Chapter Four: "Drinks"

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Day 2 of PAX. Again, we all met downstairs for breakfast before we headed out for the day. Some fans found us and came to say hi and Craig stood up to give them their first hug. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Delirious stand abruptly and run outside in a hurry. He must think that they would reveal his identity to the world if they knew it was him.

When we got to the event early in the afternoon, Luke found something he wanted to show Jonathan and they went off into the crowd without us. There was no way of finding them once they were sucked into the horde of nerds.

I decided to stay with Brock and David for a few hours. It was really fun, but Jonathan was a lot more into all of the technology which made it more entertaining when I was with him.

As we were in line to try a new virtual reality headset, I started to think about him. I never thought one guy could have such an impact on me. He was the last thing that was on my mind last night and he was the first thing that was on my mind this morning. Brock snapped his fingers in front of my face, waking me up. "Hello? Is Evan in there?" He laughed.

I faked a laugh back at him. "Sorry."

"Is everything okay? You seem really out of it today, man."

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired, that's all." I knew he wasn't going to take that as an answer, but it was worth a shot.

He pursed his lips and scrunched his eyebrows at me. "Hey Nogla, Evan and I are just going to grab a drink from the vending machine really quick, want anything?"

"No, I'm fine. Make it quick so I'm not stuck in this line waiting for ye guys!" Nogla called as Brock grabbed my shirt and dragged me aside.

We slid through the crowd to the vending machine that was around the corner. As he grabbed a Gatorade, he confronted me. "Listen, I don't want to pressure you into telling me anything you don't want to, but I know something's wrong with you. Your attitude changed as soon as Delirious showed up, so what is it?" He leaned against the vending machine and crossed his arms.

"Fine, I'll tell you; but I swear to God, if anyone finds out from you, I won't ever let you know anything else ever again."

He smiled and pretended to zip his lip shut. "I promise I won't say a thing."

I let out a deep breath. "Jonathan showed up and I immediately felt overwhelmed by him. Every time I'm with him my body just heats up and my heart beats faster." I suddenly felt ashamed for what I was saying. "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid, Evan." He lightly slapped me on the shoulder. "So... What you're saying is you like him?"

I swallowed deeply. "Yes... I guess I'm bisexual."

"Well, shit, why do you seem so self-conscious? You guys would be awesome for each other, not to mention your fan base would go wild!"

"Very funny. I need you to keep this a secret, Brock. I don't want to ruin the friendship Jon and I have."

Brock pulled me into a tight hug. "You can trust me. I'm proud of you, dude."

I grabbed a water and we headed back to David, who we could hear yelling gibberish as we walked closer. "Did you guys go to fucking Narnia or what?" He said in his angry Irish voice.

"Sorry, we got lost in the crowd," I laughed.

I felt much better after I talked to Brock. I'm glad I told him right then because him and Scott had to fly back home early that night. They both had to work the next day (suckers!).

We all met up outside and said our goodbyes to them. Scott was pissed because he was ready to get super drunk, so he decided to drink on the flight back home. They told Jonathan how awesome he was and how he needed to come out to their houses one day. I gave them both hugs goodbye and Brock told me to call him if something happened.

"So now what, boys?" Brian asked as their cab drove off.

Lui checked his watch. "It's 7:30 PM. Do you guys want to get some drinks and then head out to the Twitch party in a couple hours?"

"I'm down," Marcel said with Simone wrapped around his waist.

We went out to a shitty bar just down the road. It was no larger than my living room back home and the bartenders barely spoke English, but the drinks were amazing. After an hour and a half, Tyler was at the point where he thought my shoelaces were snakes trying to slither up my legs.

"I have to take him back to the hotel," Kelly told us as Tyler was falling out of his stool, "this is just embarrassing."

We all laughed as he stumbled out of the doorway. "Take care of my boy!" Craig called to her.

At 9:45 PM, we left for the party. Everyone was buzzed, and Delirious had to keep an eye on CaRtOoNz as he stumbled down the street. He tried to convince him to go back to the hotel, but he refused.

We could see our breath as we walked. It was so cold out. I looked over at Jon and noticed he only had a sweater on and no jacket. "Hey, aren't you cold?" I asked.

"I'll live." He said and flashed a smile.

I laughed. "No, I'm afraid you might die man! Here, take my jacket. As a Canadian, I'm used to the cold." I put the jacket on him and saw his face was bright red. Probably just the alcohol.

We got to the party, hung our coats up, and ordered more drinks. We all ventured out onto the dance floor, except for Jonathan and David, who stood in the corner having some sort of deep conversation with each other.

Lui and Craig went to the middle of the dance floor and showed everyone their best dance moves. They obviously had a lot more to drink compared to me. Their dancing mostly included laughing hysterically and multiple failed attempts at "the worm."

After hours of intense dancing and laughing, the music slowed down and we were encouraged to grab a partner to slow dance with. Marcel and Simone began to dance and the rest of us thought it'd be funny to pair up and do the same. I ran over to Jonathan and yelled in his face. "Come dance with me!" I took him by the hand and we made our way next to them.

Our pairs were: Jon and I, Luke and Craig, Lui and David, and Brian and his bottle of beer he was clutching into his chest. Lui and David made me laugh the most because of their height difference.

I began to dance with Jonathan. This was all just for fun, but my body started to tingle as we held hands and swayed back and forth. "You seemed quite eager to dance with me, Evan. If you so desperately wanted a piece of this ass, you just had to ask." He winked at me.

"Yeah, I had to find myself the hottest dude obviously," I replied. I didn't have a filter as soon as I had drinks in me.

I looked around at my weird friends dancing so gay-like with one another. This is why I loved them.

I began to feel adventurous and I inched closer to the man in front of me. My right hand slid down his back to rest dangerously low. I looked him in the eyes and my breath began to falter. I closed my eyes and leaned into him closer... And closer... And-

"Oh my God, guys! They were totally going to kiss!" I could hear Brian yelling.

"No we weren't!" Jonathan yelled back. He pushed away and left the dance floor without looking back at me.

The rest of the guys were staring at me. "I'm going to head back to the hotel and call it a night," I said, completely embarrassed.

I went back to the hotel alone and washed my face before going to sleep. I'm such an idiot. Why do I constantly do stupid shit like that?

1:03 AM. I was finally in bed and ready to sleep off the worst night ever.

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