-Chapter Ten-

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Edited: 12/8/15 

Rereading this and everything, I have a really sucky vocabulary omg. But why did I put "points his pointy stick at me" omg I cringe. I'm not British so I have no clue if I'm using the terms right ugh.

||Max's POV||

I don't remember what happened last night, except Neal's alive, and that's all that matters I guess. But when I tried asking Pan, he ignored it.

When I look up from the ground, I didn't realize I was staring at, I notice Devin challenging Henry. I get up and go over to him. "Bugger off, mate." Devin Points his pointy stick at me, when Pan pops up. "What's going on here?" He looks from the 3 of us.

"I was just challenging Henry, when your girlfriend interrupted." Both of us are taken aback by the use of the word girlfriend. Pan recollects himself and ignores it, and continues speaking. "Well Henry, imagine you have a real sword. You have to believe." Henry closes his eyes, and soon, a real sword appears. He opens his eyes in amazement. Then they start fighting. Oh great. Devin ends up with a cut across his face.

Rolling my eyes, I go to pick berries. "Where do you think you're going?" Pan asks. I roll my eyes as he appears in front of me. "To pick berries." I continue walking. He smirks. "You seem to be picking berries an awful lot." "Well, I mean, you did assign me as the berry picker but whatever." He seemed surprised at my sudden confidence, which comes and goes. I grinned to myself, knowing for once I won against him, even if it was something small, it still felt great.

"Whatever." He replies and walks off. I walk deeper into the forest until I hear a scream. It was Devin's. I run towards the direction he's in, noticing he's in a net. Oh. There's women, one of them I recognize as Emma. The other two must be Regina and Mary Margaret.

I run out, carefully. Mary Margaret points her arrow at me and I raise my hands up in defense then she lowers it. "You're a girl." She whispers. I not. Not like I've heard that before. "What are you doing? Are you trying to start a war with Pan?" Devin growls, freeing himself from the ropes. "Devin calm down. Besides, there's already a war started." I mutter. "We need you to deliver a message to Henry. And the girl stays with us." Hope courses through my body.

They give Devin the message and he runs back to camp, sure they took his heart, but eh. "So, you're a lost girl?" Regina asks, sitting down next to me. I nod. "I mean, I guess." "What's your name?" Emma asks. "Max." They all three share a glance. "You wouldn't happen to be Hooks niece, would you?" I nod. "You know him?" I ask, starting to get excited. Emma nods. "Yeah, we do. He's here, on the island. He came with us." I stand up with a smile on my face. "Really?" They nod. "You really are the savior. He's okay, isn't he?" I ask, and they nod. "He's fine. Just really bothered right now, don't worry."


"Pan will  notice I'm gone." I mumble, after they deliver the message to Henry. "Why is that?" Regina asks. "He keeps a close eye on me. But don't worry, I'll help you get your son back." "Hey, earlier when you said there was already a war, what did you mean?" "Well, Pan's been looking for Henry for a long time, and now that he's got him, you showed up, I don't know what he needs him for, but he won't give him up without a fight." I whisper, and they nod. "Then we'll have to use force."


When I make it back to the camp, Henry runs over to me with a smile. "So did you-" I place my finger on my mouth signalling to shush about it for now.

I throw the berries into the pile and plop down next to Henry. See Pan, at least when I say I'm going out, I bring back proof. "So what's our escape plan?" He asks, catching me off guard. "I don't know yet, let's just go along with Pan's plan for now." I tell him, but something conflicts over his face. "But, I'm supposed to save magic." He whispers. I look down at him. "Trust me, whatever he has planned probably isn't great. We'll find another way." I tell him and he nods, with sadness in his eyes.


Hiiii so yeah, this chapter was rlly short..oops. Anyways yeah hi ily bye.

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