Day 13

343 50 22

November 7, 2016

(A.N. Hey, I know I haven't updated this in forever, but let's just pretend this takes place within the November of the same year span and not a year later... and that Ward isn't dead.)

Today was great.

No, it wasn't.

Somehow, I managed to fall asleep on the floor while Ward was in my bed. Not sure how that happened, but that's some spooky shit that I don't wanna get into.

So, Thanksgiving is coming up. That's always a fun one. Eating a shitload of whatever you can stuff into your mouth with the people, or person, you love. And before you take that the wrong way, I'm talking about food.

Anyway, Ward's still a clingy bitch. And it's getting kinda annoying. I mean, I still love him, so so much. He's just extremely anxious about something, and he won't tell me what it is. I don't know if it had something to do with his dream or not, but he's so overprotective, he won't even let me go train.

Oh, hey! It's been a little over a week since Halloween, so I guess I should update on that. Ward and I got into our costumes. I was a police officer, and he was a prisoner. We dressed up and made our way around the facility, asking every other HYDRA agent for candy. Sadly, terrorists don't exactly keep a good stash of candy. We ended up with two Skittles (not packs. literally two old, smushed Skittles), a banana, 12 packs of almonds, a hammer, and a hard boiled egg.

That night, as I promised, I handcuffed Ward up and tickled him. Which was a lot less fun than I thought it would be. I didn't realize how amazingly kinky it was until ward said,

"You gonna do anything else to me in these cuffs?"

But, hey. I laughed it off.

Then cried.

In private, of course. I wasn't gonna sob about him in front of him. Oh, I still feel really bad for friendzoning him. He should know the truth. Or not, because all that gushy romance shit is confusing. Maybe I should just adopt a dog and go for walks with it for the rest of my life. Or I could adopt 10s of cats and become an old cat lady.

No, no, it's not the same. I want to be an old Ward lady.

Wait, what the fuck did I just say? I'm glad he's not watching me type these anymore.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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