Chapter 1: Back In Session

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The magnificent world of Pokemon. Where countless creatures varying in all shapes and sizes can be found. Pokemon are found in different regions of the world; one of which is the Elora region, which is found far off the coast of the Kanto region's Cinnabar Island. Due to it's location, many people and Pokemon from different regions are found here. Elora is famous for having the highest of educations of all nearby regions, and as such Elora High and Elora College take great pride in having such an achievement.

It was a beautiful day for school to start back. School was out for Thanksgiving break, and everyone was dissapointed they had to return to the boredom of classwork. The temperature was getting gradually colder, as winter was right around the corner. Students walked into class, continuing on with their conversations of dinner and new captures.

The bell was minutes away from ringing as a new student frantically rushed in through the front doors, stopping to catch her breath outside of the front office. She had dark blue hair and eyes to match. She wore a black dress that ended at a short pink skirt, which complemented her pink boots. She had a white beanie with a pink Pokeball design on her head, and had yellow clips in her long hair to keep it straight and stylish.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" A lady asked from the office window. The blunette turned to her. "Please tell me I'm not late. It's my first day," she managed to ask between breaths.

The woman simply smiled. "No," she replied, "but the bell is going to ring in a minute. What class do you have first?"

The girl wiped sweat from her brow, relieved she had gotten there on time. The issue now was getting to class on time. "Prof. Oak's," she answered.

The lady pointed the student down the hall, giving instructions on which room to go to. The new student nodded as she quickly rushed to the classroom.

Prof. Oak, now retired from a Pokemon researcher to become a teacher in Elora, began to do roll call with his class, who continued to converse about their week off, despite living in fairly close proximity to one another. The blunette quietly opened the door, but the professor still noticed, much to her dismay.

"You must be the new student, correct?" he asked curiously. She gave a faint nod as Oak looked through the roll call quickly. "Dawn Berlitz...okay, go take a seat between Ash and Paul; They won't stop fighting," He pointed at a seat between two boys who were angrily glaring at one another. She slowly trudged over as people whispered about her, trying to hide their remarks.

She sat down, causing the two boys to react differently. Paul, the one to Dawn's left, glared leeringly at the girl before scoffing and turning away, not wishing to interact with her. Ash, the boy to her right, simply stared without making a sound. He continued to glance over at her throughout class, which his friends noticed after a while.

The lunch bell rang after class, so the students began to pack their things. Dawn had very little to pack, not knowing what all would be neccesary for class. Ash continued to pack his things, however. He wore a blue and white jacket, dark grey pants, red shoes, and a red Pokeball cap. He put his backpack on as his friends Drew and Gary walked over to him worryingly.

"You okay, Ash? You seem a little out of it today," Drew asked.

Ash raised his eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

Gary knew what Drew meant. "You stared at that girl during class..." he said.

Ash shrugged as he exited the room. "So what? We got a new student and I want to know what she looks like," he replied calmly.

Drew squinted at him in disbelief. "We get new students all the time, so why this one, eh?"

Ash was about to reply, but Gary was too quick on the draw. "Looks like Ashy-Boy likes her, dosen't it?" He asked smugly, laughing with Drew at the remark. Ash tried to counter, but to no avail.

Dawn contined down the hall, but had no idea where to go. She looked around, trying to find the lunchroom, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a girl slightly younger than her smiling right in her face. She wore a red shirt, white and blue shorts, and a red bandana was atop her head.

"Hi!" she chimed excitedly. "Dawn, right?" the girl asked, suprising Dawn that someone knew her name.

"Yeah," she sheepishly replied. "And you are?" The student winked at Dawn whilst giggling.

"May Maple, nice to meet you! You're new, right?" she asked curiously. "Is it that obvious?" Dawn asked jokingly.

May nudged her slightly. "No, silly! You're in my class with Oak!" Clearly, Dawn had not paid attention to her classmates.

"Come on, you can eat with my friends!" May said excitedly. She acted like a little girl. May grabbed Dawn's wrist, practically dragging her down the hall towards the cafeteria.

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