Day 3

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rip in peace brownie pan

Today was a pretty good day. Had a weird dream, though. Very weird. I won't say what happened.

And it did not involve Ward.


But all is good, for it was only a dream. I had a bit of trouble getting up due to the fact that it was freezing outside. All I wanted to do was curl up and watch another movie. But, duty calls. And duty sucks. I mean, who needs paperwork filed at 7 in the morning?!

Ward wasn't so pleased, either. He woke up angry, I woke up angry, so we both stayed in our PJs all day. Sometime in the morning, Ward gave me a bit of candy to brighten my day. But I opened it to find a lovely family of ants nibbling in my claimed treat. Damn you, ants.

After a shit ton of coffee and spraying each other with water, we were both finally awake. Which was like at noon. We had lunch, which was pretty good because neither of us actually cooked it.

But that was only the beginning of my day.

Lunch ends, Ward and I decided to walk around a bit and talk, right? No. This bitch decides that a water balloon fight in nearly freezing temperatures would be the best option.

Completely ignoring me, he goes to fill up a water balloon, right? Breaks the faucet. Water everywhere. We're both drenched and freezing. So, guess who has a cold? Ward. I've got one strong ass immune system. But guess who's taking care of him? Me.

And, holy shit, he's such a whiny bitch when he's sick.

He won't shut up. Ever. I feel bad for him being sick and all, but couldn't he have lost his voice or something?

Every five minutes, I heard this stuffy voice from across the room, coming from the sick boy on the air mattress.

And no, Ward. I will not give you a massage.

Poor guy. Right now, he's just curled up on his mattress with a bunch of blankets. I think he has a fever. But, I'm not a medical professional, so I'm just gonna say he has can't-stop-talking-itis. For someone who's coughing every two seconds, that boy can run his mouth.

Oh, wait. I should probably be labeling these days. Today is October 12, 2015. Ward and I are trying to pick out matching Halloween costumes. Since we can't actually trick or treat, we're just gonna play some games and chill. Maybe scare his ass with some pranks or scary movies. We have a few ideas already:

• Cop and criminal
• SHIELD and Hydra
• Shirt and pants??¿ idk we're bad at this

But as long as I'm the cop, I can handcuff Ward. And I can handcuff him to a wall and tickle the hell out of him. That's one thing about Ward. He seems so tough and cool and shit and then you tickle him and he turns into an actual puppy.

Now, excuse me while I must go serve this sick puppy yet another bowl of soup.

~ HH

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