Day 11

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October 20, 2015

You'd expect me to say that training is awful, but this is fun! I get to run, lift weights, and all that awesome stuff. I even beat Ward in a race!

Ever since I friendzoned Ward, he actually seems to be friendlier than ever. Which is actually probably misleading since he's really hurt. I mean, I understand how he feels. I feel the exact same way.

Ward and I sat down to watch a movie after training. Did I mention that he's been super snuggly, too? He had me buried in a hug for the entire length of the movie. He fell asleep halfway through (like always), so I couldn't actually move... Well, we had a great nap together. Also, he smells like linen.

I woke up to the sound of Ward's quiet whimpers and moans. Apparently, he was having a bad dream. I shook him a little until he woke up in shock, then hugged me even tighter. He kept whispering in my ear.

"Please never leave me."

What did that mean? What was his dream about? I dream about sailboats and shit and this dude's having nightmares?! That's terrible. Nightmares really freak me out. I just hugged him back and whispered a reply.

"I won't."

After what seemed like an hour of tight hugging, he finally pulled away and hopped out of bed. Ever since his nightmare, he's been super overprotective of me. Everywhere I go, he'll try to follow me there. If I'm dealing with something heavy, he's there to make sure I won't hurt myself. I'm glad to see that he cares, but...

What happened in his dream?

Did I die? Maybe he dreamt that SHIELD took me or something. I got separated from him once before while on a solo mission and when I came back, he bought me a three tier cake. And now that we've got all these weirs ass feelings and shit, I'm pretty sure he's gonna be like 5000% more protective.

I'm off to go shower now. I think Ward's gotten used to my cuddles. Right now, he's curled up in my bed. How cute.

~ HH

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