Chapter Fourteen: "The Ring"

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I waited as long as I possibly could to propose.  I told the guys in advance what I was planning for Jonathan.  I wanted to fly them all out for the proposal, as well as Jojo.

It is now November 12th.  Jon and I's six month anniversary.  Most people would still argue that it's too soon, but I've never been more certain about anything in my life.

I woke up on his chest.  He was playing with my left hand, which was originally laying on his chest as well.  I turned my head to look at him.  "Good morning, love," I said.

He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it gently.  "Happy anniversary, bitch."

I got up to make him breakfast in bed.  As I was waiting for the toast, I called Jojo.


"Hey.  We're awake now.  Can you get the guys here by 2:00 PM?"

"For sure.  Has he caught on?"

"No, I don't think so.  He has no idea.  I just have to get him out of the house for a bit before you guys come."

"Call me if there's a change of plans.  I'll see you guys later."

I hung up the phone and Jonathan's breakfast was finished just in time.  I brought it upstairs to him.  He was still laying in bed and he had a huge smile on his face once he saw me come through the door.

"Here you go, ma'am.  Enjoy!" I said as I set it down on his lap.

I was trying to make him laugh, but he only stared and smiled.  "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing.  I'm just wondering how I managed to find you."  He started to suck up the food as if he were a vacuum cleaner.

I kissed his forehead.  "Come downstairs when you're done eating.  I have some stuff planned for the day."  I left the room and went downstairs to clean up.

I wanted to have Jojo, my parents, and all of our friends who have been with us for the journey there for the proposal.  Scotty, Lui, and Brian were unable to make it, but everyone else did.  I plan for them all to show up to our house while we are out to surprise Delirious when we get back home.  Later at night, we're going for dinner and that is where I will propose to Jon.

It's 10:00 AM and things are looking good.  Everyone is at my parents' house just waiting for the time to come.

Jonathan came down the stairs and started washing his plate.  I took it from him and started to wash it myself.  "Really, Ev?" He asked.


"Let me do something.  It's our anniversary, not just mine."  He laughed and then pecked me on the lips.  "What were your plans for the day, big guy?"

"Well... I thought we could maybe go for a little walk around town.  I have a surprise for you later."

"Oh really?" He asked with a tone that made me know he thought I was implying sex.  If only he knew what was about to happen.

"Yup.  C'mon, lets get ready."  I tugged him back up the stairs.  After our shower, we put on some clean clothes and headed out for a few hours.  I texted Jojo around 1:00 PM to tell her to get to the house earlier.

At 1:45 PM, I got the confirmation text that everyone was waiting.  We got back about half an hour later.  They didn't think about parking their cars away from the house, unfortunately. 

We were coming up to the driveway and Jonathan noticed the cars straight away.  "What's all this?"

"I—I don't know!" I said as convincingly as I could.

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