I choose you

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Michelle's POV:
I'm in studio A dancing to inside out. It reminds me of Eldon and the time when we wanted to date but we couldn't because of Emily. As I finish my solo, I hear someone clapping. I turn around to see him stood there with a shy smile on his face. I walk over to him and just as I'm about to talk he pulls me and smashes his lips onto mine. We stand there kissing for what feels like hours until he pulls away.
'I wanna be with you.' he says longingly.
'I wanna be with you too.' I say before kissing him again. As we pull away I can't help but think of Thalia.
'What about...'
'I told her that I want to be with you. And she said she's fine with just being friends.'
'Okay.' I say with a sigh of relief.
I can't believe it. We're back together! The last time I felt this happy was at regionals when he said he wanted to be with me.

Eldon's POV:
Michelle and I kiss again until we hear 10 simultaneous gasps. We turn around to see Giselle, Thalia, Amanda, Riley, Stephanie, Cierra, James, Max, West and Noah all stood staring at us. I look at Michelle and see that she's blushing. She's so cute! Just as I thought this couldn't get anymore embarrassing, Miss Kate and Phoebe walk in.
'Why are you all staring at Michelle and Eldon?' Miss Kate asks them. I look at Michelle and she gives me a reassuring nod.
'Michelle and I are back together!' I announce. All the girls run over to Michelle saying how happy they are for her (even Thalia) and the boys come over to me smiling. Well James isn't - actually he looks quite angry.
'What about the 30 pirouettes thing?' he asks me.
'Screw that I'm back with Michelle!' I say, making him laugh.
'I'm happy for you bro.' he says before pulling me into a man hug.
When we pull apart, I notice Riley stood waiting for James. She walks over to him and whispers in his ear. I can just about tell what she's saying.
'The costume closet is waiting for us babe.' she says.
'Gotta go guys. See you later.' he says before they run off, giggling.
Remind me to never go in the costume closet.

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