Chapter 5: Ask And You Shall Recieve

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Ash woke up and, as usual, reached for his Kalos-esque attire. He was confused as to why his jacket had not been in it's place, until he realized he had given it to Dawn the day before. He sighed, then went into his closet to find something else to wear.

When he left his room, he darted to the back door. But when he put his foot through the doorway, he was stopped by his mother calling his name.

"Ash! Where are you going?!" Ash groaned as he walked back in toward the kitchen, where his mom was flipping pancakes.

"I wanted to choose the Pokemon to bring with me," Ash pleaded. Ms. Ketchum put down the spatula and looked dead into his eyes.

"Eat first, then you can choose. I know you're excited, but don't run around here like a Doduo, okay?" she asked nicely. Ash nodded as he sat down at the table. He was starving, after all.

When he finally finished devouring his breakfast, he then chose his five: Quilava, Buizel, Snivy, Pidgeot, and Goodra. After he finished making his decisions, he hopped onto Pidgeot and flew off toward the site. He finally reached the campsite, which had a large amount of people already there.

Fashionably late, he thought to himself. Ash hopped off, grabbed his bag, and recalled his Pidgeot.

Everyone else was just finishing getting their tents set up. A boy that Ash had never seen before suddenly approached him.

"Hi," the stranger said. "What's your name?" Ash looked around, then realized the boy had been referring to him. With his eyes squinted like that, it was a little hard to tell who, or where, he was referring to. "Ash. Who are you?"

The boy beamed back at him. "Brock Steel's the name. I moved here recently and wanted to go camping this weekend," he looked back at the tents. "Turns out your friends chose the spot I planned on having. They let me stay with them, so here I am," The two set up Ash's tent together, then looked around.

"Is this everyone?" May asked as she approached the two. Ash glanced around. Dawn, May, Leaf, Misty, Lyra, Drew, Gary, Brock, and himself.

"Where's Serena?" he asked finally, which everyone else followed suit. As this happened, a car pulled up the hill. Serena stepped out of the backseat, lugging a large bag with her. Her brother Clemont stepped out of the driver's seat, and her sister Bonnie slinked out after Serena.

"Serena, is this him?" Bonnie asked, pointing at Ash with gleaming eyes.

Serena glanced over and flushed. "I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Her voice trailed off into a nervous laugh. Bonnie knew, and so did Clemont.

"You could've done better," Clemont said, gesturing to Ash with a nod. "No offense," Ash just stared with a blank stare, unknowing of what was going on.

Lyra, being a good friend, went up and began to shoo away the two. "Serena is busy right now, if you don't mind," She pushed them out of hearing range and even further to the car.

In the middle of the day, when it was apparently the warmest of the day (it didn't feel like it to anyone), the trainers all began to find stuff to enjoy themselves. Leaf and Drew took a hike, May, Lyra, and Brock prepared food, Serena did a practice performance to be ready for future competitions, Gary trained his Pokemon, and Ash went with Dawn to the river for a swim. All the trainers enjoyed themselves like kids in a candy store. The fun lasted until sunset, which included Ash swimming. Dawn knew better than to do that, so she got out an hour or two beforehand. When Ash finally did get out, his lips were quivering, so he changed into his actual clothes and sat down next to the the fire to dry off.

Throughout the day, Serena was constantly distracted by Ash. This was completely normal, except she felt bolder, yet also more nervous. She sat across from him at dinner, trying her best to not stare into his chocolate-brown eyes.

"Ash," she said inbetween bites of her meal. "Can I ask you a question?"

Ash looked up from his noodles, still inhaling them from his chopsticks. "Yeah, what?"

Serena looked around, her face flushing as she tried to spit the words out. She ended up catching herself before saying it, which hurt really bad. "I'd prefer it be in private..." she whispered. Ash nodded as he slurped the remaining noodles into his mouth. The two walked off as the others finished up their food.

"So what is it?" Ash asked curiously. Serena bit her lip as she prepared for her statement.

"Ash, please go to winter prom with me!" Ash blinked as he took a step back. He hadn't even been thinking about prom, let alone his friend asking him to it.

"Uh...Uh..." Ash was unsure of what to say; no one had ever asked him to a dance before.

"Please Ash!" Serena begged. "I've been dreaming of this for weeks; months even! Please fulfill them for me,"

Ash flicked his nose as he thought for a minute. "Sure," he finally said, not even understanding why he said it. Serena jumped for joy... Right on top of Ash, which knocked the two to the ground.

When they got back over to the campsite, everyone was already in their tents. Brock set up a tent-chart to keep everyone happy. Except for one pair. Drew & Gary, May & Misty, Lyra, Leaf, & Serena, Brock by himself, and Ash & Dawn. Ash slinked into his tent, hoping Dawn was already asleep. Much to his dismay, she was not.

"What were you two doing?" she asked. Ash sighed as he explained, which caught Dawn completely off guard.

"You said WHAT!?" Ash flinched as Dawn spit her rage out at him. She was furious, and she was not afraid to show it. When she finally gave him a chance to talk, he managed to squeak out one sentence: "Keep your voice down,"

Dawn took a deep breath as she quieted down. Ash then went on to explain how he felt. Dawn was blinded by pure rage, until Ash opened her eyes with one sentence. "I didn't want her to feel bad..." Dawn stopped as she thought about this. All Serena thought about was Ash. If he said no, Serena would've been bawling her eyes out.

"Okay," she said with another deep breath, "I forgive you," Ash stared as if he misunderstood.

"You do?" he asked, to which Dawn nodded her head. The two talked quietly for a while, having a completely normal conversation. This just happened to be Dawn's perfect chance to ask the question that had plagued her, and him visibly, the day before. "What was on that note?" she asked.

Ash sighed. "It said... if I didn't battle him, he would hurt you..." His voice trailed off, as nothing more needed to be said. They sat in complete silence, blocking out the thought of Dawn being hurt.

Some light rain eventually broke the silence. Pikachu laid it's head on Ash's pillow, as did Dawn's Piplup. The drizzle soothed them all to sleep, but not before Ash sneezed as he drifted off to sleep.

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