Chapter Seven: "Bravery"

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We made it to Luke's house on the corner of two streets. As soon as we approached his fence, Jonathan quickly let go of my hand. It made me upset, but I understood that it would be embarrassing. We're only friends anyways.

I waited for him to knock, but he instead bursted right in as if it were his own place. I followed him inside, even though I felt super awkward. CaRtOoNz was my friend too, but I'm not as close to him as I am with my other friends.

"I'm here, bitch! I brought a friend with me!" Jon yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

"Delirious, you need to give me a holler when you want to come over. What if I have a gorgeous lady with me?" Luke asked as he came walking down the steps.

"Pfft. As if!" Jonathan snorted.

"Vanoss! You made it!" Luke said as he came up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Long time no see!"

I hugged him back and laughed. "Yeah. It's been years dude!"

"So I hear you gave this fucker my address without my permission, huh?" Delirious chuckled.

I could feel my face go red. I was just hoping Luke wouldn't tell him our secret. "I had to beg him for it, don't worry. You guys saved me from that stupid blizzard back home," I said, hoping Luke would catch on.

"Right... Anyways, what do you guys want to do?" He asked, trying to change the subject for me.

"Well, I was just going to show him around some more. Maybe later we could all play GTA together?" Delirious asked.

"Sounds great. Mind if I join you guys on your walk?"

Jonathan looked at me and I shrugged. "Why not?" I said. I could think of many reasons why not: number one being that I just wanted to hold Jon's hand again; but I wanted to be polite at the same time.

We walked back into town and stopped at an ice cream shop.  Jonathan insisted on buying ice cream cones.  While he was paying, Luke whispered in my ear.  "Did you tell him yet?"

I shook my head and whispered back.  "I don't know how or when to do it.  I may not ever tell him, so don't say a word."

He rolled his eyes at me and then we saw Jon come with our ice creams in his hands.  I got Moose Tracks and CaRtOoNz got Cotton Candy.  Delirious went back and grabbed his Chocolate ice cream.

"There's a million flavors to choose from, yet you always pick Chocolate.  What the fuck is wrong with you, dude?" Luke laughed.

"Shut up.  It's delicious," he replied.

"Thank you for the ice cream," I said.

"My pleasure.  How is it?"

"Amazing.  Want to try it?" I asked hesitantly.  I hope he isn't creeped out.

Delirious looked at me shyly and replied in a quiet voice.  "Sure."

I handed him my ice cream cone and watched as his tongue ran along the edge of the cone.  Luke was watching me with a raised eyebrow the whole time.  Jon licked his lips and gave the ice cream back to me.  "You're right.  It is amazing," he said with a giggle.

I could feel my cheeks blushing.  Luke must have felt awkward because he said he had to leave to meet up with his other friend.  After he left, it was just Jonathan and I once again.  I couldn't be happier.

After seeing more stores and hearing more stories, we walked back to his apartment.  I hadn't realized it, but we had our hands locked together once again, for who knows how long.

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