Chapter 15 - Obsession

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I've been working more and more lately on trying to figure out exactly who Liquid Diamond really was. I wasn't really sure what I should give to the agency, I have given them anything yet. I'm waiting till I have something concrete till I bring this up to Esther.

I was looking up some stuff on the internet when I heard the door open behind me. "Babe what are you still doing up? It's nearly 3 AM."

I looked at the clock, he was right.

It hadn't even dawned on me that would be past midnight, let alone at 3 o'clock. "Oh wow, I didn't even notice."

I heard him mumble something.

"What?" I asked.

"I said I know you didn't." I was confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" He felt concerned, "Mitch you haven't been doing anything outside of this room for the past week and a half, it's starting to worry me."

I laughed, "You have nothing to worry about."

He looked, and felt doubtful, "Really?"

"Of course."

Then all the sudden he felt depressed, looking up me with tears in his eyes, "If I have nothing to worry about tell me the last time you said I love you to me."

I thought about it, and immediately felt guilty. It was about a week and a half ago.

I echoed my thoughts, "A week and a half ago."

He nodded, "Exactly."

I got up from my seat, and gave him a tight hug. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know I love you, right? I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. I swear I am sorry, just been thinking a lot lately about--"

"Liquid Diamond."

I blinked, "How do you know about that?" He let go, "You really think you can keep secrets from me?"

Scott backed up looking at the ceiling when I didn't respond. He finally locked eyes with me,
"Mitch how is this relationship supposed to work if you don't communicate with me, if you lie to me?"

I went to answer but he continued on, "I am in love with you, I am so in love with you that I can't focus, I haven't been able to focus all week. I was hoping that this, this thing you're trying to do would just like a couple of days. I mean at least I hoped that the complete attention you gave the situation would only last a couple of days. But it didn't. I've been falling asleep by myself most of this last week. I've been sitting here wondering if you were going to include me, or tell me about it, non of which you did." He paused to breathe.

As much as this made me feel guilty, I felt more guilt, and more saddened by the fact that I didn't even notice this. He has been distressed the last week and I didn't even notice.


The one that has the emotion reading power.

"So? How are we going to do this, because I don't know how to feel when you shut me out like this. I know things aren't always easy for you, and I know that you a hard time trusting people, but it's me. It's Scott."

I sighed, "I know. I've just... I want this guy gone. If he comes back and hurts one of you guys... I don't know what I'd do."

"I get that, but I don't want you to obsess over it."

I got a little angry about that.

"I am not obsessed. I am just trying." I spit through my teeth.

"Really? Locking yourself in this room for a week and a half, not talking to me, not acknowledging me, that's not obsessed with something?" I walked up to him pushing him back against the door.

"No, it's called looking out for the people I care about." I stated.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather you care about me while I'm still here. Because if you keep this up... I don't know what I'm going to do. This isn't you. This isn't the man I fell in love with, because he would it be worried about me right now. Not worried about the fact I stated the truth."

I let go of him turning around. I let my fists unclench, and felt tears running down my face when I blinked.

Scott walked up behind me putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

He hugged me from behind kissing my head. "It's ok."

I turned around looking him in the eye, "It's not, I love you, and right now it's not really showing too much." He chuckled.

I suddenly got an idea grabbing his hand and leading him to our bedroom. He was really confused, making me smile. When we got there I turned around grabbing his face giving him a passionate kiss. He smiled, "I love you." This made him smile even wider.

"You gave me this gift once, and I think it's about time I returned it." He was intrigued but also confused.

I got him to lay down on the bed, kissing him for a while before slowly inching his shirt off. When I took it off I kiss his lips, "You are beautiful."

He smiled, finally understanding the favor I was returning.

I kissed his chest, "You are strong."

I moved down kissing his abdomen, "You are priceless."

I removed his pants, kissing his thigh, "You are my everything."

I made my way back up his body, giving him a kiss. "And I am so in love with you I can't even describe it, but I'll do my best to show you."

And I did.


Y'all like it? I am so happy to be writing again!

Daily Obsession: #PTXWorldTour

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- krazykayla721

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