Day 6

887 95 27

October 15, 2015

Holy. SHIT.

Alright, now, before I tell this story, just remember that everything I say is 100% true and not overexaggerated.

So, a normal morning, right? I'm curled up in my bed, minding my own business, reading a magazine. Ward had left about 30 minutes ago to go shower. And then he walks in the room. Wearing nothing but a towel.

At first, I didn't notice, like, heyyy. But then I looked up. What the shit? What the shit? What... WHAT THE SHIT!!1!!1


Like, you know that weird feeling you get when you, I don't know, accidentally see something you're not supposed to see? Basically when you're trying to watch free movies online and you get that pop-up ad. It was just like that, but without the immediate feeling of wanting to look away. In fact, it was the exact opposite of that. I couldn't look away.

What I didn't realize is that it's been an awkward 30 seconds of my blank staring. And Ward's confused staring. Uhh...

I laughed it off in the most awkward way possible. I mean, what was I supposed to do? "Hey, best friend! You're ripped as hell and it's making me sweat!" Like, ugh...

But I'm not like that. I mean, everybody gets awkward when you see your best friend naked for the first time. Or with a towel around their waist. Wait, that doesn't normally happen, does it? I don't know, I don't have friends! hOW DO i SOCIAL??¿

But, yeah. That was the highlight of my day (surprisingly). And he's been really distant and quiet ever since, which makes me almost feel bad.

And guess who's flats came in the mail? Mineee!

But I can't stay happy about that. Not when my best and only friend won't even breathe in my direction. Well, technically, this isn't my fault. I didn't ask for him to work out. I didn't ask to be straight. I could be gay and he could be flabby for all I care. So, yeah. No blame here.

Screw it. I'm infatuated.


I really don't like like him! Or do I? Who knows?! And when did this story turn into a crappily-detailed description of my love life?! >:(

First off, I'm not gonna chill. Ward and I have been mad at each other before. We can easily make up and become friends again. Then again, I've never actually done any shit like this. I wonder if he feels as awkward as I do. Probably. Or maybe he's just messing with me to throw me off guard. But he never does that...

Well, shit. I guess I'll need someone else to turn to. Please comment me some questions or something. Honestly. I'll answer them tomorrow. I just really hate being all alone and I guess you guys can help me out. But if you ask me if I can let Ward date/marry/f- ...uh, follow you, then the answer is no. Hell no.

~ HH

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