Chapter 2: Cannot Be Helped

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At lunch, it was about as talkative as normal; the guys arguing over the stupidest of subjects while making fun of Ash in between, while the girls all learned about their new acquaintance. May had alot of friends at her table: Misty, Lyra, Leaf, and Serena. Misty was a redhead with a personality to match. She wore a yellow tank top, blue shorts, and had a bag around her shoulder. Lyra had a maroon-colored vest with a matching white and maroon visor, skinny jeans, and pigtails. Leaf had a white hat, a blue sleeveless shirt, and white cargo shorts. Serena, who was gawking at Ash throughout the time period, had long, honey hair, a pink and black hat, a gray sleeveless with a white collar, and a long red skirt.

In the midst of the girl's conversation, May's phone vibrated in her bag. She looked at the message from Drew widemouthed, shocked by the text her boyfriend had sent her. She looked up to see Drew and Gary smirking over at her. She motioned for Misty to have a peek, causing Misty to grin as she turned to Dawn.

"Wow," Misty said, "It looks like you're doing something right!" May giggled slightly, but stopped in an attempt to not be rude. Dawn tilted her head as she stared at the two girls, perplexed by the comment.

"Er, come again?" she questioned, unaware of the message on May's phone. May passed it over to her, allowing her to read the message.

Turns out Ash likes the new girl! Not lying!

Dawn clenched her fist in anger. Of all things to happen on her first day at Elora, this was not one she expected or wanted. She just wanted to make it through the day. She turned her head to the direction the girls were looking and saw a table with three boys: two fist-bumping, and the other typing something on his phone, his cap covering the top of his face. May's phone buzzed again, causing all the girls to look at the new message. Surprisingly, it was not from Drew, but Ash.

Drew is lying, I don't like her.

Dawn stared in silence as the girls chattered on. Misty and May went on about their normal conversations, while the others gave Dawn advice. Leaf told Dawn to just ignore the messages; growing up with Gary, she knew how irritating him and Drew can get. Lyra made comments of how Ash would be a good boyfriend for Dawn, which she happily blocked out. Serena whined about how lucky Dawn was, since the former had a crush on Ash since she was still a young girl before moving to Elora. Like Lyra, Dawn blocked her out too.

By the end of the school day, Dawn was exhausted. She had made more friends than what she had hoped, which was pretty good. But she just wanted to go home and forget the events of the day. She chatted with the girls as they got their Pokemon from the field. Dawn and Misty went to the lake to get their Water Pokemon. Dawn had a Piplup, a Penguin Pokemon, and Misty had Marill, a Aqua Mouse Pokemon. May, Serena, Lyra, and Leaf had their Pokemon laying under a tree; May's Skitty, a Cat Pokemon, Serena's Fennekin, a Fire Fox Pokemon, Lyra's Chikorita, a Plant Pokemon, and Leaf's Bulbasaur, a Bulb Pokemon. The Pokemon were excited to see their masters, and the boys' reacted the same. Ash's Pikachu, an Electric Mouse Pokemon, squealed with joy upon seeing Ash. Gary's Eevee, a Fox Pokemon, ran to it's trainer's side and wagged it's tail. Drew's Absol, the Disaster Pokemon, slowly walked to his side, ready to go home.

All were going to leave, but May and Misty broke away from their group to talk to the guys. And they didn't seem too happy.

"Hey, May. How are things?" Drew said innocently. The smooth talk didn't work. "We're gonna talk about earlier. Privately." May growled. This was a very different side to the happy-go-lucky girl Dawn had witnessed earlier.

The two girls walked off, pushing the guys along with them, leaving Ash and Pikachu by themselves. Surprisingly, the duo didn't seem to mind. Ash went on as if nothing had happened, Pikachu resting on his shoulder. Dawn continued to walk, Piplup in her arms. She went along with the other three, who clearly showed more reaction than Ash did. Leaf looked worried that her brother was in the conversation, looking at Bulbasaur with sorrowful eyes. Lyra and Serena continued to gossip, but Serena was barely paying attention. She was too busy glancing at Ash, clearly enjoying it from the mild blush on her face.

"So Dawn," Lyra said suddenly, "what road do you live on? It oughta be close, since you aren't taking a bus," While there were buses, the group never used them; their houses were within walking distance of the school, as was Dawn's.

"It's on Sevida Road," Dawn answered. Lyra frowned. "We live on Dinar Lane," she responded. Serena nodded, still glancing back at Ash with a smug look on her face. "Me, Gary, Misty, and Ash all live on Vigis Road. We have to go through there to get to Sevida," Leaf said, finally joining the conversation.

Eventually, Serena and Lyra drifted off toward their home, while the remaining three continued their walk, Ash still behind the girls. Clearly, Misty and May's conversation was dragging on, as they still were not in view. Leaf's house was one of the first on the road, so she waved goodbye to Dawn as she entered the house.

"Pip," Piplup said, waving it's flipper toward Ash, who was not paying any mind to it. Dawn sighed, realizing what Piplup wanted her to do.

"Hey," she yelled out, " can you walk with me?" Ash was brought to and hesitated before responding. "Yeah," he called out before sprinting over to her, Pikachu running alongside him.

"Hi," he started, "I'm Ash. Dawn, right?" Dawn nodded. The two began to talk, learning things about one another. It turned out that Ash had moved multiple times, even going to Sinnoh, where Dawn was from. The two waved goodbye, and their Pokemon did likewise. When Dawn finally got home, she stopped at the door. Piplup blinked at her before realizing. Dawn couldn't stop smiling.

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