-Chapter One-

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**edited on 11/6/16**

A/N: So for some parts I'm going to use the TV Show as a reference. I also don't own most of the characters, and some of the events. Okay yeah bye.

||Max's POV||


"All hands on deck." My uncle, Killian, yells. The crew members line up and I sit on one of the crates. Killian walks up and down the two rows of soldiers. My father steps on board and smiles at my Uncle. "Thank you, Lieutenant." Dad clears the orders to set sail. Once everyone is in their positions, I run over to my Dad and Killian. "Where are we going?" I ask, looking at the sextant the King gave him. "I'm afraid I can't say until we get there." Dad smiles. I puff out my bottom lip. "Don't worry Maxi, what we're going after, we will have peace in the kingdom. It's a heroes journey." The sound of that got me excited. The ship was great and all but I would love to live in a nice little cottage, maybe be able to be on land for longer than a week,and live the life of a well made person.


"Be careful Dad." I tell him, as he gets ready to set off to the island. Since no one's ever been here before, I don't want either of them getting hurt. "Always am." He gives me a hug and rows off with uncle Killian.

We wait for hours, until they return. I jump up as soon as they're on the ship. "What took so long?" I ask them. "Ran into some trouble, everything's okay now. Don't worry." My Dad assures me. After we set sail, I notice my Dad isn't doing so well. As soon as we land from flying with the Pegasus, my Dad collapses.

Killian rushes over to him as do I. Everyone stands around us. It's like he's choking. "P-Protect Maxi." Was all he could manage to say before his heart stopped beating. He was dead.

Tears poured down my face as I tried to wake him up. "Dad, Dad please!" No answer. I repeated this several times until I was pulled back by Killian. I cried into his coat as the men around us heaved his body onto a platform for his memorial.

Everyone gathers around my uncle after they throw my Dads dead body into the sea. I try my best not to cry, but I can't help it. "I believe this belongs to you, Captain." One of the men says, handing Killian the Sextant. He takes it and looks it over.

"We were sworn, to serve the King and our Realm, Our dear King, sent us to retrieve a poison, it killed our Captain. No one should ever be able to set sail to that land." The Pegasus sail burns, as my uncle throws the torch out into the sea. "And Never again, should we serve the King, or fight any of his wars. He was a coward. If you disagree, then walk the bloody plank. For those of you who stay, we will be free. We now sail as the Jolly Roger. We are pirates." The crew cheers, as do I. Sure I'm young, but I still lost my father.


"So Killian, where are we going today?" I ask my uncle, as he stares off into the deep blue sea. It's been a year since my father's death, everyone seems to have gotten over it by now. Well, everyone except my uncle and I. "We're returning to the Enchanted forest. The lads and I are going into the village, see about anything else we can go explore, so I need you to stay on the ship." I let out a groan. "For how long?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't know." Every time they go to a Village on business, I'm stuck on the ship for hours with nothing to do. I miss the adventures we used to go on, before my Father died. But that's not the point. 

"Can I at least go into the Village this time? I promise I'll be fine." I ask and he lets out a sigh and shakes his head. "No, I told you. It's too dangerous. We'll be back around 7." He tells me and I let out a groan. "Sure. Be careful." I tell them and they leave. It's too dangerous he says, pfft. The dangers we used to face were much worse than the ones we face now. But that's the past I guess. 

I wait for about 3 hours until it's almost 7:15. They should have been back by now. Deciding I should go and look for them, I shove my father's old knife in my boot and leave the ship. It should be fine for a few. Not like anything important is on board. 

I walk around for 10 minutes, lost, until I see a man with a walking stick, rushing towards a small beer joint along with his son I guess. Poor kid. I don't know what made me decide to follow them, but I did. He tells his son to stay outside and walks inside. 

The boy obeys his father and sits down on one of the benches. I follow the man as he walks over to a table with a girl who I'm guessing is his wife, sitting across from my uncle. "Milah?" The man asks. The woman, and the crew turns their heads up towards him. I awkwardly stand out of sight. I don't want to interupt this. My uncle said he was going on business. Yeah, this definitely looks like business. I should've known, he's a pirate after all.

"Milah, dear, it's time to go." The man says. Milah smirks. "Then go." It's obvious she's had a little too much to drink. Same goes for my uncle. "Who's this?" Killian asks, leaning over a little too close to the woman. "Nobody important, just my husband." She says with disgust. My eyes widen. How cruel. "He's a tad taller than you described." Killian says, causing everyone to laugh. That woman has a son, and a husband desperately trying to take care of him and this is what my uncle does?

"Milah, come on. You have responsibilities." "Don't dare tell me about responsibilities Rumple. You could of fought in the Ogre wars, instead of becoming the village coward." The woman snaps. The ogre wars? That's what this is about? "Mama?" A small voice interrupts. It was the boy.

"Baelfire, you were supposed to wait outside." Rumple says putting his hand on the kids back. Milah walks over with a sorry look on her face and they leave.

I clear my throat and walk over to my uncle with anger. "So this is the business that you do? Go to pubs, get drunk, and flirt with married women? That's disgusting." My uncle snaps his head up in surprise. "Max, I told you to stay on the ship!" He says, keeping his voice steady. "Yeah, and you also told me you were going on business, and that you would be back before 7." I glare at him. "That woman had a son. A son! And you think it's okay, to flirt with them? You make me sick." I spit. I shouldn't be as mad as I am, but I am. I'm sure whatever that man did in the Ogre wars didn't deserve this. Or the kid for that matter.

Killian tries to talk to me, but I turn and run. I run as fast as I can, picking my black skirt up as I do. Killian calls my name but I keep running. I need to get away from him. 

I run for about 3 minutes until I'm out of breath. I seem to have lost him. Thankfully. I just want to be alone. Sadly, it takes about a minute for Killian to find me.

"What do you want." I growl. He lets out a sigh and sits next to me against the brick wall. "I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying about what I've been doing. Please, come back to the ship. We can go anywhere you want." he says and I roll my eyes and mutter under my breath. "Yeah. I remember what happened last time I was told that." Killian wraps his arms around me in a hug. "I'm sorry. I miss him too." He mumbles.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's go." I mumble and he nods and we head back to the ship.


A/N: Well..Hi. So how are you lovelies. No okay but this sucks.

Anywho Ily. K bye.



BUT yeah so i'M cringing so hard because my writing is petrifying. But like I'm going through and rewriting the story kind of so woo gonna make it better. 

But how are you? I hope you're having a good day and stuff because yano you're great and you deserve it. 

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