something about this and fast.

Denae POV:

I barely got any sleep last night. I know I haven't been involved in my sons life but that doesn't mean he should be taken away from me for good. I know for a fact his mother his not doing right by him. I'm not saying she's a bad mother but I don't think she's ready. I want to make sure everything is in order before I start this custody battle. I'm going to have Tamara serve as my representation but only for backup. I haven't seen my boy since before I got with Chelsea. I know it was wrong to keep this secret from her. I'm glad she knows now but I'm just hope she's ready for this. I'm not expecting her to just switch into mommy mode because I'm his mother and anything he needs will be provided by me.

Today, me and Chelsea are going to pick up Mechai for the week. I can't wait to see that adorable smile. The only problem is, his mother Suhmaya is not the easiest person to get along with. I mean, she was fine while we were dating but she changed after his birth. I decided to leave her because her attitude was just too much. I had Chelsea get his room ready and she did a great job. When she was ready, we got in the car and headed to my sons house. I intend to just go in and pick him up but a part of me knows it won't be that easy. I want Chels to come in with me simply so Maya can't say I have some random around her child. I'm trying to be the adult in all of this by introducing the two but knowing Maya, all hell could break loose.

When we pulled up, I noticed a brand new car. See, I knew she was using my money for bullshit. I got out of the car and rang the bell, Chelsea right behind me holding my hand. Maya opened the door, rolled her eyes and walked away. "Well hello to you too Maya." I say trying to remind her of her rudeness. "Don't come in here starting no shit Nae. And who is this you brought up in here?" she asked rudely. "This is my girlfriend Chelsea. Chels, this is my sons mother, Suhmaya." Chelsea waves but Maya just ignores it. "Look, I brought her here so there wouldn't be any problems. Don't you wanna know who's going to be around your child?" I asked. "I don't care Denae. Look, do you have my money or not?" "Are you serious?! I send you almost $1,800 every month. Why do you need more? I don't know what you're doing with the money but I send it to you for our son. Not you, not these fuck boy ass studs you have up and through here, but my son." I replied. "For your in formation, I am using the money on our son." Buying new cars every fucking month isn't benefitting our son Suhmaya! And I know you still dancing. I got people telling me that they're seeing you in strip clubs, what the fuck is that about?" Maya was a bad ass light skin with a body. I met her and when we started getting serious, she promised that she'd stop dancing. I guess after I left, she thought she could go back to dancing and I wouldn't find out. "I'm not about to go back and forth with you Denae. His bags are packed and he's ready." I shook my head at her and gave Chelsea the baby while I carried his bags. "Oh and by the way, someone will be contacting you about our custody case. I will no longer be your cash cow. If you want to shake your ass and get tricked off on by these girls then that's on you but I will not have my son in this environment." After that, I closed the door and headed back home. I need to start preparing for this case immediately. My son deserves so much better and I'm sorry I left my son with her.

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