Chapter Twelve: "New Beginnings"

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We arrived in Ontario very late at night. It was pitch black outside. I called my parents before our flight left to let them know that I'd be home late and they should go to sleep instead of waiting for us.

My house was only about a 20 minute drive from the airport, but it felt so far away. Had we been another minute longer and I think I would've fallen asleep in the backseat of the cab.

The cab driver pulled over outside of my house and I looked over at Jonathan. He was in a deep sleep. I grinned as I saw his head rested on his left shoulder and his mouth wide open.

I climbed over and kissed his cheek. His eyes slowly opened and he looked confused. "We're home, Jon," I said. He quickly undid his seatbelt and hopped out of the car. After I paid the driver, we grabbed our luggage and made our way to the front door.

As we stepped inside our house, Jonathan looked impressed. "This is like 4 times the size of my apartment." He said.

I left our luggage by the door and pulled him by the hand up the stairs. "I'll show you around tomorrow. I want to go to bed now."

I showed him to our bed and we were asleep in seconds.

We woke up at 10:30 AM to a call from my mom. I answered the phone as I was half asleep. "Hey mom."

"Evan! Good morning hun! Are you home now? Can your father and I come meet Jonathan today?"

I looked over at Jon and he gave a thumbs up. I laughed. "Yeah, just let us relax for a bit. Want to come for lunch?"

"Of course, take some time to rest. We'll be over in about 2 hours. We love you and we miss you!"

"I love you too. I'll see you soon."

I hung up and looked over at Jonathan. "Is your dad going to hate me, Ev?" He asked.

I lied. "No. It's going to be fine, don't worry. It doesn't matter what he thinks anyways, okay?"

"Alright. Wanna show me around your crib?" He asked with a laugh.

We got up and I showed Delirious around my 'crib'. He was right—it was a lot larger than his apartment. I had a bathroom upstairs as well as downstairs, but neither of them were nearly as nice as Jon's old one. I also had a guest bedroom upstairs that I used mostly for gaming since I rarely had guests. Downstairs I had a kitchen, living room, dining room, laundry room, and a garage.

When you first walk into the house, there's the staircase in front and the kitchen to the left. Past the staircase and kitchen is the living room that loops around back to the front and becomes the dining room. The laundry room is in between the kitchen and the living room on the left and it opens into the garage.

Jon and I made a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some food since we had absolutely none. We picked up some bread and decided to stick with sandwiches for lunch.

We made our way home and waited for my parents. I think he already knew what they were like.

The door finally opened without a knock and my mom came rushing in to hug me. "Oh sweetie, I missed you so much!" She squealed while kissing my forehead a billion times.

She let go of me and went to Jonathan. "You must be Jonathan."

"Yes ma'am," he replied.

She hugged him so tight that I thought his eyes were going to protrude from his skull. His face was bright red. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Fong," he said through a struggled breath.

"Honey, call me Grace. I don't want to sound like an old lady."

He laughed shyly. "Okay Grace."

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