Chapter 2 - Move

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Now that Scott and I had graduated, it was time for us to go find a house. We knew that we will be assigned somewhere different then here, and the other day the company called us up and told us that they are going to put us at the center of mass of the danger, since her group had been one of the highest ranking groups in years.

I was kind of stoked that we got that honor, but at the same time it's kind of scary. I mean we're going to be going against these villains that are just as strong as us.

I mean, you would be scared too right?

I wasn't really sure whether or not Scott and I are going to move in together, but the other day, he finally asked, and I was so excited! We have been looking for flats lately, visiting plenty too.

We made a decision yesterday which but we want to move into, and they said that we could actually move in within a week, so right now we're just getting our stuff together. Kind of a long ways away, but our parents are proud of us.

My parents also finally got out of the hospital, a couple weeks before our graduation. It's really nice to have them back and I'm a little sad that were leaving them, because I just got them back.

I guess that happens though, doesn't it.

I knew this was going to happen anyway, I just wish I got a little bit more time with them. On the bright side though, I'll be seeing them in the future come on me and Scott promised to come home at least once a year.

The date will probably end up being random days, but we promised, and we always keep our word. So we will be.


Today was moving day, and I am so excited.

Have I mention that I'm like really excited?

You're probably really sick of that word already, sorry about it bitches, get over it. I mean, you can stop reading anytime, this was your choice not mine.

Now that you've gotten your dose of sass for the day, let's get back to moving day!

I was packing up some boxes, ones that came over and took the picture frame out of the box and moved it into his. "What are you doing?" I asked amused.

"These are the pictures of us, and our family... I figured just the pictured in general should be in one box." He explained. God today was going to be a nostalgic one...

"Alright mister organizer, you can put all the stuff into boxes." I said, and went to sit down.

I mostly just said that so I could rest, I was getting a little dizzy. My vision was getting really blurry, and I started to see with tunnel vision. Shit. That man I hadn't had enough water today.

"Scott." I breathily said.

He came over looking alarmed. I lifted up my arm to simulate drinking, and he immediately ran to the fridge. He kind I freaked out anytime I didn't have enough water. I guess that was my fault though, because the last time that happened that kind of fainted and we had to go to the hospital.

This is why I'm still sidekick.

Hahaha, no but the school actually change the rules ever since my graduation. After I graduated, they decided to change the rules that you would get placed in groups and everything your freshman year, but they wouldn't actually decide who got what title until your senior.

Those are easily because I was still the Sidekick, so I was probably the least sidekick person in the entire year. #anomaly

I drank some water, and by the time I was back to normal, Scott had already packed all of the bags come in boxes into the truck. "Wow, that was fast."

"You know it." He smirked coming over giving me a kiss.

The kiss was passionate, and was ended by my squealing when he picked me up bridal style, carrying me to the car.


Time to get our move on.


That took long, sorry but I was working on finishing the story that will be premiered on October 16, and I will be posting one chapter everyday until the end of the book, so I haven't just been slacking.

Daily Obsession: Song-Writing


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Love y'all!

- krazykayla721

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