-Chapter Five-

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Edited: 12/6/15 *realizes how short this is omg*

||Max's POV||

3 months. 3 awful months I've been stuck on this island. I've tried avoiding Pan the best I could, but it's no use. He's everywhere with his annoyingness.

All of the Lost Boys disappeared the past night, and disappeared again today. When I see Pan walking out of camp I decide to follow him. "Hey, where's everyone been disappearing to?" I ask him. He doesn't bother turning around but answers. "We have a new boy. A dear friend of ours found him and brought him to us." You mean he has friends outside the island?. "Oh." Was all I could say. He continues walking, and I follow him.

Finally, we arrive to the beach part, and he stops me. A boy is untied, and sits upright. I recognize him from somewhere, but where?

Felix speaks. "Is this the boy?" He asks the fellow lost boys. They hold a photo up to his face, trying to find any resemblance. "No, it's not." Pan says, poofing out in front of the boy. "Looks like it's your lucky day, you get to live." Felix smirks. "Take him back to camp." Pan says, and everyone leads him back.

I run back to camp as fast as I could. Luckily, I make it back seconds before they do. They shove the boy to sit next to me on the log. He shakes his leg nervously as everyone continues as they would normally, Pan disappears back to his hideout doing who knows what. 

"Hey, do I know you?" he asks me, looking over. "I don't know, I mean, you look familiar." I tell him. "What's your name?" "Baelfire."

Recognition runs across my face. "Milah's son." He glances at me. "H-How did you know that?" "The day I ran away, I came here, since you know, my uncle had 'fallen in love' with Milah." I tell him, now realizing the mistake I've made. "You're that Pirates niece, the one who he taught how to steer." He tells me. "What? Killian? And how did you know that?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"He has a hook for a hand now, so he goes by Hook, my father chopped it off. It's a long story, mainly involving how I got here, he rescued me. But, yeah, he told me." Baelfire says. "My uncle told you? He's here?" I ask and Baelfire nods. "He wanted to see if Pan knew where you were, but I guess he decided against it. So, now I don't know." he tells me.

I nod. "Then how'd you get here?" I ask. Baelfire snaps a twig on the ground. "I saw a picture of my mother, and I don't know why I'd think being here would be better, so I asked him to let me leave, so he did." Baelfire explains, and I nod. That little prick.

 I jump up from my seat and rush to Pan's tree. "Come down here. Right now." I yell up to him. He appears behind me, and I give him a cold glare. "Yes Mackenzie?" He asks. My anger boils up more at the use of my birth name. "It's Max, you twat. Why didn't you tell me my uncle was here? Better yet, looking for me?" I yell in his face. "Because, I knew you would try and find him. But you can't leave." He says, the smirk never leaving his face.

"You're a monster. Look, I don't know what 'hope' I have, but I'm sure you have someone else you can use for your plan." He lets out a cold laugh. "Yeah, I wish there was someone else. Maybe someone who would actually see the truth." He mutters the last part. "I want to leave Pan." for a moment, there's something other than annoyance in his eyes, hurt, but just as the second it was there, it was gone. "No can do." I glare at him and run off back to Baelfire, where I explain everything to him about the island.

||Killian's POV||

"At least the boy's gone." Smee says. I nod, pain in my eyes. "Aye. The crocodile can wait, we need to focus on finding Max." I say.

Someone speaks from behind me. "Ahoy captain." It's a voice I recognize all too well. I draw my sword and point it at the boy. "Woah, I mean no harm." He says. Smee cowers behind me.

I let out a sigh and put my sword back in its holster. "I've came in search for my niece. I was wondering if you could help me find her." I ask. He puts his hand to his chin, in a mock-thinking position. "What's in it for me?" He asks. "Please, I beg of you. Help me. I'll give you as much money as you want. I'll do anything."

"Anything eh?" I nod. "Hmm, how about, you come work for me. And in return, I'll help you find your Niece."

"Captain, don't listen to him." Smee starts, but Pan hushes him with a wave of his hand. "It's a deal." I shake his hand and Smee clutches his throat once he can breathe again. Pan smirks and disappears back off to the island. I'm finally going to get Max back, and my revenge on Rumplestiltskin.


A/N: Ayy. So yeah. I mean, this is farther than I thought I was going to come on this story tbh.

Anyways, Ily. Carry on.

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