Day 5

995 103 49

October 14, 2015

Ward's getting better! And he ordered me a new pair of flats, which is all that matters.

Today was kinda weird. I had breakfast, did paperwork, and worked out. Okay? And that's when I get a call from SHIELD. Thanks to the tech team at Hydra, they have absolutely no way of tracking my location. So I decided to not answer and get Ward, who gets Coulson's location within seconds. Silly SHIELD. We're gonna trick or treat there.

A few Hydra guys went out yesterday night and came back this morning with my clothes and costumes. Of course Ward (that little bitch) wanted me to model everything for him. It was all fun until I tripped in a pair of heels and fell over him. Awkward.

Thank God for air mattresses. And Ward, but still. I embarrass myself more than anyone else ever could.

After hysterically laughing at me for a few minutes, I finally got up from him and stormed off into the bathroom. Being a good friend and all, he came to apologize and gave me a hug. And then it got weird again. A spider comes from a crack in the wall. A SPIDER. I HATE SPIDERS.

Long story short, I've been moved to the next room over while the other one is being exterminated.

And those boots were hella cute.

As for the costumes, Ward and I tried them on just to see what they would look like. His was an orange jumpsuit with a low v-neck, and mine was a police shirt and hat with a black skirt. And. HANDCUFFS. Can't wait for Halloween night! Gettin' candy, screwin' with SHIELD, ticklin' Ward. It'll be great.

Since he was feeling better, I asked him about his folder of our selfies. He kinda dodged the question, but his answer was clear enough.

"You're my only friend. I want to treasure every moment I have with you. Other people have friends regularly, but not me. I just really value you."

Sweet. I found myself holding his hand, and then tracing his scars. He got really uncomfortable and pulled his hand away. I apologized a million times, but he said he was okay. All he told me was that he got a little low and he couldn't cover them up...

Poor guy. I really love him, I do. Honestly, he's my only friend, also. In this crazy, messed up world, I'm glad I have someone who I can rely on. I don't need a bunch of friends when I have one true one. When I'm sad, he comforts me. When I'm mad, he calms me down. Whenever I need help, he's there. Whether I'm stuck on a math problem or I can't reach a tall shelf, Ward's always got my back. And sometimes I wish my dreams could become a reality. Just me and him on a sailboat, off to who knows where. Because life's a beautiful thing... and it's all about who you spend it with.

oh shit what did i just say

~ HH

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