Chapter Five: "Leaving"

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I woke abruptly to a loud knock on the door.  It was pitch black in my room, so I looked over to my alarm clock to see what time it was.  3:58 AM.  Who the hell could possibly need me at 4 in the morning? I thought to myself.

More knocking.  "I'm coming!" I yelled, half asleep.  I stumbled out of my bed and followed the sound that led me to the door.  I opened the door to find Jonathan standing there in his house coat with some of the worst bed head I have ever seen.

"Hey.  Luke and I came back here  a couple of hours ago and he's been throwing up in the bathroom ever since.  He doesn't hold his liquor well," he stopped and rubbed at the back of his neck.  "Would it be okay if I spend the night here?"

Part of me was terrified that he wouldn't forgive me for what I did just a few hours before, but that all went away at that instant.  "Yeah, of course."  I opened the door and let him in.

He took a few steps into the room before stopping, then he turned back and looked at me.  "Oh, I thought you had a couch or an extra bed or something, I'm sorry."

"I have some extra pillows, we can section off half of the bed."

He laughed.  "Alright then."

I went into the closet and pulled out 4 pillows and laid them down the middle of the bed.  As I did so, I could see Jonathan out of the corner of my eyes.  He was taking off his house coat, and I got a glimpse of him standing there in his boxers.  Don't be weird, Evan.  Don't be weird.

I got under the covers on my side and Delirious did the same.  It was a double bed, which didn't allow much room for two full-grown men, but we made it work.  "Night," I said to him as I switched the light off.

He replied in a raspy voice.  "Night, bitch."

After a terrible night, I had one of the best sleeps ever.

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face.  It took me a few seconds to process what I was doing.  I had my left arm wrapped around Jonathan's waist and my head was resting on his bare chest.  The pillows I had set up were thrown on the floor,  leaving nothing to separate the two of us.  I felt his body move and I saw his eyes open slowly.  "Evan?  What are you doing?"

I sprung out of the bed in a hurry.  "I- uh, I- I didn't know how I ended up like that.  Sorry Jon."  I felt so ashamed of myself.  I quickly grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to have a shower, leaving no time for Delirious to answer.

I took my time in the bathroom to give us both time to clear our heads a little bit.  I came out and found Jon sitting on the bed, scrolling through Twitter.  He looked over at me and began to speak.  "You don't have to be embarrassed, Vanoss.  I won't tell any of the guys.  It was just a friendly cuddle anyways, alrighty?"  He gave me that beautiful smile and hopped off of the bed.  "I'm going to go check on CaRtOoNz, wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure."

We walked to their room and found Luke laying in his bed.  Delirious and I were late getting up, so we assumed everyone was already out of bed.

Jonathan started to giggle to himself.  "Watch this, Ev."  He got on top of Luke and started jumping up and down.  "Wake up, motherfucker!  It's almost lunch time!"

Luke moaned and tried to push Jon off of him, but he was too heavy.  "Leave me here to die," he pleaded.

I started laughing.  "It's the last day of PAX, and you're going to miss it!  Come on!"

"I'll meet you guys there.  I need a while to recover."

Delirious got off of the bed and grabbed his things before we left.  We ate some food and we made it to the event at around 12:45 PM.

We saw Kelly along the way.  She was grabbing some food for Tyler, who was also still in bed.  Everyone else was at PAX, ready to take advantage of the last day.

Jonathan and I had already tried all the games that they were offering, so we decided to do stupid shit to piss everyone off.  It was mostly him doing dumb things and me laughing.  He went running up the escalator that was supposed to bring you down, which had gotten him in trouble by the security, so we went elsewhere to annoy other people.

We went back to the horror game section once again and would yell loudly as we walked by at those who were playing, scaring the crap out of them.

After an hour or so, Luke, Tyler, and Kelly finally showed up and we met up with the rest of the group.  We tried to squeeze every last ounce of experience into the last day.  We went to a couple panels and took one last tour of the event before calling it a day.

David, Lui, Craig, Tyler, Kelly, and Brian all had flights back home that evening.  It sucked to say goodbye to them after such a short time.  Tyler and David gave us the obligatory middle finger along with a "talk to you fuckers tomorrow."

We watched their cabs drive off and decided to get something to eat (eating is something we never stop doing).

Jonathan, Luke, Marcel, Simone, and I sat at the table and talked about the awesome weekend we just had.  It was much more quiet without everyone else, which sucked.

All of our flights were tomorrow.  Marcel and Simone would be leaving early in the morning, well before the rest of us would be awake, and Jon and Luke would be leaving next, a little before noon.  I'd have to wait in the airport alone for another 5 hours before I could get on my flight.

After dinner, we went back to the hotel and watched a movie in Jonathan and Luke's room before we separated for the night.  We gave Marcel and Simone a hug goodbye as we knew we wouldn't see them the next morning.

It was hard to fall asleep that night.  I didn't like saying goodbye to my friends, and it was going to be even worse tomorrow when I have to say goodbye to Delirious.  The weekend I had with him was one of the best weekends I have ever had and I didn't know when I'd be able to see him again.  I waited up for hours, hoping I would hear Jonathan's tired knock on the door, but I didn't.  I went to sleep alone.

I had my alarm set for 7:00 AM.  I didn't want to waste the short day I had with him... And CaRtOoNz, of course.  We had a quiet breakfast as we waited for the cab to arrive.

I waited at their gate at the airport until they were allowed to board.  My heart was heavy as we had a group hug.  "It was nice to see you again, Luke.  And it was really great to finally meet you, Jonathan," I said as I tried to sound okay.

"Good to see ya, bud. Let's all get together sometime," Luke said as he grabbed his luggage.

Jonathan was staring me in the eyes and he let out a laugh.  "It was a good weekend.  You're kind of cool, Ev."  He ruffled my hair like he did 3 nights before.  "Talk to ya later."

I gave him one last hug and waved them goodbye.  I watched their plane take off from the large windows and tried to hold back my tears. 

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