Chapter Nine: "Lust"

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I sat there in the hot water with the man that I was so helplessly in love with sitting on my lap.  His hands were tugging at my hair as our tongues explored each other's mouths.  We were there in complete silence.  The only noises that were heard were our breaths occasionally faltering when our lips parted.

He broke away and held my face in his hands.  "You're perfect," he whispered to me with a smile on his face.  It was the same smile that mesmerized me from day one.

I moved my right hand from his waist and ran it through his wet hair, pushing the short strands away from his face.  "I've been waiting for this moment since the day I first saw you." I said.

He grinned, then began to kiss my neck.  "I've been waiting for years, Ev."

He found my sweet spot and it made my head fall backwards and my eyes shut.  When I reopened them, I was surprised to see a couple over by the pool, ready to go for a swim.  They were staring at us, wide-eyed.  "Delirious," I whispered.  "We should probably go to a more secluded area."

Jonathan peered behind him and then quickly hopped off of my lap.  I grabbed his hand and we gathered up our things as quickly as we could before running back to the room.

The door shut behind us and I locked it.  I turned around to see Jonathan standing there with lust in his eyes.  I smirked and then grabbed his hand once more, leading him to his bedroom. 

I gave him a light push onto the bed and crawled on top of him.  I kissed him multiple times until I made my way down his neck and to his chest.  His body twitched as I made my way down his stomach and to his swim trunks.  I fumbled nervously with the strings before I was successful.  As I slid the swim trunks down his legs to reveal his length, I gaped at the new sight.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off when I climbed back onto him and swallowed him whole.  With my hands on his hips for control, I felt his body tighten with my movements.  My head bobbed up and down, and up and down, and Jonathan's hands clutched my hair with great strength.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Evan!" He yelled out shamelessly through gasps for air.  I slowed my movements down before I finished with my tongue running from the base to the tip.  When I became detached, I stood up and removed my swim trunks.  Jonathan's eyes scanned my body from top to bottom as he let out a hot breath.  "There's no way this is happening to me right now." He said with a smile.

I smiled back and climbed back on top of him, rubbing our erections together.  "Tell me what you want, Jon," I muttered quietly in his ear to tease him.

"I want you to fuck me, Evan." He fired back.

I bit at his ear gently.  "Anything for you.  I've never done this before though." I said hesitantly.

He laughed.  "I'm sure you'll do great."

I pulled away and put my hand up to his mouth so he could wet my fingers.  I watched him intently as his tongue soaked my fingers with saliva.  My body shivered when he licked his lips clean while making direct eye contact with me.

I eased my way off of the bed and positioned him on his side.  "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, c'mon Evan."

He was growing impatient with me, so I immediately entered him with my index finger.  He let out a moan of approval, so I slipped another finger in.  I worked him open as best as I could.  When I slipped the third finger in, his breath left him.  "Fuck," he  growled.

"Dammit Jon, you're so fucking tight." It was hard to make movements, but I stretched him as much as I could with my ridiculously long fingers.

I removed my fingers from him and I placed his left foot on my shoulders.  "Here it goes," I said.  I lined myself up, gripped his waist, and bared down.  Jonathan's mouth fell open as my cock impaled him.  My head dropped with the sensation of him wrapped around my length.

Jonathan had a look of pain on his face.  "Take it slow at first," he said through an unsteady breath.

I nodded, unable to form words.  I pulled nearly all the way out before making my way back in.  With a steady rhythm of thrusts, Jonathan's back began to arch.  He moved along with the timing of my efforts. 

With a burst of excitement, Jon said: "Okay, Ev.  Enough fooling around.  I need it hard and fast."

I moved him closer to me to get better leverage.  I slammed into him, leaving no time for delicacy.  He yelled out into the night at the change of pace.  My heart beat raced as I jerked back and forth into the man beneath me.  I could see Jonathan was breathless as he held onto the sheets of his bed with all his might.  I buried myself as deep as I could go and then almost all the way out continuously.

The sounds of skin slapping together and deep gasps filled the air.  Hearing the pleasured sounds derive from Jon was enough to make me climax, but I held on a little longer.

"Evan— I'm gonna—" Jonathan said through his struggled breaths. 

"Come on, Jonathan," I growled.  I gripped him in my hand and stroked him once.  His wet heat spurted across my stomach and he let out a relieved moan.

I continued to push in and out of him until I felt the sensation crawl down my spine and release into Jonathan.  "Holy fuck," I mumbled.  I carefully pulled out and dropped down next to him.

Staring up at the ceiling, we panted.  A layer of sheen sweat covered my skin as I laid there, trying to catch my breath.

I looked over at my lover to find him already staring at me.  We were both covered with each other's mess.  I rolled over to him and hugged him tightly in my arms.  He let out a sigh of relief and ran his fingers through my hair. 

"I love you." He said.

I let go of him and sat up so I could face him.  "And I love you."  I bent over and kissed him.

He pushed my lips away from his but held me close.  He looked over my entire face carefully with a smile.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't believe you're all mine."  He pulled me back down and kissed me on my forehead.

It all felt surreal.  Two weeks ago, I would have told everyone that I was a man who only liked women.  Now, I never wanted to leave Jonathan's side.  I've never believed in 'soul mates,' but it was as if I found my other half with him.

I laid down next to him once again.  I propped myself on my right elbow so I could face him.  "I think I was in love with you long before I realized it." I said.

He giggled.  "I told David I liked you about two years ago."

I shook my head at him and smiled.  "I told Brock at PAX that I liked you.  Luke also knows.  That's how I got him to give me your address.  Oh yeah, there was never a blizzard in Ontario either.  I really needed to see you because I was restless without you by my side, so I made up a fake story."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!  I knew there was no blizzard in Ontario; it's not that hard to google what the weather is like all across the world.  I was so confused as to why you were here, Evan.  I wish you would've told me."

"I'm sorry.  I didn't want to lose you."

He pulled me in for another hug.  "I know, I didn't want to lose you either." He said.

His warmth engulfed my body and it made me feel safe.  He broke away and I looked down at the mess we made in the bed.  "I guess we should clean this up," I said.

After cleaning the bed in a hurry, we made our way across the hall to his large bathroom.  We got into the shower and washed each other's bodies.  His glass shower had lots of room for the both of us, but we didn't keep hardly any distance between us.  We ran out of hot water due to our excessive make out sessions.

After our shower, we crawled back into bed.  We didn't bother to put on pajamas or boxers.  Tonight, there were no pillows separating us.  Tonight, there was nothing stopping me from my desires.  Tonight, I could finally be with Jonathan the way I wanted to.  I fell asleep on top of him, with my left arm wrapped around him and my head resting on his chest.  Tonight marks the first night of the rest of our lives.

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