Chapter Two: "The Meeting"

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I finally made it to the Boston Airport. It was pretty cold, even for a Canadian like myself. I walked through the airport trying to find Craig, Lui, and David. Their plane landed just a few minutes before mine and they told me they'd wait for me. I came around a corner to find everyone's friends and family. In the crowd of people, I saw David holding a cardboard sign that had the word "douchebag" written on it. Lui and Craig were standing beside him waving like maniacs.

"You made it!" said Nogla as I came up to them.

"Good to see you guys," I said. I gave them all hugs and we proceeded to leave the airport.

"I still can't believe we're finally going to meet Jonathan after all this time. He hasn't shown any of you what he looks like yet, has he?" asked Craig as we got in the car.

"No, he still hasn't shown any of us. We'll just have to look for Luke and go from there." Now that I was in Boston with some of the guys, everything sank in. Once we hear from them that they landed, we would meet up with Delirious for the first time.

We made it to a restaurant where Scott, Brock, and Tyler were waiting at. They all got there early in the morning and met up with one another. It took us forever to find the restaurant but we finally saw Scott's face pressed up against the glass of one of them when we walked by.

We entered the restaurant and then heard Tyler yell: "Hey fuckers!"

"Shhh!" Brock whispered as he punched Tyler in the arm. "There are kids here, dumbass."

"Hey guys!" I said and we greeted each other one by one. They had grabbed a long table for everyone to sit at.

"So, are you guys ready to party this weekend?" Scott asked.

"Oh man, I'm going to get hammered, I just know it," replied Tyler.

"I don't know if I want to drink too much this weekend honestly," said Lui.

"Yeah, me neither, I'll happily be your designated driver though. Seeing you two drunk is almost better than getting drunk myself," laughed Craig.

We ordered multiple appetizers as we waited for everyone else to come. I've never seen seven guys eat so many nachos in my entire life.

Marcel and Brian finally showed up and we were left waiting for only two more: CaRtOoNz and Delirious. The nine of us debated way too long on our predictions for Jonathan's appearance. We all agreed that we'd love him no matter what he looked like and we'd show him lots of support for coming this weekend.

After what seemed like hours of waiting at the table, I got a call from him. "Everyone shut up!" I yelled as I answered my phone. "Hey Delirious, where are you guys?"

"Hey, sorry Evan. Our flight was delayed for a while but we finally landed and we're just leaving the airport. Want to text me the address of the restaurant?"

"Sure. We'll wait outside for you guys, it's getting too hot in here with all of us anyways."

He let out a small laugh. "Sounds good. We'll see you guys in a few minutes."

"See you soon, buddy." I hung up then quickly texted him the address. I put my phone in my pocket then looked up at everyone else. Everyone had their eyes on me and I then realized that I had a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Well?" asked Brock with an eyebrow raised.

"They'll be here in a few minutes. I said we'd meet them outside. It's finally time boys."

Everyone stood up and left the restaurant. I started to pace up and down the street. I couldn't wait any longer.

Brock came up to me and grabbed my shoulder. "You good?"

Brock was always there for me when I needed him. He was my first friend I made through YouTube and he's been there for me since. "Yeah, I'm good. I can't believe this is finally happening."

He looked at me and smiled. "I know. It's kind of crazy."

We saw a taxi come around the corner and it slowed down as it approached us. "Oh my God, I think it's them," I said excitedly. Everyone was now jumping up and down like little kids waiting for the ice-cream truck.

The taxi stopped at the curb right in front of us. A few seconds later, Luke opened the door closest to us and got out. "Good to see you fellas."

At this point, my hands were in fists and I was holding my breath. We heard the door closest to the street open and out stepped another man. He turned his head toward us. There he was. My best friend.

Everyone ran to the other side of the car and tackled him. I slowly walked over and waited for everyone to greet him first. After the crowd cleared a bit, I got my first good look at him. He was slightly taller than me, and almost identically muscular. He had a wide face with the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He had very short, light brown hair. Time seemed to slow down when I saw him look at me and smile. His teeth were perfect and it was complemented with deep dimples on both cheeks. He was... Handsome.

"Hey Vanoss," he said in a shy voice.

"Hey Delirious." I stepped closer and opened my arms wide to give him a hug. I guess he wasn't expecting it since it took him a while to hug me back. Perhaps I shouldn't have held him in that hug for so long, but I got lost in the moment. It felt different from the other hugs I was giving out that day.

We all went back into the restaurant and sat down. I was upset when Jonathan sat at the other end of the table beside Luke and not me. The only thing that made it better was when we'd make eye contact and he'd make a silly face at me. I had a goofy smile on my face the whole time but I didn't care. I was really happy that he was there.

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