-Chapter Thirteen-

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Edited: 12/8/15

||Max's POV||

Henry is dead. He's dead, and Pan is powerful. "You lied, to everyone." Is all I can manage to say. Pan keeps his cold eyes set on Henry's, now dead, body. "I did what I had to do."

Emma draws her sword and tries to attack Pan, only to leave a small cut on him. Then, he flies away, to who knows where.

"We lost." I whisper, sitting with my knees to my chest. "No, we didn't. We will get Henry's heart back. I'm not letting him die." Emma states and Regina nods in agreement.


"Where is he?" Killian asks, searching the sky for the flying monster. "If he's flying, he could be anywhere." Neal states. Regina gets up in Felix's face, "Where is he? What did you do?" Felix's smirk never leaves his face. "Pan has already won. There is NOTHING you can do." "I don't believe that."

Emma gathers around the lost boys. "Listen to me, I know you're scared. But if you help us, we'll get you somewhere safe. We can find you a family." "Pan is the only family we need." Felix says. "Would you shut up Felix? Let them speak for themselves." I snap and he shuts up. "I'm warning you-" He starts again, but I place my hand over his mouth and nod for Emma to continue.

One of the lost boys speak up. "You can really take us home?" Emma nods. "Of course." "He's in his thinking tree." I perk up. "I know where that's at, come on." I tell them and they follow me to the tree, while Hook and Neal and Charming take the boys to the Jolly Roger.

"I thought you would show up." A voice says. We turn around to see Pan. Before any of us can react, we're tied against the tree. Oh great. "Didn't you know, Peter Pan never fails. This tree, it's a very special tree. I abandoned my boy here." He starts but I interrupt. "You have a son?" His face softens for a small moment, but then turns back into the cold hard glare. "I'm older then I seem." Oh great, I dreamt I kissed an old man. "You must regret losing him, don't you?" Emma asks. He laughs. "No, not really. He was a mistake. Actually quite proud of him now, but if I wouldn't have abandoned him, some things," he pauses to look at me. "wouldn't have happened. But now, I have him all boxed up." I almost choke on my spit. I dreamed I kissed Rumplestiltskins father? "Rumplestiltskin is your son?" Mary Margaret asks. He nods. "That he is." 

He starts talking about Emma's regret when I speak up. "Leave her alone." He walks over to face me. "Ooh. Mackenzie, Mackenzie, I thought you knew better. It's a shame you're with them." He says, like it pains him. I hope he feels pain. The tree attacks me with regret. Regret for saying that, regret for leaving my uncle, regret for not saving my mother, even if I was a child, I could of done something. "Do you feel that Max? That regret eating you alive.?" He starts but before he could finish, Regina speaks up.

"I've done things I'm not proud of, but do I regret them? No. Because they got me my son." Regina says, freeing us from the tree. She reaches her hand inside Pan's chest and gets Henry's heart. I grab Pandora's box before he can get up. Before we leave Emma ties him up to the tree. "Now, let's go save Henry." Once we're out of hearing distance, Pan mutters something along the lines of  "I regret not saying how much I love you." Or something. Deciding to ignore it, we go back to Henry.


We make it to the ship and I smile. I'm home. "Where's Henry?" Emma asks. She rushes over to her sons body and shoves his heart in. After a few seconds, he springs to life, wrapping his arms around his Mom's. My uncle hugs me and tells Henry to go sleep in the Captain's bunk.

Regina goes to tuck him in and I sigh, staring off the edge of the Ship. "I honestly thought I'd never see this thing again." I whisper, not making eye contact with my Uncle, who just appeared next to me. "Aye. I never thought you would be back on it either." This causes me to smile a little and playfully smack him. "Have a little faith would you." I laugh.

"Alright, something's bothering you. What is it?" I shrug. "I'm actually kind of going to miss it here, I mean, it's been my home for a century, maybe longer." "You're going to miss it here, or Pan?" I look up at him. "Why does everyone assume I'm in love with him?" I ask. "I didn't say in love, but you show it in your eyes." "Why aren't you arguing about it?" He shrugs. "I know it would never happen." That's all he says before walking off. "Great talk, uncle Killian." I mutter. I don't love Pan, that's disgusting. He's like an ogre, but uglier. And, he's rude, and has tied me up to trees, but he has nice eyes. Where are all these thoughts coming from?


Neal releases his father from the box, and hugs him. "Henry's safe." Was all Neal could say, before Rumple went below deck because he heard something.

Turns out it was Pan trying to steal his shadow, but now Pan's safely trapped in Pandora's Box. For good. "When we get home, we'll lock this up someplace safe, where my father can't hurt anyone again. Home? "Hey Killian, or should I call you hook now?" I ask, standing next to the wheel. "Either's fine. "Okay, so are we going back on the sea, or are we staying here?" I ask, he looks over at Emma and smiles. "I see, you fancy her?" I grin. He looks at me and nods. "But I'm stepping back, because Neal loves her." I look at him and smile. "Good." Maybe things will be better now, especially without Pan.


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