-Chapter Sixteen-

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A/N: so I'm not sure about everything that happens in the Underworld and everything, but we're just going to go along with this. When 5x12 airs I'll probably come back and fix it, or try to anyways. But for now, I'm just going to wing it. Okay, Ily. 

//Max's POV//

"Are we sure about this?" Regina asks, once we're all on  the boat. Emma nods. "I am, you can all go back if you want." She says. "No, we have to stick together." Mary Margaret speaks, and we all agree. "What exactly are we going to do down here?" I ask, looking from Emma to Rumple. "Find Killian, and try to find a way out." "We have to be careful, if we bring anyone else with us, then there could be trouble. Mainly, because the ones we don't want to see again, are possibly down here." Mr. Gold tells us.

We go through a dark tunnel, and the next thing I know, we're being blinded by a pink sky. The ferryman docks to let us off, and then disappears back into the fog. Cautiously, I take a step onto the ground, along with everyone else. "Is it just me, or does something seem familiar about this place?" I whisper, noticing scattered people walking around with dull faces. We walk further in, and as soon as we hit main street, it hits me. "It looks exactly like Storybrooke." "But, how is that possible?" Regina asks. Gold shrugs. "It must have something to do with who's here, it wasn't like this before." He tells us. "Wait, we are in the Underworld, right? Storybrooke didn't just turn into some dusty whatever this is?" Henry asks, making sure. Mr. Gold nods. "The best bet, would be to split up. Regina, you and Robin go to see if the Mayor's office is here, and I'll go see about my shop." "What about us?" I ask, seeing as Emma, Henry and I are still here, since Mary Margaret and David are going to see at Granny's. "You three can go search for your pirate." He says, and walks off towards his shop. Technically, it's not his shop anymore, but still. 

I turn my head, and notice the clock tower. It's destroyed. "Well, well, well. Don't you three look lost." a voice I recognize all to well says, causing us to turn around. Standing in front of me is Felix. 

"F-Felix?" I can barely manage to get out. "Yes, hello. Now, what brings you to the Underworld?" He asks. "That's none of your business." Emma glares. "But you see, it is. I work for the Mayor here, and we have a system. No one just comes to the Underworld for a vacation. You have to have a reason to be here, therefore, it is my business." "We're looking for Hook." Henry blurts. "I think our Mayor," He pauses to smirk, "would like to see you." We share a look with each other, and decide to follow Felix down the street, to what used to be Regina's office. 

We're buzzed into the office, and Felix pushes us in. "Madam, we have visitors." Felix grins. "Yes, I'm aware. Sit." The woman looks up, and Emma and Henry seem taken aback. I look over to Regina and Robin, who seem terrified. We sit next to them. "Felix, you may go. Go find Rumplestiltskin, and the other two. I imagine you know where they are." With a nod, Felix walks out to go find them. 

"Mother, what are you doing?" Regina asks, more like growls. "Can a mother not want to see her daughter, and ex step granddaughter, and their family?" She asks, but then looks to me. "And this, I assume, is Killian's niece, pleasure to meet you." She stretches her arm out to shake it, but I deny it, looking from Regina to Cora. "Well then," She starts, but recovers by turning her head back to her daughter. "I assume you're in a hurry?" she asks. "Yes, actually. But I have something to ask you." Regina glares. "Why didn't you tell me I had a sister?" The grin soon wipes off of Cora's face. "I was young and selfish, Regina. At least I kept you." She whispers. Soon, the Charmings and Rumplestiltskin walk in, followed by none other than Peter Pan. Henry looks at me then back to him. My eyes soon dart away from the boy, who I once knew in green, now in an outfit similar to Mr. Gold's. I sense his eyes boring into my skull. "Snow, dear, how nice to see you." Cora says, almost harsh. "Cora, I didn't want to do what I did. You have to understand, we all do things for the people -" Snow starts, but is shushed by Cora waving her hand. "Hush now, dear. All is well here." Cora smiles, and it's almost 'genuine'. 

 "Was this all that came with you?" Cora asks, scanning all of our faces. Regina nods. "Yes." "Ooh, well I'm afraid I can't help you on finding your pirate, but, I can help you by getting you a place to stay, how about your loft? That seems to stay open." She says, checking papers on her desk. "We can't stay, Mother. If you're not going to be of use, then we'll get around on our own." Cora's smile never drops. "Suit yourself, I'm still putting you in for that loft. If you ever need a place." She says, Pan and Felix step aside so we can get out, Pan's eyes never leaving my head. Once we're out of the office, I look around, trying to shield my eyes from the dust. "What do we do now?" Henry asks. "Maybe taking Cora up on the loft offer isn't too bad of an idea." Robin starts, looking up at the sky. Regina sighs. "We'll need some place to talk, and that's the only semi-private place there'd be here." We nod, as she leads us there. 

It looks exactly like the one in Storybrooke, or our Storybrooke at least. "How did it go at Granny's? Or is it even Granny's?" I ask Mary Margaret as she turns the doorknob to the loft. 

I look down at the floor. "I already miss him, and Storybrooke." Emma places her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm sure Storybrooke will be in one piece when we get back, then maybe we can deal with Arthur and everyone." She reassures me, I smile. "He is an ass." "Does the sky change, or is it night time?" Henry asks, interrupted by a yawn. 

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. "Who in the hell." Regina mutters, but as soon as she opens the door, she rolls her eyes. What do you want, Pan?" 


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