Chapter Thirteen: "Excitement"

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I woke up to Jonathan hovering above my body with a smile on his face.  "What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh.

"Evan, you're not going to believe this."  He took my hand and pulled me to my computer, where he had my channel pulled up on the screen.  "Look," he said.

I couldn't believe it.  7 million views overnight.  "Holy shit..." I whispered.  There was 512K likes on it already.  I turned to Delirious.  "What about yours?"

He smirked.  "5 million views.  They're really supportive of this."

"I see that... Maybe it's because you're smoking hot."

He punched me in the arm.  "Shut up, bitch."

I surprised him with a kiss and we went on with our day.

Jon really liked Canada.  I introduced him to all of my friends in town, along with the rest of my family.  I had no siblings, but I didn't mind.  Jojo was technically my sister-in-law, even though Jon and I weren't married.  I cared for her as if she were a part of my family.

My dad started to warm up to the fact that I was a little different from the man he raised.  He saw that I am genuinely happy with Jonathan, so he's staying supportive.  Jon was patient with him, and they ended up being friends after about a month.  They had lots of things in common, despite their many differences.

We had David, Lui, and Craig come visit us for a weekend.  It was the first time we saw any of our friends since PAX, and it was if nothing changed between us.  The two of us were just happier now.

In late July, Jonathan made arrangements to fly back to North Carolina to visit Jojo and Luke.  Jojo said she had some exciting news for him.  I decided to stay home and spend some time with my family.  I figured it would be nice for Jon to have some alone time with his friends and family back home.

It was hard to say goodbye to him at the airport.  It reminded me of when I last said goodbye to him and Luke when they left Boston.  It feels as if I'm saying goodbye forever, even though it's only for a week.

I hugged him tighter than ever before.  "I'm going to miss you so much.  Call me as soon as you land, okay?"

He held my face and gave me a kiss I would never forget.  "I'll be back soon, Evan.  I love you."

I watched him enter the airport with his luggage and I got back into my car.  Not even ten seconds later, I saw him come running back out and open the car door.  He was laughing hysterically.

"What are doing?  Why are you laughing?"

He reached in the car and grabbed something from the cup holder that was next to the passenger seat.  "I forgot my phone!"

I started laughing.  "You're an idiot.  Get on your plane, dumbass."

"See ya, bitch!"

He closed the door and waved goodbye.  I gave him the middle finger and I could see him starting to laugh again.  I smiled and began to drive away.

That was almost romantic.

Later that night, Jon called me.  "Hey babe, I landed a few minutes ago.  I'm here with Jojo and she and Michael just told me their exciting news."

"Oh yeah?  What is it?"

Jojo answered.  "You and Johnny are going to be uncles!"

"Oh my God, you're pregnant?  When are you due?"

"January 16th."

"Well congratulations you two!  That's awesome!"

"Thank you Evan.  We miss you!"

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