Day 10

910 94 253

October 19, 2015

Haha, I friendzoned Ward so hard.

I guess he felt like it would be better to start a relationship outside of SHIELD. Well, nope. I may like him, but I still said no. Now, let's get to business.

Hydra's pretty strong. We've got a bunch of team members in every department. Even if we were outnumbered, everyone's got enough training to hold back a larger number of enemies.

The lab accident's been filed accordingly - thanks to me. I'm good at fighting, strategy, filing paperwork. I think I'm doing pretty good at this Hydra thing. Maybe I'll be promoted.

My first mission with Hydra is to infiltrate an old SHIELD warehouse and retrieve a few weapons. I'm looking for two guns that were prototypes a few years ago, but were abandoned along with the warehouse. I'll have to get to training now, so I'll cut this entry short. Bye!

~ HH

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