Chapter 11 - Day Off

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We all decided to get together on our day off, just to make sure we get some time to hang out outside of work. It was kind of important since we had to stay a really tight knit group is we wanted to be successful. We were all meeting at Starbucks, because we're all basic white girls as you know.

"Mitch?" Scott yelled.

I groaned, not wanting to get up. Why? It was so early... "Mitch it's past ten o'clock." He commented.


He knows me too well.

I dragged myself out of bed, hoping in the shower to relax myself, because though we had a successful mission it didn't mean that I wasn't freaking out yesterday.

I heard the door open, and Scott came the slower with me. I was scrubbing my back trying to get rid of some tension.

"Let me." Scott whispered.

I nodded, handing him the soap, knowing he didn't need that cloth, he was strong enough on his own.

His hands slid down my back lightly at first, just washing my back.

Soon his hands moved back up, rubbing my shoulders, his thumbs running in a circle. "Damn Mitch, try not to be so stressed next time."

I chucked, "I don't know how you did it. It's so hard not to worry about everyone, and of you did the right thing, or not."

He nodded in understanding.

"If you remember though, before we started dating, I was not good at hiding it. I was kind of an asshole to everyone."

That was true.

"Kind of?" I asked playfully.


I turned around, "I was just kidding babe, I get it." I pulled him into a kiss.

We kissed for a little while before Scott broke the kiss saying, "I would love to continue this, but we have to get going Mitchie."

I pouted, and he kissed my pouted lips, reaching behind me, turning off the water. I grabbed the towels, handing one to Scott. We dried off, heading to our bedroom to get dressed, funny enough without intending to, we ended up matching.

Scott grabbed my hand, bringing me out of our apartment. I grabbed our keys right before we left, locking the door once we got outside.

We jokingly skipped to the car, ending up in a fit of giggles by the time we had arrived to the car.

Scott opened the door for me, and I mumbled a quiet, "Thank you." He walked around getting in the car before we drove to the nearest Starbucks, to that Kirstie had already arrived.

She ran over giving me a hug, which was a little awkward because Scott and I were still holding hands. "Oh you can hold each other's hands later, let go."

I blushed, Scott letting go of my hand so I could properly give Kirst a hug.

After she let go, she immediately jumped onto Scott, who picked her up spinning her around. "How is he?" She whispered.

To be honest I only heard the word 'he', but the worry she felt gave it away. "He's good, really stressed, but nothing he can't handle." Scott answered truthfully.

The worry decreased significantly, but it was still there, no doubt it always will be.

I looked toward the door just as Todrick walked through the door. We smiled at each other, him walking over giving me a hug, commenting on how he liked my outfit. Once Scott and Kirstie realized Todrick had arrived, they both got their hugs, creating some small talk with each other.

"Let's get some drinks, shall we?" Todrick asked.

We all nodded, heading over to the counter. I grabbed Scott's hand, feeling him get happy, which consequently caused him to smile.

I smiled at myself, I love it when I make him smile. It's priceless.

"I would like a white mocha, what about you babe? " He asked, looking me in the eye. I smirked at him, silently telling him to order my usual.

"He'd like a Carmel Macchiato, please."

I smiled, looking at Scott when the barista commented, "You guys are so adorable, you're a couple, right?"

We both nodded, giggling at our stereo behavior. "Adorable." She said again.

She disappeared for a couple seconds before returning with our drinks, "Here you go, try not to kill everyone with your cuteness." She giggled, winking at us.

I felt the man behind us get jealous, and leaned over getting our drinks whispering in her ear, "The guy behind us," I saw her nod, "He has a crush on you." I finished. I backed away to see her blush, and I gave her a look of confidence.

I handed Scott his drink, and we headed to our table with our friends.

"What was that about?"

I looked at Scott, "The man behind us got jealous when she winked, so I told us he had a crush on her, she blushed afterward, so she must have liked him too."

He looked off thoughtfully before smirking, "Playing matchmaker I see."

We both looked at each other before breaking out into song.

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!

He laughed, nearing the table to see Kirstie and Todrick giving us weird looks. Their faces looked so funny we ended up gasping for an did as we sat down.

"Ok, now that you two are done, how be you guys been? You seem... cuter than usual."

Todrick laughed at that, "Yeah, and stupider."

Scott jokingly glared at him before saying, "Were just happy that the mission went really well, and my geode glowed yesterday, so we're just enjoying this time before we get back into work."

Todrick looked around before narrowing his eyes at Scott, "Who are you and what have you don't with my best friend?"

Scott laughed at that. "I can be eloquent sometimes..."

"Since when?" He chuckled.

Scott shrugged.

"So guys, what do you think they'll do with the whole 'leader' thing?" I questioned. Because to be honest, I didn't want to be the leader for every mission.

"I think that they'll test us all for types of situations, to establish who would be the best leader for those in the future." Kirstie stated matter-of-factly.

"In English please." Todrick demanded.

She rolled her eyes, "They will make each of us the leader for every type of mission; murder, robbery, bombing, kidnapping, etc. Then from that they with establish who with be the leader for those specific missions based on who leads it the best."

"Thank you, now was that so hard?" He asked. She playfully bite towards him.

"I don't know, I understood it."

Scott smirked as Todrick glared at him.

This is gonna be a fun day.

I can feel it.


Kind of a filler, but we gotta have some right?

Daily Obsession: Having money, cause I don't.

EHAGSDLTAET: Last Love Song - Zzward

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Love y'all!

- krazykayla721

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