Chapter Ten: "Agony"

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I woke up latched onto Jonathan's waist.  His fingers were drawing circles on my back and it made me feel comforted.

I adjusted myself so I could look him in the eyes.  He was laying there with his hair matted and a goofy grin was spread across his perfect face.  "Good morning sexy," I said.

"Morning bitch," he replied.

"I think you were clearly the bitch last night," I teased with a smirk on my face.


I let go of him and rolled over onto my back.  Staring up at the ceiling, I thought about what happened the night before.  I smiled, knowing that I was loved by him. 

Jon rolled over next to me and then sat up.  He brought his right leg over my body to straddle my waist.  "What do you want to do today?" He asked with his naked body above mine.

I pulled him down and kissed him lightly on the lips, making my way across his jaw.  "Anything you want to do."

I felt his hot breath against my face.  "I'm really fucking sore, Ev, I don't know if I can do much," he giggled.

"Then we'll stay here the whole day, alright?"

"Okay." He kissed my neck in the same spot that had me throwing my head backwards.

We stayed like that for several minutes until he got up and put some clothes on.  I followed him out into the kitchen shortly after, where he was just hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

He looked at me worriedly.  "That was my friend Kyle.  Umm... Evan... I just told him that you were my boyfriend.  It just sort of slipped out, I'm sorry.  I know it was too sudden."

I beamed at the thought and stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms around his toned stomach.  I hugged him tighter than ever and I let my head rest against his shoulder.  "I'll be your boyfriend, Jonathan." I whispered against him.

He didn't say anything, but he put his strong arms around my body and leaned his head against mine, showing me that he was happy too.

We spent the day playing Black Ops Zombies and GMod Prop Hunt with the guys.  We decided we would keep our relationship a secret from them until the time was right.

I called my mom and let her know that Jon and I had established a relationship and I was now the happiest that I have ever been.  I finally faced one of my biggest fears and I got my mom to put my dad on the phone.  We talked for 20 minutes.  He tried to convince me that it was just a phase and I'd smarten up eventually.  I told him I was in love with Jonathan and I didn't bother to argue with him any more after that.  He was a stubborn man who may never understand how I feel.

Jonathan then Skype called Candice and Jojo to tell them our exciting news.  Before sending the call invite, he whispered in my ear.  "They're about to flip shit at us for not telling them anything yesterday.  They're going to be really happy though, just you watch."

When the four of us were face to face, he blurted out the news.  "Evan and I are together."

Candice started to scream.  "Oh my goodness, Johnny!  I'm so happy!  I told you he was the one for you!  Evan, welcome to the family sweetie!"

A smile was permanent on my face as I heard her voice full of joy.  "I couldn't be happier to be a part of your lives," I said as I kissed Jon on his cheek.

"Congratulations, you two," Jojo joined in.  "I've never seen a better couple!  We totally called it, mom."

After the call ended, I felt much better about the situation I was in with my dad.  No matter what, I knew Candice and Jojo were always going to be there for us.

I spent another week at Jonathan's, and our relationship only grew stronger.  When our friends were taking a break from gameplay, we told them about us.  They were supportive for the most part, but I could tell that Tyler and Lui felt a little awkward about it.  I guess it just takes time to process it.

Crawling into bed one night, I asked Jonathan a question that was itching at the back of my mind for a while.  "I've been here for almost a month now without seeing my friends and family face to face for the whole time.  Do you think you could come to Canada with me for a few weeks to see how you like it?  We can decide from there what we want to do."

He smiled at me.  "Of course, Evan.  I know it must be hard being away for so long, and I was going to suggest going there before you even asked me.  I'd love to meet your family too."

I kissed him on the cheek.  "Thank you." 

I bought two plane tickets for two weeks later.

Until then, we continued to grow together.  I started to get a feel for what North Carolina really had to offer, and to be honest, I didn't really mind being away from home for so long.  It was as if I found a second home.  I met some of his other friends and I got along with them really well.  He didn't really have any negative people in his life; it was refreshing.

Four days before our flight, we were running awfully low on food.  We were trying to live off of cereal and junk food so nothing would get wasted when we left.  That didn't work, so I had to run to the store quickly to get a few essentials.  I gave Jonathan a peck on the lips and left him to game with Luke while I went out to get some groceries.

I was gone for about 45 minutes because traffic was heavy and I was stuck behind an older lady at the till.  I drove back to our apartment and brought the two bags of groceries up the elevator.  I reached the door and I could hear loud crashes and yelling coming from inside.

I opened the door in a hurry and found Jonathan throwing picture frames across the living room.  It was a mess inside.  His TV was smashed and everything he owned that was fragile was thrown carelessly across the room and shattered into pieces.

Jonathan was yelling furiously as tears rolled down his face.  "I could've helped!"  He put his hands up to his head and fell to his knees.

I slammed the door shut and dropped the bags.  I ran to him and held him in a tight embrace on the floor.  "Jon, what in the world did you do?  What happened?" I asked as the sight of him hurt tore me apart.

He cried into my chest, not hiding his emotions whatsoever.  "It's... my... mom." He said in between violent breaths.  "She had a heart attack!  She was taken to the hospital, but it was too late, Ev!  They didn't even call me!  They didn't even call!"

I tightened my grip around him.  There was nothing I could say that would help.  Thoughts ran viciously through my mind.  A few days before, Candice had been full of life.  I looked forward to seeing her every time we went over to her house.  She made me feel so welcomed.  Tears started to form in my eyes and I thought about what Jonathan must be feeling.  A fire burned inside me, knowing this would haunt him for the rest of his life.

His body was trembling in my arms.  His eyes were bloodshot and his skin was flushed.  I never lightened my grip.  "Shhh.  I'm here now Jonathan.  Everything is going to be okay.  I love you so much.  You're going to get through this," I said as the tears escaped my eyes.

He nodded against my chest.  Things were only going to get worse as time goes on.  The pain he feels will never leave, but I can only hope that I will be able to take some of it away.

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