Chapter Eight: "The Truth"

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I spent a week and a half at Jonathan's house. I told him that the "blizzard" in Ontario had settled down now, and he told me that I was welcome to stay a little longer if I wanted; so I did.

I continued to sleep in his bed with him on the other side of our barricade. Some mornings I would wake up like I did on that one Sunday morning when I was on top of him. We never talked about it.

We spent lots of time together. He didn't have a job outside of YouTube, and neither did I. Every time we went out he would hold my hand, except for when he knew the people that were around him. It hurt me whenever I thought about it, but I knew I was lucky just to be around him most of the time.

It is now a Wednesday morning and I woke up in an empty bed. I rolled out of it and put on some fresh clothes before I went out to the kitchen. I found Delirious in there cooking some pancakes.

"Good morning," he said.

"Morning. I didn't know you cooked," I laughed.

He let out a giggle. "I don't." He lifted up his hand to reveal a burn mark by his wrist.

"You're an idiot."

"Yeah, I know. Those pans get so fucking hot," he said as he put a pancake larger than his head onto a plate and handed it to me. "You got up just in time. I made lots, so dig in."

"Thank you." I said with a smile. I took a bite and was amazed at how perfect they turned out. "Holy shit, you actually made something edible."

He laughed. "Shut the fuck up, Ev."

I loved it when he called me that.  It was so simple, yet so effective.

After our meal, Jonathan broke the silence (like usual).  "Are you busy today?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him.  "I'm never busy.  What's on your mind?"

"My mom and sister want to go out for dinner tonight and I told them that you might come... It's only if you want to go though..."

"I'd love to." I said.  It would be the first time that I met them and it made me nervous, but from what I hear, they're both lovely women.

He smiled his gorgeous smile and took my plate away.

"I'm going to go out for a bit to find some nicer clothes.  I'll be back in a couple hours.  Would it be okay if I took your truck?" I asked.  I've already driven it before, so I knew he trusted me.

"Go for it.  I'll be here when you get back."

I went out to the mall and searched for a fancy shirt to wear.  I had one from PAX but Jonathan managed to shrink it three sizes when he tried to wash it for me.  I hardly ever go shopping, so it seemed to be a huge struggle to find anything, but I got some help from the employees.  They managed to find me a grey button-up shirt and a pair of black dress pants to go with it.

On the way back to Jon's, I picked up some flowers for both his mother and sister. I got back around 3 PM and I could hear him yelling at his computer in his room; probably playing WWE with CaRtOoNz.

I decided to hop into the shower and get ready early, since I didn't know what time we were leaving by. When I got out, Jon was in the living room watching TV. He didn't look dressed up at all. He was wearing a plain navy blue T-shirt with jeans and sneakers. "Am I overdressed?" I asked.

He looked over at me and I could see him scan me up and down. He made eye contact once again and smiled. "You look great."

"Thanks... I'll be right back," I said in a hurry. I went back into the bathroom and sprayed some cologne on myself. I just needed to get out of the room before my face turned red and he saw it.

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