Old faces

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Michelle's POV:
I have two hours before Eldon is picking me up so I decide to get ready. I walk to my wardrobe to pick an outfit. I choose a tight back dress and some black wedges. I then curl my soft blonde hair and spritz it with hairspray. Finally I do my makeup and apply some perfume. I notice I have five minutes before Eldon is picking me up so I wait downstairs. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell goes so I open it to reveal Eldon holding a teddy bear.
'Hi!' I say, smiling at how cute he looks.
'H-h-hi. You l-look... wow.' I can't help but giggle at his stuttering.
'I got this for you.' He says handing me the teddy bear.
'Aww Eldon. That's so sweet! Thank you.' I say leaning in to kiss him. As we pull away he directs me to his car.
'Are you ready to go?'
'Yeah.' I say as he opens the door for me. He's such a gentleman.

Eldon's POV:
We arrive at Pizza Hut and find Emily and Hunter sat at a table. I pull out Michelle's chair for her and sit down on the chair next to her.
'Hey micheldon!' Emily says, grinning.
'Hi Huntmily!' Michelle says, laughing.
We chat about the studio and school until a waiter comes to our table.
'Hello and welcome to Pizza Hut! My name is Tess and I'll be your waiter.' I hadn't paid much attention to her until I heard her name. Tess. It sounds familiar. I study her face until I realise who she is. It's Tess from elite! The Tess that tried to stop the next step from going to nationals. The Tess that tried to stop Michelle from performing her solo. The Tess that tried to shut the next step down. Basically Amanda 2.0. I look at Michelle and Emily and see that they know who she is. I look at Hunter and he just looks confused and hungry.
'Hello Tess.' Emily says with disgust in her voice. Tess looks at us all and realises who we are. Her face turns bright red as she tries to continue doing her job.
'Um.. Err.. Um.. Would you like to order?'
'Can I hear the specials please?' Emily says, clearly enjoying herself.
'W-w-we don't have any specials.' Tess stutters.
'Okay, um I see you have homemade lemonade on your drinks menu. Where were the lemons grown?' Watching Emily embarrass Tess is honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
'I don't know!' Tess cries.
'I don't appreciate you using that tone with me - a paying customer! Can I please talk to your boss?' Emily demands. Tess runs off, mortified and we all laugh until another waiter appears.

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