Post-Story Author's Note

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Well, that was fun! So I bet alot of you have some questions, and hopefully, they will be answered here. If not, please leave a comment or PM me.

First off, yes, that was the last chapter of PHS. Sorry if you wanted more, but I just had nothing left to add to it. There were quite a few reasons for this, which I will be addressing here.

This, as you may know, was my first story. Ever. I had no experience writing this, no one helping me with this, no structure, nothing. I had the first few chapters planned out, but then I just began to wing it. That was why there were some things in the story that didn't reappear much; there was no idea to build off of for it. Despite this, you guys seemed to like it. Like, alot. Again, thank you for the support. But you guys liked what I was writing on here, which I was honestly not expecting.

Also, this story hasn't been my main focus for a long time. After December, I got pretty burned out for writing. I had ideas when I couldn't write and had nothing when I could. I also had alot of stuff going on in my life, hence the long breaks between some chapters. The story just had to take the backburner after a while. Sorry for making you guys wait it out, I wish I hadn't but it just sort of... Happened.

Also, the creativity got sort of drained out, which will be spoken of in a second. But I was basically trying to just finish the story after a while, which is not the mentality I should have, but I did. I felt like the story just got a bit shallow and that there was little to expand on after a while.

Now, the fun stuff. Where did my creativity go? Well...

I have had a ton of other stories that I have been thinking of. Many of them will be on hold until later, when I feel like I have become more experienced to write them. My new project, however, will be ready at some point. It barely has the foundation put up, and I need a bit of time before that comes out. School starts back this week, and so do sports, so no telling when it is going to come out. Stay tuned to my profile for further news on it. It will not be Pokemon (I know, I know, sadness everywhere), but hopefully it will do well.

Thank you guys for understanding. I hope to see you guys soon. Until then, just keep doing what you're doing. Momentai~
                                  Eevee AKA Zach

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