-Chapter Two-

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**Updated 11/26/15**


||Max's POV||

The next morning I woke up to yelling. Instantly,I recognize that one of the voices belongs to the man at the pub, Rumple I think his name was. "Please sir, what am I going to tell my boy?" He asks, no, more like begs. "The truth, that his father's a coward." the words flow from my uncle's mouth, like nothing he said last night was true. "Please." Rumple says. "Look here mate. I have a niece. She needs a woman figure in her life, she's growing up and needs someone to talk to." I scoff. I do not. I can take care of myself. I've spent the past, who knows how long without a woman figure in my life. I've been doing quite well. And I bet I can do better on my own. 

When I decide I've had enough, I go on deck and glare at my uncle. "So this is how it is huh?" I ask him, venom clear in my voice. All eyes turn to me. "Max, Please. I'm trying to help you." He says and I shake my head. "No, you're not. You're trying to help yourself. Do me a favor, leave me here." I tell him. "I made a promise to your father I'd protect you. I can't leave you here." "Protect me? You've not been doing such a good job at that, now have you? If anything did happen to me, you'd only feel guilt. Guilt for not doing what you promised." My words shock him, and me too. Where is all this fire coming from? I actually kind of like it. For years I've been following orders, listening, all the things I'm supposed to be doing, but now it feels good to just let everything out. 

"I'm staying. I'm sure I can find somewhere to stay." I tell him and he sighs. "No, you're not." "Watch me." I take off towards the exit of the ship. He chases after me but it's no use, I start knocking things over, so he trips, making it harder to catch me. Once I'm off the ship, I dart towards the trees. I can't take being on that ship anymore. 

When I finally stop running, I sit down and lay my head against a tree. I sit there for about half an hour, until a man walks over to me. Well, not exactly a man, but he looks young. It's hard to tell through his cloaked figure. He gives me a smile and I stand up, clutching the knife in my pocket. "Who are you?" I ask, he continues to smile. "I'm here to help you." he tells me. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bean.

"What is this?" I ask. "It's a magic bean. It will take you to any realm you want to go. I've been watching you, it looks like you need it." he says. I look at it in my palm. "Any realm?" I ask and he nods. "I-I don't know, I mean, my uncle." I start, but he cuts me off. "Not to worry, my child. He will find you eventually." he tells me. "What, are you some kind of fortune teller or something?" I ask. "Not exactly. Just trust me." He says and I take the bean. "Hey what's your name?" I ask, but he had vanished. Oh. I was always told not to take things from strangers, but my Uncle seems to do it a lot. 

I twirl the bean between my fingers. Any Realm I want to go huh? Before I can process anything I'm doing, I throw the bean down, and a green portal opens up. I think of where I want to go and whisper. "I love you Uncle Killian." Then I jump.


I wake up soaking wet with sand all over me. Great, and I have no clothes to change into. I raise up and let out a groan. Holy crap, it looks just as I remember it. Well, from far away, since we never actually docked onto the island. Neverland. The place that killed my father. I don't really know why I chose to come here, maybe because my uncle would never find me, or that it's the only Realm I know of that isn't crowded with people I can't trust.

Once I stand up, I dust the sand off my clothes the best I can. Now, to find somewhere to sleep. My uncle told me there was someone who lived on the island, someone who tried to warn him about the poison they were after. But also, that he's not a great person. So I don't really know. A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. So much for a place with people I can trust. 

"You know, you could just think of new clothes." The voice says. It's a guys voice. I wonder if it's the guy my uncle told me about. I spin around the face the boy. He looks about my age, maybe a little older. "Who are you?" I ask him. "Peter." He states, holding his hand out. "Peter Pan." I shake his hand. "Max." He smirks. "You're that captain's daughter, right?" He asks. I look at him shocked.

"How did you know that?" "I overheard him talking about his daughter, and how he was doing it for her. Getting the dreamshade I suppose." He tells me. "Oh. Yeah." I mumble. "Where's the other lad that was with him?" He asks. Guilt rushes over me. "He's um..in the Enchanted Forest. I kind of left him there. He stole the wife of a man named Rumple." I tell him. He looks at me when I mention the name. "Of course. That's a shame." He says.

There's a silence between us, until he speaks up. "Well, I'm sorry to hear about your father." He says. I shrug. "It's okay I guess." I need to know if I can trust this guy.

"Say, How about I show you my camp. The Lost Boys would love to have a female around." He says. Boys? Ugh great. "You could be our lost girl." He smirks. I feel my face growing hot and follow him into the woods. I'm scared I'm going to make a mistake. Or, maybe I already have.

We walk for a few minutes, until Peter pushes back some leaves to reveal a nice looking camp. Boys are scattered about, sitting on logs, talking, and some of them are dancing around a fire. What have I got myself into?

Everyone stops what they're doing when we walk through. "Pan, is that a girl?" one of them asks. Oh, great. Cue the awkwardness. "Yes, now, she's going to be one of us now. A lost girl. Got it?" He says and everyone nods. A boy with a scar on his face and blonde hair walks over to us. "A girl? Seriously? The shadow couldn't possibly of brought her, could it?" He asks. Pan shakes his head. "No Felix, she came herself. Remember the Pirates that came looking for Dreamshade? Well, this is the Captain's daughter." He says. He gives Felix a look, and realization crosses his face followed by a smirk. "Yes, I do. Poor guys, I actually felt sorry for them."

They turn back to me and smile. "Felix here, will show you your tent." I nod and follow the blonde boy. I'm actually really scared. The only girl, on an entire island, great.

"Pan's been expecting someone like you to come. You're going to help us." Felix states simply. Help them? Also,What's with all this stuff about people expecting me? Deciding to let it go, I realize I'm still in my soaking clothes. "Hey, Pan Mentioned I could think of new clothes, is that true?" I ask and Felix nods. Okay, I'm going to think. My old piratey clothes turned into a pair of shorts and a shirt.

I walk out of my tent and sit down on a log. What am I supposed to do now? How long am I supposed to stay here? Crap.


Bloody hell, where is she? "Captain, we've searched the entire village. We need to go." one of my crew members states. "We can't. Not until we find her." "It's obvious, she's not here." He replies. I walk up to a man and hold a sketched drawing of her. "Have you seen this girl?" I ask. He studies the picture and shakes his head. "No-" He starts but I cut him off. "Liar, I can see it in your eyes. You have seen her. Where is she?" I ask, more forcefully this time, and pushing him against the brick wall. "Look mate, I saw her holding a magic bean, you know, one where you can travel to another realm, then she vanished into the portal. She's not here." The man states, struggling to breathe.

"A magic bean? Where the bloody hell would she get a magic bean?" I ask. The man shrugs as I release my grip on his collar. "They're pretty rare. Sorry. I hope that helped." The man runs off as I sit down on the ground with my head in my hands. "I promised Liam. I promised him I would take care of her. Now look where she is." "Captain. We'll find her. Even if we have to sail to the ends of the earth, we will." I look up at my crew and nod.

"Let's find a magic bean."



Alright. This chapter sucked, Anywho, so should I keep Pan as Rumple's dad or should I make him his son? I think I'll keep him as his dad. Anyways, if you actually like this then ily. And if you don't ily still.

But yeah, comment constructive criticism or something.

Yeha okay byee.

**Update: Hii. sOO PAN'S GOING TO BE BACK ON OUAT YAS. But, Happy Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it. But I've not really made big changes in the story, but somethings I may have I don't know for sure yet. Anywhooooo Does anyone like 4 DOOR THEATRE or Monday's Mona Lisa? No? Okay. Ily bye.

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