-Chapter Eleven-

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Edited: 12/8/15

||Max's POV||

The next morning, I woke up really early, no one else is awake. Well at least I thought no one was, until I heard a twig snap from behind me. I turn around only to face Pan. "You're up early." I whisper, careful not to wake anyone up. I feel his eyes pouring into my soul. "I want to show you something."

I eye him suspiciously as he takes my hand and drags me out of camp. "Where are we going?" I ask, clearly confused. "Just wait." He whispers. We walk for what seems like ages, but in reality is only a few minutes.

He takes me to the top of a cliff. This is the end, this is how I die. I get thrown off a cliff. I would like to give my knife to Henry, maybe he can stab him or something. My thoughts decease when, surprisingly, he doesn't throw me off, he waves his hands and a blanket with food on it pops up. I stare at it, confused. "What is this?"

"This," He starts, motioning to the picnic, "is going to be our first date." I choke on the air I was breathing in. "Date? I never agreed to this." I'm shocked. I don't want to go on a date with, with that beast! Do I? No, I don't okay. He smirks that stupid smirk and leads me over to the blanket.

"What did you do to it?" I ask, picking up a biscuit and turning it in my hand. "Nothing at all." He states plainly, taking it from my hand and taking a bite out of it. "Why are you being nice to me?" I ask, putting emphasis on the word nice. "I'm not just some egotistical ass love, I actually do have a heart." He whispers.

I look at him with shock on my face. "Oh." Oh? That's all I can say? Really, great going Max. I'm snapped back into reality, but his face coming closer to mine. What's happening? His lips part. Is he trying to kiss me? Do I smack him, or go along with it?

It seems as though I have no control over my body, my arms wrap around his neck and he pulls me close to him. When our lips meet, I feel sparks fly everywhere. The kiss lasts a few seconds, until we both pull away, gasping for air. Then, almost as if nothing ever happened, the world around me starts to fade away. I'm back in my tent.


I raise up, gasping for air. It was just a dream. Why did I have that dream? No, that wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare. Rubbing my eyes, I get out of my tent, only to be stopped by none other than Pan. Great. The last person I wanted to see.

The dream instantly comes to mind, causing me to turn red. "What's wrong with you?" He asks. "N-Nothing. What do you want." There is no way I'm telling him about my dream. "I need you to do something for me." I groan, trying to get back to my normal self. "And what may that be?" I ask, his smirk grows.

His gaze directs toward Henry, and I shake my head. "I'm not doing anything." "Relax, he doesn't believe he's going to save magic, and if he sees that you're sick, and dying, then he'll be more obligated to." "I can't lie to him, he actually trusts me." "That's the point. You will do as I say. Now faint." So I'm supposed to faint?

I roll my eyes and let out a fake cough, and collapse on the ground. To make things even more awkward, Pan picks me up and poofs me to a bed. Great.  "You stay put, and cough every now and then. I'll go fetch Henry." He says, and exits the tree house thing I'm in.

Lying to Henry was the last thing I wanted to do, other than be near Pan, but still. I wait for about 10 minutes until Pan pops in with Henry. I fake cough and Henry rushes over to me. "Max, what happened to you?" He asks. I reply with a cough. I push the guilt aside. "She's sick, dying actually. All of the magic is being drained from her." Pan tells Henry.

"But, she was fine yesterday, how did it happen so quickly?" "Magic takes it's toll differently on every person. She needs you to save her, Henry." Realization hits me. If I'm supposed to be 'dying' then I can't get up, and move, I'm stuck here. Bloody hell. How am I going to find my uncle?

"You should go now Henry, think about it." Pan says, and Henry glances at me one more time then leaves. Once Pan is sure Henry's gone, he goes back to his normal self. "Well done. I'm sure he'll come around."

"Lying to him doesn't feel right. I'm sure there's another way to save magic, or do whatever you're wanting to do." "You're sure huh?" I nod. "Yeah. I will find a way. There's always an alternative for everything."


A/N: I really want to write another story, but then I realize I'm not finished with this one LOL Oops. But I can't wait until March. I cri so hard guys.

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